
Success for animals! Port Moody bans mobile petting zoos

The Vancouver Humane Society, the BC SPCA, and allies in the Lower Mainland are celebrating a big win for animals as Port Moody prohibits mobile petting zoos!

Port Moody City Council voted to prohibit mobile live animal programs, which transport animals for human entertainment, on January 21st.

Media coverage

Why ban mobile petting zoos?

Mobile petting zoos pose many animal welfare concerns:

  • Transportation to different locations can be an inherently stressful process for many species.
  • The animals used in these zoos are typically transported and kept in undersized cages or units that may also lack other elements they need to engage in important natural behaviours, like appropriate substrate and enrichment items.
  • Animals can develop chronic stress and health issues as a result of disrupted eating, sleeping, and drinking patterns, and from being exposed to unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells and human handling and interactions. 

Read or watch more about this win for animals in the articles below!

CBC News

“These events really perpetuate the notion that animals are here for our entertainment, which is certainly not a message we should be teaching children,” Emily Pickett said in an interview televised on CBC News.

Watch video

Tri-City News

Petting zoos and other live animal programs not welcome in Port Moody

Port Moody, B.C., will adopt a corporate policy banning mobile live animal programs from operating on public or private land in the city.

“Thursday, the BC SPCA and VHS lauded Port Moody’s decision.

‘The BC SPCA is thrilled to see local governments like the City of Port Moody make progressive policy decisions to enhance animal welfare in their communities,’ said Nadia Xenakis, the BC SPCA’s wild animal welfare specialist, in a news release.”

Read article

Podcast: A look back at a good life for animals

All episodes

What does a good life look like for animals?

In this month’s episode of The Informed Animal Ally, we look back through the show’s second season, which delved into what good welfare looks like for animals and how we can all help improve animal well-being.

Is my pet happy?

A happy bully breed dog lies in the grass outdoors

The first episode of this series, Is my pet happy?, was released in March 2023. This episode looked at companion animal behaviour, emotional “tells”, and the many facets that make up a good life for domestic cats and dogs.

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How to train your dog or cat

A dog heels at their guardian's side and looks up happily.

The second episode in this series, How to train your dog or cat, was released in April 2023. The episode looks at the concept of training: How it is important to improve the well-being of animals cared for by humans, the science behind different training techniques, and how to create positive experiences for animals during training.

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Do pigs really like mud? And other farmed animal behaviours

A group of pigs walk through the mud outside

The third episode in this series is entitled Do pigs really like mud? And other farmed animal behaviours. The episode, released in May 2023, looks at how different species of farmed animals express their natural behaviours and how they build a good life for themselves when they are free to do so. It also touches on how the modern animal agriculture system prevents animals from expressing these behaviours.

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How can you help wildlife?

A moose rests in the grass

The final episode in this series, How can you help wildlife?, came out in June 2023. This discussion looks at the many ways wild animals are impacted by human activities, both in their natural habitats and in captivity, and how we can each make a difference in wild animals’ lives by focussing on compassionate conservation and minimizing the harmful impacts of human behaviour and infrastructure on wildlife.

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Next episode

Please join us next month as we discuss the last year of animal advocacy.


Port Moody could soon ban mobile petting zoos

Is it time to ban petting zoos in Port Moody?

A report being presented to Port Moody councillors on Tuesday, Jan. 21, says mobile live animal programs have little educational value

“Petting zoos and other mobile displays featuring live animals could soon be banned in Port Moody.”

Last week, a representative from the Vancouver Humane Society attended a Port Moody City Council meeting to speak in support of a ban on mobile petting zoos, following a presentation from the BC SPCA recommending a ban.

Mobile petting zoos pose many animal welfare concerns:

  • Transportation to different locations can be an inherently stressful process for many species.
  • The animals used in these zoos are typically transported and kept in undersized cages or units that may also lack other elements they need to engage in important natural behaviours, like appropriate substrate and enrichment items.
  • Animals can develop chronic stress and health issues as a result of disrupted eating, sleeping, and drinking patterns, and from being exposed to unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells and human handling and interactions. 

A report will be presented to council’s governance and legislation committee on Tuesday, January 21, recommending restrictions on mobile live animal programs in the city.

The VHS has reached out to City Council with further recommendations to help ensure exemptions do not compromise the well-being of animals.

Read the article
Speak up for exotic animals

End fur farming in Canada (Federal e-petition)


This petition is now closed. Thank you to the 7,058 people who spoke out against inhumane fur farming!

