
Speak up for animals!

Join us on Tuesday October 20th for an evening of entertainment and learning at our first annual virtual storytelling event!

You can connect with fellow animal lovers in the community, as we hear stories from B.C. based advocates about their journeys through animal protection, animal advocacy and awareness raising.

Our guest speakers include Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) storyteller and ambassador Amanda Nahanee; animal lover and CTV News Vancouver weather anchor Ann Luu; Squamish-local James Slade, a long-time conservationist specializing in the field of law enforcement, having worked in anti-poaching in Southern Africa for 10 years; actor, filmmaker and animal rights activist Katherine Ramdeen, who will share her plant-based journey; and there will be a live freestyle performance from Afro Van Connect, an organization that empowers the voices of African descent youth through conversation, collaboration, creation and performance.

You don’t want to miss it. Purchase your tickets today!


Join our online silent auction Oct 20-26!

We’re holding our first ever online silent auction this fall with more than 60 items available to bid on, all generously donated by local businesses. The auction will run from October 20-26, so be sure to mark your calendar.  

There’s something for everyone in our auction, including: hotel stays and pet food, plants and plant-based gift boxes, clothing and accessories, books and beauty products, mountain biking lessons and yoga classes, just to name a few! The silent auction is the perfect place to purchase unique holiday gifts for loved ones or to treat yourself to something special, and all for a good cause.

The silent auction will provide much needed assistance to improve animal’s lives after our plans for in-person events in 2020 were grounded due to COVID-19 restrictions. All proceeds from the auction will go towards our work for animals.

To browse the items available in the silent auction, click here. To register to receive updates on the items available in our silent auction, and to be notified when the auction starts, please email: If you do not have internet access but would like to participate in the auction, please call Claire Yarnold (604 266 9744), who will register you to place bids via phone.


Daphne’s lucky to be alive

Daphne is precious member of her family.  Her guardian Misty, a single mom, says Daphne loves to cuddle with her six-year-old son, who has a sensory disorder. She’s important to everyone in the family, and a loving dog who loves to entertain everyone with her antics.

She is a great dog, very brave. She is friends with all who know her. I love her like my child and the kids love her so much. I feel lucky to have had this dog in my life for seven years.

Misty, Daphne’s loving owner

Recently, Daphne escaped her backyard, pushing through a loose board in the fence and running out on the road.  She was hit by a car, badly injuring her leg. She required urgent and expensive surgery, but her guardian Misty didn’t have the funds to cover the cost. 

She was in bad shape and we were told that without urgent surgery she’d only have a few days to live.

Fortunately, VHS was able to step in and provide financial assistance through the McVitie Fund, ensuring that Daphne got the treatment she needed.

Could you help today by making a donation to help cover the cost of Daphne’s medical bills?


Sweetheart Salem

Nicky adopted Salem 3 years ago, after seeing a photo of him in a nearby shelter. She took her time getting to know him and getting him to trust her before eventually adopting him.

I wanted to make sure that he was going to pick me, as well as me pick him. Right away he was the sweetest boy once home. He sleeps with me almost every night and knows my moods so well.

Nicky, Salem’s owner

Nicky suffers from severe anxiety and depression; which Salem helps her cope with. He is not only is giving Nicky a reason to get up in the morning but he helps her remember to take her medications too!

Last month Salem started showing signs of illness, and after a visit to the vet, he was diagnosed with a urinary tract blockage. Nicky was told that he needed emergency surgery, costing thousands.

The urinary blockage was so sudden, especially since he’s not a very old cat. He’s had no prior issues.

Knowing she couldn’t afford his surgery, Nicky reached out to VHS and several other organizations for help. She told us that Salem is her sweetheart and she’d be lost without him.

The McVitie Fund, generously funded by VHS supporters, contributed $500 towards Salem’s surgery.

Please consider making a donation today towards the McVitie Fund, to help animals like Salem receive the urgent veterinary care they need. Thank you for your support!


Annie sleeps at Dora’s side every night

The McVitie Fund is always stretched to it’s limits. This week alone, VHS has received more than 18 phone calls from vulnerable individuals in the community looking for help to cover the costs of their companions unexpected veterinary bills.

VHS recently helped sweet little Annie, after her owner Dora reached out. Dora lives alone with Annie, after her husband passed away last year.

“Annie has been my ears for me since 2012 when I started to lose my hearing. I now depend on her at night to let me know if something happens around me. She has always slept with me and wakes me up by barking.”

Dora, Annie’s owner

When Annie started developing eye problems, Dora rushed her to the vet where they confirmed she had eye ulcers that required urgent treatment.

“I am now on disability and no longer able to work as a nurse as I have severe hearing loss. I am asking for help so I can have a few more years with my Annie.”

The McVitie Fund provides a safety net for vulnerable individuals, so they don’t have to give up or unnecessarily euthanize their companion. Could you make a donation today to help Annie and the many other animals in need?


Chance needed surgery for cherry eye

Bev took little Chance in when he was just 6 weeks old. His mom had rejected all of the puppies in her litter and Bev wanted to give this puppy a chance – hence his name!

Since adopting Chance, he has been Bev’s loving companion and best friend.

Recently Chance has developed severe cherry eye, which is at risk of spreading to the second eye. After visiting my vet, I have been told that surgery is the only option, costing almost $400.

Bev, Chance’s owner

Bev is 74 years old and on a pension. The lease on her apartment is coming to an end and she is currently looking for a new place to live that will accept Chance. Finding suitable pet-friendly accommodation can be a daunting task for any of us.

Unexpected veterinary bills can be devastating for individuals who are struggling on low income; that’s why Bev reached out to our McVitie Fund for financial assistance to pay for Chance’s eye surgery.

Could you make a donation today to help cover the cost of Chance’s cherry eye surgery?


