Financial support for veterinary costs

Looking for help with veterinary bills? Apply to one of VHS’s veterinary assistance programs.

Working toward a humane society for all animals

Farmed animals

Companion animals

Animals in captivity

Animals in entertainment


Trauma-informed training


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Making a kinder world: Because They Matter

Several hundred residents of the Downtown Eastside community visited the Because They Matter table in Pigeon Park on Sunday, July 21, all eager to pick up high-quality supplies for their beloved pets. Event participants also spoke with many pet guardians about accessing the VHS’s free veterinary care assistance program.   Each person who connected with the…

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“Enough is enough”: Fourth animal euthanized in the Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races Take action VANCOUVER, July 14, 2024 – The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is calling for an end to the Calgary Stampede’s inhumane rodeo and chuckwagon races after a fourth animal has died in this year’s events.  In the eighth heat of the races last night, on July 13th, a horse on Obrey Motowylo’s team…

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