Photo: We Animals

  • The Vancouver Humane Society is joining The Fur-Bearers and other organizations across Canada in calling for a national prohibition on fur farming in Canada. 
  • Fur farming causes significant animal suffering and poses serious risks to public health and the environment for the sake of luxury fashion items.
  • More than 20 countries have already banned fur farming or introduced legislation to do so in the coming years.
  • A new federal e-petition, launched by The Fur-Bearers, calls on the Canadian government to ban fur farming for all animal species across the country.

TAKE ACTION: Canadian residents can sign the official parliamentary e-petition until January 27, 2025. After you sign, be sure to click the link in the confirmation email so your signature is counted.

Petition updates
Learn more

Call on the Canadian government to ban cruel fur farming

Join the Vancouver Humane Society, The Fur-Bearers, MP Gord Johns, and other organizations in urging the federal government to end fur farming across Canada. 

Sign the federal e-petition on the Parliament of Canada website before January 27, 2025, at 6:48 a.m. PST

Important: After you sign the petition, be sure to check your email and click the confirmation link to ensure your signature is counted.  

Petition updates

Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media

Inhumane fur farming persists in Canada despite widespread opposition

There are close to 100 fur farms left in Canada. Animal species that are farmed for their fur include mink, fox, wolves, bobcats, lynxes and chinchillas

Although British Columbia banned mink fur farming in 2021, farming other species for their fur is still allowed in the province. There are currently no prohibitions at the national level

Polling from 2024 revealed that 78% of Canadians and 81% of British Columbians are against killing animals for their fur. 

Animal welfare concerns

On fur farms, animals are kept in small, wire cages for the entirety of their lives, depriving them of the ability to engage in natural behaviors typical in the wild. This can lead to stress, stereotypic behaviors, and self-mutilation.

Warning: The following video contains graphic footage. Viewer discretion is advised.

Inside Canada’s Fur Farms

Over the past several months, The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals obtained footage from inside Canada’s fur farms. This second video shows never-before-seen images of fox and mink suffering in deplorable conditions. Please join us and take the pledge to #MakeFurHistory at

Public health risks

Animals confined in fur farms have been shown to be hosts for zoonotic diseases. For example, during COVID-19, deadly outbreaks were seen in fur farms globally, including locally in the Fraser Valley. Millions of animals were culled in an attempt to control the spread of the virus.

Environmental degradation

Manure runoff from large industrial fur farms pollutes nearby soil and bodies of water, threatening local animal populations, humans, and ecosystems. 

Petition updates

Visit to learn more about The Fur-Bearers’ campaign to ban fur farming across Canada and the organizations that have signed on in support.


Animal cruelty alleged in undercover video from B.C. pig slaughterhouse

Photo: Animal Justice via The Chilliwack Progress

Animal cruelty alleged in undercover video from Chilliwack pig-processing plant

Footage timed for release by Animal Justice just before Christmas, alleges pigs were ‘left in agony, cut open while still alert and conscious’

New undercover footage reportedly filmed at a B.C. slaughterhouse shows horrific animal suffering and violations of slaughter regulations.

The footage, made public by Animal Justice, was allegedly filmed by a whistleblower at the Chilliwack-based Johnston’s Meats facility.

The disturbing footage shows frightened and panicked pigs being inhumanely handled, including:

  • Animals being improperly stunned before having their throats cut, being hung upside down to bleed out while conscious, and then placed into a scalding tank of boiling water.
  • Multiple animals appear to show signs of consciousness after being electrocuted, which is required to render them fully unconscious for the rest of the slaughter process.
  • In some clips, workers are seen slitting still-conscious pigs’ throats and electrocuting them multiple times.
Read the article
Speak up for farmed animals

Where animals from family farms go to die

The investigation into Johnston’s Meats facility offers a look into the horrific realities of animals killed for meat that is marketed as “proudly local”.

This small-scale, provincially-licensed slaughterhouse kills approximately 500 pigs per day, arriving from family farms around the Fraser Valley. Pig meat from this facility can be found at local grocery stores and butcher shops.

It is another devastating reminder that labels such as local, family run, and small-scale are not indicators of good welfare conditions for animals.

Latest in a series of undercover investigations in B.C.

Over the past decade, near-annual investigations at farms and slaughterhouses have uncovered recurring welfare problems in British Columbia’s animal agriculture industry.