Little Champagne urgently needed help

Since Vonette rescued Champagne, this precious pup has served as her support animal and has been a wonderful addition to her life.

When Champagne started having trouble urinating and passing blood one day, Vonette realised something was seriously wrong.

I took her to the emergency clinic at 4am and the vet discovered that she had a blockage in her urethra and a large stone in her bladder.

Vonette, Champagne’s owner

The veterinary services cost Vonette $499; an amount she cannot afford as she is living on disability income.

Champagne was discharged the same day with morphine, and Vonette contacted the McVitie Fund straight away to ask for help with her treatment.

The McVitie Fund assists vulnerable individuals on low or no income with emergency medical costs for their loved and well-cared for pets. This program ensures that animals do not have to be unnecessarily euthanized or surrendered to a shelter.

You can help keep Champagne and Vonette together by making a life-saving donation today towards her care.


Ask the Prime Minister to stop the cruel and dangerous wildlife trade


3,594 individuals used the quick action tool to send a message to the federal government. Prime Minister Trudeau has since committed to curbing the illegal wildlife trade in his 2021 party platform a 2021 Mandate Letter to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Minister Steven Guilbeault.

Update: Partnering for change

We’re working with scientists and organizations across Canada to ask the federal government to take action on the wildlife trade. We signed on to this open letter asking multiple Canadian officials to recognize their role in preventing pandemics in the future.

Photo credit: World Animal Protection – Aaron Gekowski

Why stop the wildlife trade?

Thank you to everyone who supported our petition to the B.C. government calling for tighter regulation of the sale and trade of wild and exotic animals in the province. 

Despite calls from experts to take more action against the global wildlife trade, which scientists believe is the most likely source of Covid-19, there has been virtually no response from Canada. That’s a shame, as there is plenty Canada could do to combat this cruel trade and improve our own safeguards against diseases from imported wildlife.

Now we need your help in urging the federal government to do more to combat the cruel and dangerous wildlife trade.

Canada needs to:

  • Use international forums, such as the United Nations and the G20 to call for a ban on the global wildlife trade.
  • Strengthen Canada’s defences against zoonotic disease from the wildlife trade by prohibiting the import of exotic and wild animals and by improving Canada’s surveillance systems for detecting zoonotic disease.
  • Increase resources for federal agencies such as the Wildlife Enforcement Directorate to prevent the smuggling of wildlife into Canada.

How you can help

Please join us in sending a message to our federal government to do more to end this cruel trade and keep Canadians safe.

This action has now ended

3,594 people used this tool to send an email to decision-makers. Thank you for taking action!


Tell the Greater Vancouver Zoo: If you can’t give animals a better life, don’t keep them.


2,867 individuals used the quick action tool to send a message to the Greater Vancouver Zoo. After the zoo refused to take action to improve life for the animals it currently holds while working toward ending the keeping of captive animals for the sake of public entertainment, VHS launched a campaign calling for a change to provincial regulations.

Animals at the Greater Vancouver Zoo are living lives of boredom and frustration, according to our report.

The report, commissioned by VHS from Zoocheck, found that many animals at the zoo are living in barren, under-sized cages and enclosures that restrict them from engaging in natural behaviours.

The report also says the zoo does not provide adequate behavioural enrichment for the animals. (Behavioural enrichment involves providing animals with a stimulating environment that allows natural activities such as climbing, foraging or digging and also creates physical and cognitive tasks that simulate challenges animals would find in their natural environment.)

We’re calling on the zoo to:

  • develop a comprehensive environmental/behavioural enrichment program for all its animals.
  • stop keeping animals that aren’t suited to B.C.’s climate and those it cannot accommodate in a way that better meet their physical, psychological and social needs.
  • remove or enlarge inadequate, undersized cages.

In the longer term, we think the zoo should stop keeping exotic animals and transition toward becoming a sanctuary for native species.

Please join us in sending a message to the Greater Vancouver Zoo that it needs to improve life for the animals it currently holds while working toward ending the keeping of captive animals for the sake of public entertainment.

This action has now ended

2,867 people used this tool to send an email to decision-makers. Thank you for taking action!


October is Free Wills Month

You can leave a legacy for the animals

Next month we’ll be teaming up with a will writing service to offer our supporters aged 55 and over a unique opportunity to make a will (if you haven’t already) or revise your current will, for free!

The Vancouver Humane Society is participating in Free Wills Month, a campaign that allows you to provide for your loved ones and make a significant contribution to charity, if you choose to do so. There is absolutely no obligation to include a charity in order to participate, however, it’s our hope that you might use this opportunity to let your love of animals live on by helping us to continue our work.

How it works

The campaign pays for simple wills. If your will is more complex, you can pay the participating lawyer for the extra work.

If you’d like to participate or for more information, you can call 888-337-2884 or go to the free wills website – to register. You can contact one of the law firms listed on the website anytime during October to request an appointment. And although the campaign runs from October 1 to October 31, your will does not need to be completed in that timeframe – as long as you have booked an appointment during the month.

How gifts in Wills make a difference

Without the kind gifts that supporters like you leave us in their will, we simply couldn’t be there for all of the animals who need us. Bequests make up two thirds of our fundraising income, allowing us to continue helping animals long into the future. 

By remembering us in your will you ensure the animals are not forgotten.

Thank you for your support.

How will my health be protected when dealing with the participating lawyers?

All of the lawyers taking part in the campaign have arrangements in place to conduct interviews with clients safely while the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Do you run Free Wills Month every year?

We encourage our supporters to take advantage of this special opportunity in 2020, should you wish to create or update your will. Although VHS has been participating in Free Wills Month for the past few years, as our organization evolves we may discontinue this campaign in the future.

For any further questions please email our Development Director Claire Yarnold at: or call 604-266-9744.