Patterns have emerged over years of investigations that reveal:

  • Cruelty is endemic in animal agriculture industry
  • Repercussions are not enough to prevent companies from being repeat offenders
  • Animals are treated as products, not beings

Read about the past ten years of animal cruelty investigations in the province.

Investigations timeline
Speak up for farmed animals

Take action

Following growing concerns about the state of farmed animal welfare in B.C., an advisory committee tasked with reviewing the province’s farmed animal welfare framework has presented its recommendations to the Ministry of Agriculture. The report aligns with many of the recommendations that the VHS and other animal protection organizations have long been calling for.

Join the VHS in urging decision-makers to prioritize next steps to better protect farmed animals in B.C.


Podcast: The importance of research in animal advocacy

All episodes

Research plays a crucial role in animal advocacy, helping to make decisions, measure impacts, and infludence policy-makers.

This month’s episode of The Informed Animal Ally discusses how research is used in animal advocacy, particularly polling, surveys, and reports. The episode expoles why collecting this kind of data is important, the ways we can use it in our advocacy work, and examples from the Vancouver Humane Society’s recent research.

Read the VHS’s reports

Note: This written discussion has been edited for length.

How survey data is helpful

Chantelle: First, Amy, I was wondering if you could share a little bit about what we’re talking about when we discuss surveys. What kinds of questions are asked and how are those answers useful when we’re talking about animal advocacy?

Amy: Yeah, there’s a lot of different data that can be gathered from surveys.

  • You can learn about what people think. We kind of frame that as public opinion, but that can also take into account, for example, how people feel about the their pets.
  • You can also measure public behaviour. So you can get a sense of what people are actually doing with their time and their money.
  • And then you can gather demographic data. Demographic data gives more context to the polling data.

Public opinion questions

Amy: When you think about what people think, that helps you have a sense of how people are falling on a scale. And when you’re trying to shift attitude, when your goal is to change the way people think about things, then you can use that public opinion polling to get a gauge whether you’ve been successful.

You can do that on a micro scale with a small community if you’re targeting ads and trying to get a sense of what’s happening in Vancouver, or you can compare that to a national audience, you can see growth based on a campaign and measure that against an area that hasn’t had that campaign.

One example of this is a Research Co. survey that asked, would you say you’re in favor or opposed to each of the following: eating animals, using animals in rodeo, killing animals for their fur.

You can take that data to decision makers, politicians and business owners when advocating for change. And that shows what the public opinion is when it comes to a practice that harms animals.

It is the most useful data for the government because they care about what the people who vote for them think.

Public behaviour questions

Amy: Other polling data, such as public behaviours, can be useful for decision makers as well. However, it has a different effect.

An example is a survey about people’s eating habits and dietary choices, or a question about if you’ve been to the zoo in the past year.

If people are eating less meat on their own, we can bring that to a city to say, as they’re creating their food budget, they could make more accessible plant-based options available in their parks, because we have evidence that people are eating less meat and wanting more plant-based food available.

Demographic questions

Amy: When it comes to the demographic data, it really helps give context.

Particularly when you’re trying to decide what’s the most valuable audience to target, you can identify that with demographic data. You can say, okay, this is the audience that’s moving in this direction already. So there’s already some peer support.

Maybe let’s concentrate our efforts on this audience to create an overall societal shift.

Chantelle: Thank you so much for that great overview of the kinds of surveys that are helpful for animal advocacy work and how.

VHS survey: Plant-based eating beliefs and behaviours around

Overhead photo of a group of young adults sharing a family style plant-based meal from a coffee table

Chantelle: We at the Vancouver Humane Society have commissioned quite a few surveys over the past three years, and we’d like to share how they’ve been helpful for our work.

Plant-based eating survey

One example is the VHS commissioned a poll on plant-based eating habits and opinions in the Lower Mainland of B.C. in December, 2022.

You can hear more about this poll in depth in our episode from July, 2023, which is called Will plant-based become the norm?

Podcast: Will plant-based become the norm?

A lot of things came out of this survey. First of all, it informed our advocacy work by telling us people’s biggest motivations for reducing their consumption of animal products.

The top motivator for eating less meat and animal products was personal health, and then the cost of foods and the environment were tied, and then animal well-being.

We also collected data about people’s eating habits. That told us how many servings of various animal products people are actually eating each month. For instance, most people are eating 7 to 17 servings of eggs, but they’re eating less than 4 servings of fish.

From that, we created an impact report that specifically looked at the impact an average person could make in the Lower Mainland.

We found that by switching 100 percent of their diet to plant-based foods for one year, one person could save the amount of emissions it takes to power a home for six months, and they could also save about $600 a year.

By switching just 25 percent of their diet, they could save the carbon that’s sequestered by a quarter acre of forested land, and they could also save about $156 a year.

How much can you save on your grocery bill eating plant-based? #shorts

A recent cost-benefit analysis was conducted to determine how much an individual could save if shifting all or part of their diet to plant-based. What were the results? More info:

So we were able to share the findings from that survey and the report in a plant-based advocacy campaign, which included billboards across Vancouver, a series of videos on social media, and a press release that was covered in 23 media outlets.

We also continue to use the results from that survey to inform our plant-based advocacy work and reach more people with accessible plant-based foods.

As we’ve mentioned, this area of advocacy has the potential to make a huge impact for animals.

In 2023, 859 million land animals were killed for food in Canada. If we can convince people who are eating animal products to switch even just one day a week to plant-based foods, we can save almost 123 million land animals every year, plus an estimate of more than 1.4 billion aquatic animals.

It would also make a huge difference in decreasing the demand for industrial animal agriculture, which forces more animals into a smaller space for greater output. It’s what many know as factory farming, where many of the greatest harms to animals happen on an almost unimaginable scale.

Start your plant-based journey with Veganuary

Amy: The nice thing about survey data is it takes big concepts and you can condense them to a simple phrase and assess where people are at. you can make that available to the public and they will likely have an opinion on it.

When you present that information, it gets people thinking about themselves and their habits.

VHS surveys: Calgary Stampede

Calf roping event at The Calgary Stampede. Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media.

Amy: The VHS commissioned three surveys on the Calgary Stampede in the past three years.

Removing rodeo and chuckwagons from the Calgary Stampede would have virtually no impact on attendance

Amy: The first survey in 2022 found that removing the rodeo and chuckwagons from the Calgary Stampede would have virtually no impact on attendance and would actually bring in some new crowds.

64 percent of Calgarians had attended or planned to attend that year, and 63 percent said they would attend without the rodeo.

24 percent of non-attendees from that year said said that they would attend if the animal events were dropped.

Bringing that forward to council helps them to see that there is a wider audience that could be reached by the Stampede.

That has effects on marketing. The Stampede is essentially a public event, and it’s a profit driven entity in that they are looking to bring in money into the city. People stay at hotels and go to the music shows.

If they can bring more people in and join the Stampede, they have incentive to do that for tourism purposes.

2022 Calgary Stampede poll

2024 polls show support for animal events dropped this year

Amy: In 2024, we conducted a poll gauging support in Calgary, Alberta, and across Canada.

We then monitored the Stampede and shared information with the media about animal deaths and incidents this year, which turned out to be the deadliest year of animal events since 2019 with four deaths.

That was really impactful, and we made sure to share that impact with the media.

We also ran a campaign to raise awareness about the harms caused by rodeo and chuckwagon races online.

The polling that we did after the Stampede showed a drop in support for all events amongst Canadians. A majority of the Calgarians opposed one of the five events listed in the survey in February, but that jumped to four out of five in July.

In both groups, opposition to government funding of rodeo events increased. And the increase was really sharp in Calgary, where opposition to funding rose from 51 percent to 67 percent.

So we got from half the population to two thirds opposed to government funding these rodeo events. That speaks to people making decisions based on what voters think.

2024 Calgary Stampede poll

These results were shared on social media in an op-ed published in the Daily Hive, as well as with city council in Calgary.

Without this data, we would not know if our campaigns were effective. The outcome has value, and not just an internal value; there’s that external value of sharing the information as well.

VHS survey: Animals in captivity

Amy: I’ll move on to talking about a captivity poll. In 2022, we did a poll on public opinion about animals in captivity in B.C.

The outcome was pretty remarkable. We found that 89 percent of British Columbians are opposed to the international trade of wild and exotic animals to be kept in permanent captivity in zoos and aquariums.

This was shared in media stories and a letter to the province of British Columbia calling for changes to the Controlled Alien Species Act, which allows exotic animals to be imported.

It’s amazing to think about all the animals kept in captivity solely for human entertainment, and the general population is not on board with that.

People were split fairly evenly on actually keeping animals and zoos and aquariums for entertainment and education: 49 percent in favour and 44 percent were opposed. And that really helped us inform our outreach campaign, realizing there is some thought to the education and entertainment value of animals in zoos.

While we understand the suffering animals experience doesn’t balance with the entertainment and education value, we need to shift public opinion.

We can do another poll to see if we’ve changed that once we’ve done another campaign. So it’s really nice to benchmark those things over time to see if we can shift public opinion and influence policy decisions to match the knowledge and science we have.

Captivity poll

Chantelle: I’m really interested to see the future of public opinion on this because I think there’s a lot of messaging around zoos that they have a lot of educational value, but the evidence shows people don’t learn more from going to see animals at a zoo than they would just learning about animals from home or going for a walk through the forest.

So I think that there’s a lot of potential to help people learn about ways that they can become educated about animals and animal well-being without causing animals to suffer because they’re sitting in a cage in captivity.

VHS survey: Animal knowledge and interests

Chantelle: I wanted to talk about a survey from this year, which was a poll of BC residents gauging people’s general knowledge and interests around animal topics.

This survey is really interesting because it’s going to be used to inform our work on a wider scale in the coming years to raise awareness on the care and well being of animals and also to advocate for changes that will prevent animal suffering in public policy.

Some key findings:

56.4 percent of British Columbians live with at least one companion animal.

Most British Columbians are interested in five of the topics that we asked about in our survey:

  • Interacting with and protecting wildlife.
  • Welfare concerns around farmed animals.
  • How to care for pets, like grooming and food.
  • Welfare concerns around animals in captivity in zoos and aquariums.
  • How to train pets – that’s not necessarily just trick training, it’s really things that influence the well-being of companion animals on a day to day basis, like how can we desensitize an animal to the sound of fireworks that really stresses them out, or how can we make it easier for them to go through care items like grooming or to have a positive experience of a walk outside.

We found that 12 percent of people were flexitarian, 9 percent were vegetarian, and 2 percent were vegan.

We asked about what actions folks have taken for animals in the past six months, and we found that almost half of people who were surveyed had taken at least one of the actions that we listed.

The top ones were things like reading or watching news information about animals, donating to animal organizations, or signing petitions.

And we also asked about which resources people consider useful when they’re learning about a new topic. The top answers were websites, YouTube, and TV news stories.

That survey is going to help us understand current public behaviours around animal welfare and attitudes around animal well-being. It’ll determine the most popular topics surrounding animal well-being and advocacy so that we can share information about those. And it will also determine the most effective platforms where we can reach people regarding animal topics.

Behaviours, interests & values survey

Qualitative research

An elderly man holds a cat; companion animals are an important part of many Canadian families

Amy: I wanted to share qualitative studies and non-public polling.

We’ve partnered with research institutions to do interviews with people who accessed care for their pets in a time of an emergency, post-COVID. We looked at financial impacts on low income individuals.

Another survey or study that we did was looking at people who work in the trauma-informed sector and getting a sense of how they operate in that sector and what their attitudes are towards burnout.

We interviewed people in the shelter sector, animal enforcement and leadership in those and looked at what the differences were and then put together a report.

Out of that research we created a training program on trauma-informed care in the animal service sector. The training program is free for anyone to take online to look at how to make the work that they do more trauma-informed.

We’re advocating for more trauma informed care of people, which we know will have a positive impact on the animals that people care for. So even though it’s not a quick study, it takes longer, the sort of depth of that allows for a much more thorough understanding of the sector and what was needed to create some pretty significant shifts in our own sector and community.

Free training program

We also did a cost-benefit analysis using financial data and municipal purchasing to assess how we could improve the systems where municipalities are purchasing food.

So are there cheaper products that they could replace one for another, that could be as simple as replacing dairy milk with oat milk; replacing beef products with beans and lentils.

The financial benefit of that is huge. And so if we’re looking at a public body accountable to citizens for being financially responsible, we can demonstrate that plant-based products do make a significant impact when it comes to the waste stream, the impact on the environment and the financial choices.

Municipal food purchasing report

So those types of studies, maybe it’s qualitative research, maybe it’s an economic analysis can also have a huge impact when it comes to changing policies.

Chantelle: Yeah, absolutely. One of the major themes I’m noticing as you’re speaking is there’s lots of different avenues to advocate for a better world for animals.

People are not always going to listen to concerns about animal well-being and their experiences. That doesn’t always make an impact with policy-makers. But talking about the financial impacts, the environmental impacts, can reach decision-makers.

We’ve also talked briefly on this show about the concept of One Health, One Welfare. That’s the interconnectedness of all these pieces; the well-being of humans, animals, the environment impact each other.

For instance, more trauma-informed services for people with companion animals has a really positive impact on the actual lives of those companion animals as well.

The importance of reliable data

Amy: It’s so important to make sure with surveys we’re getting accurate data that’s as unbiased as possible in terms of how we’re asking the questions.

Obviously, we know people themselves are biased and that’s the whole point, but when we use this information to speak with decision-makers, we want those to be well-informed recommendations and make sure we’re also sharing accurate information with the public.

When we’re conducting surveys about public opinion or behaviour, we use reputable companies like Research Co. and Angus Reid Institute to help with that. And when we’re working with public institutions like universities, we’re making sure that the process is going through an entire evaluation within the university that meets their standards.


Support the Vancouver Humane Society and save on amazing plant-based deals!

The Vancouver Humane Society has partnered with Plant Curious, Vancouver’s First 100% Plant-Based Deals Site, to help raise funds and give our community an amazing discount! 

Plant Curious offers an annual membership with exclusive deals at the best vegan-friendly restaurants in Vancouver. Think Buy 1 Get 1 Free, Free Appetizers, and $20 Off Entire Menus, with new deals added every single month!

Most Plant Curious Deals save you $10-$25.

Here’s the best part:

  • Use promo code VHS when signing up, and you’ll save $10 on your annual membership, bringing the cost down to just $19.95 for the year!
  • Plus, Plant Curious will also donate 💚 $10 from memberships using the code VHS to the Vancouver Humane Society!

Copy promo code: VHS

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This is a fantastic way to:
✔️ Support animals
✔️ Discover Vancouver’s most delicious vegan options
✔️ Enjoy exclusive deals that only Plant Curious Members have access to.

Sign up now at and help make a difference while enjoying the best plant-based eats in the city.

This offer is only available in January, so sign up now!

P.S. You can save more than $19.95 with just one Plant Curious Deal. It’s an easy choice for anyone who enjoys plant-based food and lives near Vancouver. 🥳

Thanks Plant Curious for the special discount and financial support!


Exotic animals: wildlife, not pets

  • Exotic, non-domesticated animals are being caught, bred, and sold across Canada as part of the inhumane and risky wildlife trade.
  • These animals are then kept as pets, sold commercially, and used at events.
  • Captive environments cannot replicate exotic wild animals’ natural habitats, leading to welfare concerns.
  • The wildlife trade poses a risk to wild animal populations both at home and abroad due to poaching of animals for the pet trade and release of exotic animals into the local ecosystems.

Can you take action to speak up for wild exotic animals caught, bred, and sold in the wildlife trade?

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Issues with captive exotic animals

It’s estimated that 1.4 million exotic animals (non-domesticated, non-native animals) are kept as pets across Canada. This includes species like ball pythons, bearded dragons, red ear slider turtles, savannah cats, and crested geckos. Across the Canadian provinces and territories, British Columbia comes in fourth for exotic pet ownership.

Exotic animals may be:

  • kept as pets in people’s homes;
  • bred and sold commercially; or
  • used for public display or entertainment at events.

Welfare concerns

Regardless of whether these animals are wild-caught or captive-bred, they retain their complex social, physiological, and behavioural needs that they would have in the wild.

This makes it impossible to fully meet their unique needs when kept captive as pets, which can lead to significant animal welfare issues and suffering.

Public health risks

The exotic pet trade also poses public health and safety risks.

Stressed animals are more susceptible to disease and to spreading disease to humans. In fact, 75% of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic (transmitted from non-human animals to humans).

Impact on wild animal populations

The exotic pet trade is also a major threat to wild populations, as a result of the poaching of wild animals to be sold into the pet trade.

The accidental or intentional release of exotic animals into the wild can also have a negative impact on native species and local ecosystems.

Exotic pet events

Exotic pet events, where animals are on display for public entertainment or are being sold, highlight many of the animal welfare, public health, and safety issues associated with the exotic pet trade. These wild animals are:

  • kept in cramped and unnatural containers;
  • transported to and from events; and
  • handled by adults and children in a noisy environment.

Will you help stop the suffering by signing up to receive action alerts? You will be contacted with key actions to help protect exotic animals.

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Urge Metro Vancouver to prioritize plant-based in updated food strategy


The feedback period for the Metro Vancouver Regional Food Strategy is now closed. Thank you to all who spoke up for a plant-forward future!

  • The Metro Vancouver Regional Food Strategy aims to create a sustainable, resilient, and healthy food system across 21 municipalities, an electoral area, and a treaty First Nation.
  • Metro Vancouver is updating the Regional Food System Strategy for the first time since 2011 and is seeking public input.  
  • This is an important opportunity for Metro Vancouver residents and food system stakeholders to advocate for a shift toward more humane, healthy and sustainable plant-based food production and consumption across the region. 

TAKE ACTION: If you’re a Metro Vancouver resident, your input is needed to help advocate for an updated strategy that prioritizes less animal-based products and more plant-based foods. Share your feedback in the online survey before the deadline of December 31, 2024.

Fill out the online survey
Questions and key points

Call for plant-based policies to be included in Metro Vancouver’s Regional Food System Strategy

If you are a Metro Vancouver resident, fill out the short survey before the December 31st deadline. 

Scroll down to review the main questions asked and key points to consider in your submission. 

Express your thoughts in your own words as much as possible, as duplicate responses may not be accepted. 

Fill out the online survey

Survey questions and tips

Below are the main questions included in the Metro Vancouver survey. Click on each key point for tips and context to help answer the questions in your own words.

1. What changes have you seen in the regional food system over the last 10 – 15 years?

(Examples: changes to imports/exports, climate considerations, community changes, consumer habits, costs, etc.)

Growing public awareness and concern about the impact of animal-based foods…

on the environment, health, and animal welfare, resulting in more people reducing their consumption of animal products.

  • A 2022 survey of Lower Mainland Residents found that 65% of respondents have reduced their consumption of animal products. 
  • A 2019 survey found that 25% of B.C. residents have tried a vegetarian diet, compared to the national average of 18%.
  • A 2018 survey found that almost 40% of British Columbians aged 35 and under follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, more than three times higher than the national average. 
Increased demand for plant-based foods/beverages…

and more products being offered in stores, restaurants, etc.

  • A 2022 survey found that 65% of respondents in the Lower Mainland would eat more plant-based meals if there were more tasty options available when going out to eat. 
Scientific research and experts urging all levels of government to support food system change…

…toward plant-based eating patterns.

  • Growing awareness that the type of food plays a much larger role in a food’s overall carbon footprint than the distance it travels. Previously, much of the focus has been on prioritizing local food, but it’s also increasingly important that plant-based food be incorporated into food system strategies. 
  • Food system change, including shifting toward plant-based diets, is necessary to meet global climate targets and stay below 2 degrees of global warming. 
  • In the City of Vancouver, nearly 98% of the ecological footprint of food comes from the land and energy used for growing and producing it, particularly red meat and dairy products. 
Government acknowledgement and action around the need for food system change…

toward more plant-based foods. 

  • The City of Vancouver passed a motion declaring the various social, economic, and environmental benefits of plant-based procurement. 
  • The District of North Vancouver passed a motion to ensure plant-based options are included and prioritized at municipal events, meetings, and other gatherings where the District purchases food. 
Public support for government action…

…including meat reduction efforts incorporated into government strategies. 

  • In a 2022 survey of Lower Mainland residents, 58% of respondents would support shifting government subsidies from animal-based food production to plant-based food production. 
  • 60% of survey respondents would support including animal production-reduction efforts into local, provincial and federal climate, health and animal welfare strategies. 

Are there any other food system-related changes or trends you’ve noticed in the Lower Mainland over the last decade? 

2. What do you think the role of Metro Vancouver should be in the implementation of a regional food system strategy?

(Examples: protecting agricultural lands, convening member jurisdiction on specific issues, providing local research and data, public education, etc.) 

As a regional organization, Metro Vancouver and member jurisdictions can prioritize humane, healthy and sustainable plant-based foods across the supply chain.

This could include:

  • Prioritizing and incentivizing plant-based food production and processing.
  • Supporting partnerships that enable businesses, public institutions and others to collaborate on plant-based procurement throughout the region through bulk ordering and supplier connections.
  • Public marketing, education, and promotion around increasing plant-based food consumption, in alignment with the updated Canada Food Guide, which recommends choosing plant-based proteins more often.
  • Supporting more plant-based options in food service, including through public institutions like schools, hospitals and community centers, as well as in catering, corporate programs, and cafeterias.
  • Supporting consumption of more plant-based foods across consumer, corporate, business and institutional levels. 

Are there other food system-related roles you think Metro Vancouver should be involved in? 

3. Is there any other feedback or other information you would like to share?

(Examples: suggestions, priorities, actions programs applied elsewhere, policy recommendations, challenges, resources, etc.) 

Metro Vancouver is uniquely positioned to support a much-needed food system shift towards plant-based food across multiple sectors.

This could include strategies and practices such as: 

  • Promoting and supporting strategies that prioritize plant-based food choices. For example, setting plant-based meals as the default option at events, meetings and municipal facilities.
  • Incentivizing plant-based food production, processing, purchasing and procurement. For example, through municipal food service contracts.
  • Encouraging member jurisdictions to set a target for reducing the volume of animal products purchased at municipal levels and follow the lead of other jurisdictions that have implemented meat reduction and/or plant-forward strategies. 

Are there other food-system related ideas or examples you would like to share? 

Fill out the online survey

Notable Canadians urge Senate to pass bill to ban live horse export for slaughter: Join them

  • In a letter to the Canadian Senate, 30+ Canadian celebrities, 20+ veterinary and animal welfare experts, and more than a dozen animal advocacy organizations have called for an end to the cruel export of live horses abroad for slaughter.
  • Bill C-355, which would ban the cruel practice, got through the House of Commons but has been stalled in the Senate since May.
  • Recent investigations and Japanese government data show the suffering far exceeds what the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) claims.  
  • While the Senate delays action, horses continue to suffer and die as shipments continue.
  • TAKE ACTION: Use the quick action tool below to send a message to Canadian Senators in your province, urging them to move forward with bill C-355 without further delay.

Join Canadian celebrities, experts and advocates in urging the Senate to stop the deadly delay.

Take the quick action to email Canadian Senators

Use the email template below to send a message to Canadian Senators in your province, calling on them to move forward with bill C-355 without further delay.

Tip: For added impact, edit the template message below to personalize your email.

Note: Click here for individual contact info of Canadian Senators.

Canadian icon and multi-platinum artist Jann Arden, along with a host of celebrity signatories including Bryan Adams, Chantal Kreviazuk, Elisha Cuthbert and Queen’s Brian May have penned a letter imploring Canada’s Senate to move forward with Bill C-355, the Prohibition of the Export of Horses by Air for Slaughter Act. The letter (which can be found here) also has strong support from the Canadian acting community, including stars in shows like Star Trek: Discovery, The Handmaid’s Tale, Workin’ Moms, and Heartland.

More than 20 veterinary and animal welfare experts, and more than a dozen animal advocacy organizations have also signed the letter urging senators to study and pass this lifesaving bill, which was passed by the House of Commons in May.

“Since 2006, tens of thousands of terrified horses have been crammed into shoddy wooden crates and flown 8,000 km to their demise, enduring turbulence, thirst and hunger, and abject fear,” said Jann Arden. “To say this practice is inhumane would be an understatement. Canadians want this to end.”

Bill C-355 was introduced last September by federal MP Tim Louis to end the abhorrent practice of shipping horses from Canada overseas to Japan for slaughter. The Bill is being delayed by a handful of Senators and has seen little progress in the Senate since May. The clock is ticking – if the bill is to become law it must pass before the next federal election.

Tens of thousands of Canadians have called and written to Senators, urging them to study and pass the bill. Yet as the legislation remains in limbo, these shipments continue to be sent overseas for slaughter, with horses enduring gruelling journeys. Most shipments appear to go over the legal limit of 28 hours without food, water, and rest.

Shipments continue despite the revelations uncovered through recent investigations by Animal Justice and Japan-based Life Investigation Agency. Based on Government of Japan records, between June 2023 and May 2024 alone, at least 21 horses exported for slaughter died during transport or in the hours and days shortly thereafter.

More than 50 others were injured or became seriously ill during this time. None of these injuries, illnesses, or deaths were reported to Canadian officials.

Bill C-355 reflects a promise made to Canadians during the last federal election, and enjoys broad public support across the political spectrum. With a pending election expected in 2025, Ms. Arden and the letter’s numerous other signatories are gravely concerned about the Senate’s delay in studying and ultimately passing this crucial legislation.

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Learn more

  • Check out Canadian singer-songwriter Jann Arden’s #HorseShit campaign, which aims to end the practice of live horse export for slaughter. 
  • Get an in-depth look at the horse export and slaughter industry, thanks to the work of the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC).
  • Read or listen to and share this episode of The Informed Animal Ally, the VHS’s monthly podcast, featuring guest speaker Sinikka Crosland of the CHDC. 
  • Read and share the op-ed by the VHS and Animal Justice, published in the Daily Hive, to raise awareness about this inhumane industry.

Cover photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition