
Podcast: Education in animal organizations

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“Only if we understand, can we care. Only if we care, we will help.” – Jane Goodall

In this month’s episode of The Informed Animal Ally, Alistair Schroff of Lakes Animal Friendship Society discusses the importance of education for animal well-being, and other successes, challenges, and opportunities in animal organizations.

Founder, Lakes Animal Friendship Society

Alistair Schroff helped create Lakes Animal Friendship Society with teacher Valerie Ingram and former RCMP officer Hayley Nielsen in 2008. LAFS focusses on education about animal care, compassion and dog bite safety as well as supports for pets from lower-income families including spay / neuter, pet food and all-weather outdoor shelters. Alistair’s roles include community cat trapper, handy person, chauffeur, proposal writer, dishwasher, bookkeeper, and dabbler in children’s book writing.

Note: This written discussion has been edited for length.

Teaching children and beyond about animal care

A happy bully breed dog lies in the grass outdoors

Hi, my name is Alistair Schroff, and I work with a group called the Lakes Animal Friendship Society. Most of our activities are delivered around the town of Burns Lake, which is in the central interior of British Columbia. In talking to you about some of the good, the bad, and the ugly of what we do and what we’ve experienced, I’ll go with two themes, which I hope you’ll find at least somewhat interesting and informative.

First of all, I want to talk about education because that to us is one of the cornerstones that should be in place for any animal welfare group and programs pretty well anywhere that one should care to help animals, their families, and the community.

And on the topic of education, Jane Goodall has a good quote, which goes, only if we understand, shall we care only if we care, shall we help. And only if we help shall all be saved.

And that’s a good little prompt, which basically says we have to know more about what it means to care for animals and even why should we care about animals?

And that’s where education comes in. And that is truly one of our biggest successes as a society.

The Lakes Animal Friendship Society is small with only a few key volunteers. Of course, we get help from others, but it’s a fairly small group. Yet we’ve managed to create education programs that are becoming known as being quite comprehensive and effective in helping children in particular, learn about what it means to be more caring, more compassionate and safe around animals.

And to that end, we’ve created a number of picture books, activity books, things like coloring books and miscellaneous stuff like teaching guides and even how to build dog houses to help animals that might be left out in the cold. So those programs that we’ve delivered are really what we think is our biggest success.

And we are very proud of the thousands of students that we’ve been able to visit directly, often with Valerie Ingram, our volunteer who’s a teacher and who has taken a dog into the classroom and helped kids learn a lot more about what it means to even see that animals have feelings and that their needs are so similar to those of the students and those messages have really helped open the eyes of the students.

And of course, through their communication with their families and them going out into the community, they’ve been little ambassadors of change.

And we are really proud of everything that they’ve done to kind of elevate the care for their own animals and also create a more normalized environment where animals are known to have feelings and are worthy of care. They’re not sort of a misunderstood nuisance or a threat as they were before we started our programs, when they’re coming on to the school yards and stealing children’s lunches because of lack of proper care, overpopulation issues that really come back to a lack of understanding of what animals need and what we can do about it.

Practical resources for people and pets

So in addition to providing these education opportunities, we also were very careful to provide access to the tools to implement that new knowledge. And that was where we’ve had our spay/neuter programs to help animals from lower income families. And we’ve also worked with pet food programs which now we operate in cooperation with the local food bank.

And basically if the children and the families feel that it’s a better thing to have their pet spayed or neutered that they can in turn find access to that service in a manner they can afford and they can actually get it done.

So through those programs, that’s our second big success is the actual results of the education being implemented, the tools being there and actively spaying and neutering over a thousand animals in a fairly short period of time. Offering houses like shelters for animals that could not be brought into the house, even though indoors is best, if they can’t be inside, at least they have proper four season shelter.

And of course, access to the pet food they need. So nobody goes hungry, either the families or the animals themselves.

Making a difference in the community

And what we found is after we implemented our programs for a few years, the results were really, really amazing. And when I say that, I mean impoundments of the local village pound dropped to perhaps 10 percent of what they were before.

And this is a savings of tens of thousands, now adding up into the hundreds of thousands of dollars for the local village for the animal control area. Further to that, and this is really important children not getting bitten by dogs. Often it’s children who suffer dog bites. Often they get bit on the face and it can be very serious.

Many children in Canada have sadly been killed in dog attacks. And we found that after implementing our programs for a few years, that the number of dog bites reported to the local ER dropped to about half of what they were previously. And so that’s many, many more kids that are not being scared, bitten, seriously hurt by dogs, often the family dog, often a friend’s dog.

So it’s a much healthier relationship for all, and we want to keep everybody safe.

And we get encouraging stories, people on the street saying, Oh, they saw some kids that were looking at a dog across the street and they asked their mother, you know, may I please pet the dog or ask their uncle or whichever adult they were with to make sure they had permission, getting permission from the guardian and really implementing the safe behaviour.

So the whole point is to normalize what is helpful and healthful and safe for all. So those are some examples of our successes, but there are some challenges as always. And on the education front it’s been interesting to us.

Challencges in animal organizations

A vet tech pats a dog in an animal shelter

We’ve had some big success, but you know, some slow uptake in our own community, adjacent communities even though our programs have been kind of proven, sometimes education is not given the priority that it should be, and from our experience, not just what we think, but what we know from our programs.

So typically, sheltering gets most of the funding in animal welfare, spay and neuter assistance, those kinds of programs, a lesser amount. Education is by far the most under resourced and under supported, under implemented programs that we see in animal welfare.

And so that continues to be an issue that we see in Canadian and really animal welfare in many places. Education is the last priority and really it needs to be the first.

The other issue we’ve seen is regression as many societies have reported. Very recently we heard Victoria Humane Society and others on Vancouver Island saying what we have found in the interior which is demand for services increased, costs have increased, and we feel a large regression.

And we’re seeing similar types of animal overpopulation, danger, and nuisance to the community. So there is some definite regression there. So that has been a challenge.

COVID has accelerated that, but interestingly, we were seeing the trends before that even. We were a victim of our own success to some extent, because as the overpopulation issue became more under control, then we made a very, very lucrative market for puppy mills and backyard breeders.

So therefore there were hardly any dogs to be found. It’s difficult. There are shelters, but they’re not right in the community. People want easy access to whatever they want. And so in the case of pets, it made a market for backyard breeders and puppy mills.

So that was an unforeseen circumstance. And so therefore we see that you need to have the bylaws, the enforcement tools that don’t seem like a big priority when everything is going well.

And so that is something that we’ve learned and would like to share with others is having good plans in place to keep things on the right track, even while things are going well. So that’s a cautionary note.

Opportunities for the future

Child playing with cat in a home.

On the topic of hope and good things coming for the future, we have had some great success in working with other groups. For example, this activity book was updated and revised in cooperation with the San Diego Humane Society.

We’ve worked with a local translator. And we’ve done similar groups with adjacent community of Prince George and their aboriginal education department producing materials not just, showing diverse communities and northern themes but also even in the local carrier dialect in Burns Lake or the carrier dialect of the Lheidi T’enneh in the Prince George area.

And Veterinarians Without Borders have even translated some of the same materials into Inuktitut for local dialects in the Arctic. So we’ve managed to work with some groups to extend the reach of these education materials and get them out there.

And the adoption of those materials in other parts internationally has far exceeded even in British Columbia or Canada. So we’re very encouraged because ultimately they’re in the hands of children. I want to also talk about other things about partnerships.

So when we talk about encouraging things happening in other aspects of our animal welfare programs, we’re working with a group called the CARE Network out of Tofino. And so we do very similar programs to each other. So we’re working on teaming up and joining forces and making our resources and efforts go further in the areas of animal care, veterinary services, education.

So we both have strengths that we can bring to the table and we need to do more of that as animal welfare groups , find out who is similarly aligned, just go for it. Roll up your sleeves and go to work.

And on the education front, a similar thing, we don’t always have success with the communities that we would like, but if we run into teachers or librarians or homeschoolers or other groups anybody that is sort of aligned with wanting to get resources in the hands of children, we want to support that.

And so if you basically find people who are pushing the same direction as you are, get together, go for it, make it happen. And you might have bigger goals you shouldn’t lose sight of.

A woman by the name of Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, very well spoken, has a great saying which is just because you can’t do everything, don’t do nothing. Do something, anything.

And that means, find out what you can do today that is workable. Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture, but just get to work and do what you can.

Some of you may have seen some YouTube videos of a fellow known as the guerrilla gardener. And he says, you know, you want to help bring a shovel and yeah, that’s the kind of people you want to work with.

People who are ready to make things happen. So find them, get teamed up, make things happen in your communities and yeah, just find out who’s willing to work with you and go for it. And that’s really the essence of Lakes Animal Friendship Society.

And we hope that you will take advantage of the free materials that are available on our website, There’s materials, songs, links to videos, and that’s all available for free. We also have other materials available for order, but you can also contact us for free samples. And also we have worked with groups to get their logos on materials or adapt them like we did with Marika and Vets Without Borders.

There’s some stuff that didn’t quite fit an arctic environment and it was modified to fit. So we love working with folks and getting consistent quality materials out wherever they are needed. And so see what we can do to work with you. So if you have some ideas for translations, changes, whatever, we’ve got the flexibility to do those things and would like to see them in the hands of children and their families.

So being able to give children something tangible that they can take home and share with their families is really important and allows, if you are doing classroom programs, it gives something that the teachers can use and expand on lessons or expand on messages that have been shared and then ultimately go home to share with the whole family which ripples through the community.

So, it’s all about spreading that ripple of care and compassion. So, thank you very much for listening to my very long discussion. And I hope that everybody listening and watching this is enjoying their efforts to help the animals. And even when there are setbacks or problems, you can always dust yourself off and find a new way to get things done.

You just have to keep soldiering on. So thank you and have a lovely day.

Next episode

Please join us next month to learn about successes, challenges, and opportunities from vegan business owners!


Another horse fatality at Hastings Racecourse

On August 9th 2024, a horse named Kiki’s Song of Life was euthanized after sustaining a compound fracture during a timed workout at Vancouver’s Hastings Racecourse. This incident marks the second known horse death at Hastings since the racing season began in April.

Last year, eleven horses died at B.C.’s two racecourses – eight at Hastings and three at Fraser Downs.  

Horses used in the high-pressure racing industry face stress, pain, and risk of injury and death as a result of selective breeding practices, aversive training, high speeds, and the use of painful tools like whips and bits.

The VHS continues to encourage the public to not attend horse races and to take the pledge to reflect their concern for horses.  

Take pledge
2023 incidents

Take the pledge to say no to horse racing

By taking the pledge today, you will reflect your concern about recent race horse fatalities and incidents and to sign up to receive updates on future actions you can take to help horses.

Learn more about the deaths of eight horses at Hastings Racecourse in 2023 here.


Horses can plan ahead and think strategically, scientists find

Horses can plan ahead and think strategically, scientists find

Team hopes findings will help improve equine welfare after showing cognitive abilities include being ‘goal-directed’

A new study has shown that horses plan ahead, think strategically, and have a higher level of cognitive reasoning than researchers previously believed.

Care for animal well-being should not be dependent upon an animal’s ability to reason. Jeremy Bentham once said, “The question is not, Can they reason?, nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?”

Still, researchers are hopeful that this study will have a positive impact on the well-being of horses.

Dr Carrie Ijichi, a researcher on the study and a senior lecturer in equine science at NTU, noted, “This teaches us that we shouldn’t make assumptions about animal intelligence or sentience based on whether they are ‘built’ just like us.”

The lead researcher on the study, Louise Evans, said, “Generally, when we start to think that animals may have better cognitive abilities than previously thought, their welfare does improve.” She also noted that the study shows horse training does not require aversive tools, which subject animals to pain, fear, and stress.

Read the article

Modern pentathlon to remove show jumping

Modern pentathlon with horses consigned to history as Michelle Gulyas takes gold

Michelle Gulyas of Hungary won gold in the women’s modern pentathlon with a world record points haul in event’s last final with horses

A win for horses! Show jumping will no longer be a part of the modern pentathlon at the Olympics, and will be replaced with an obstacle course.

Showjumping has long been a controversial part of the modern pentathlon due to animal welfare concerns.

The sport involves the use of aversive tools like whips, bits, and spurs to control horses’ movements. Random pairing between horses and riders and a lack of focus on horse well-being result in stress, fear, and pain for the animals.

Advocates note that riders and handlers have been seen directing frustrations at horses during competition. In 2021, a coach was seen punching a horse named Saint Boy with her fist and encouraging the rider to use greater force.

The removal of show jumping from the modern pentathlon marks a positive step away from the use of animals in entertainment.

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NEW poll shows significant increase in public opposition to rodeo 

Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media

  • New polling shows public opposition to many rodeo events and to government funding of these events has skyrocketed since polling was last conducted in February. 
  • This new polling data comes after the deadliest year for animals at the Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races since 2019.  
  • Four animals were killed this year – three horses sustained serious injuries during the chuckwagon races and a steer’s neck was snapped during a steer wrestling event. 
  • TAKE ACTION: Sign & share the #SayNoToRodeo pledge and send a message to Calgary City Council and Stampede organizers calling for the rodeo and chuckwagon races to be removed from the Stampede program. 
Take action
Learn more
Read op-ed

Take action

Take the #SayNoToRodeo pledge

Take the pledge to reflect your opposition to inhumane rodeo and chuckwagon events at the Calgary Stampede. The number of signatures will be referenced in correspondence with decision-makers and organizers.  

Send a message to Calgary City Council & Stampede organizers 

Call on decision-makers and Stampede organizers to remove the inhumane rodeo and deadly chuckwagon races from the Stampede program.

See the “Learn More” section on this page for key points you may wish to consider in your message. Please be sure to use your own words and remain respectful in your message. 

Email Calgary Mayor & Council
Email the Calgary Stampede

Learn more

New poll: significant increase in public opposition to rodeo events and government funding of them 

A new Research Co. poll shows opposition to rodeo and chuckwagon events in Canada increased between February and July. The five events included in the poll were:

  • Calf roping (opposition rose from 60% to 68%)
  • Steer wrestling (61% to 67%)
  • Bull riding (55% to 58%)
  • Bronc riding (55% to 60%)
  • Chuckwagon racing (53% to 59%). 

Local opposition to animal events within Calgary is also growing. Four of the five events were opposed by a majority of Calgarians in the July poll, compared to just one event in February. More than half of people polled in Calgary opposed calf roping, steer wrestling, bronc riding, and chuckwagon racing.   

The new polling also reflected stronger public opposition to the government funding of rodeo events, with Canada-wide opposition rising from 65% in February to 71% in July. In Calgary, opposition jumped significantly from from 51% to 67%.

2024 Calgary Stampede fatalities 

Content warning: The following video depicts a steer’s neck being fatally broken during a steer wrestling rodeo event.

Steer death at the 2024 Calgary Stampede rodeo: behind the scenes view

On July 8, 2024, a steer at the Calgary Stampede rodeo suffered a fatal neck injury during a steer wrestling event. SportsNet footage quickly panned away from the animal, but footage from an audience member shows the full story, with handlers prioritizing hiding the incident from public view rather than the wellbeing of the animal.

The 2024 Calgary Stampede was the deadliest for animals since 2019. This year, four animals were killed during the rodeo and chuckwagon races.

  • Three horses were euthanized after sustaining serious injuries during the chuckwagon races.
  • A steer’s neck was snapped during a steer wrestling event. 

This brings the total number of known animal deaths at the Calgary Stampede to 109 since the VHS began tracking in 1986. 

List of fatalities

Animal suffering at the Calgary Stampede rodeo & chuckwagon races 

Fatalities aren’t the only concern at the Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races. The reality is that these events rely on the use of fear, stress, and discomfort to make the animals “perform” for public entertainment. Inhumane tools and practices incite fleeing and bucking in these sensitive prey animals.  

Animals demonstrate visible signs of stress during rodeo events, including:

  • the presence of “eye white” when their eyes roll back;
  • excessive drooling;
  • vocalization;
  • resisting handlers;
  • urination; and
  • defecation.

Research demonstrates that calves experience acute stress and negative emotional states when they are chased and roped.    

Many rodeo events contradict industry requirements for the handling of farmed animals, which state that quiet handling techniques must be used, and that abusive handling is unacceptable. If these same rodeo practices were used outside of the rodeo arena, they would be illegal. 

Tell decision-makers to drop the rodeo & chuckwagon races

New renters’ bill of rights should void ‘no pet’ clauses, petition says

Read or watch the story on Global News: As animal shelters across the country are in crisis with an overflow of animals, animal organizations are pushing to end pet restrictions in rental housing.

A recent parliamentary petition started by Humane Canada is asking the House of Commons to include a specific provision for tenants with pets in the new Canadian Renters’ Bill of Rights that was proposed in the 2024 federal budget.”

Read more about how pet-friendly rental housing helps animals and the humans who love them, and sign the petition from the Parliament of Canada website!

Read the article
Sign the petition

Take action for pet-friendly housing (federal e-petition)


This petition is now closed. Thank you to all who spoke up for pet-friendly housing!

  • Canadians love, value and rely on the emotional support of their pets; yet most provinces in Canada still allow pet restrictions in rental housing that split people up from their beloved companion animals.
  • One of the top three reasons people surrender their pets to animal shelters is loss of suitable housing, which is increasing across the country due to national economic challenges.
  • Meanwhile, animal shelters across the country are in crisis and are at their capacity.
  • A new federal e-petition calls for legal changes to ensure tenants with pets are no longer excluded from rental housing.

Can you sign the petition help animals stay with their families?

Join MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Humane Canada, the Vancouver Humane Society, and animal organizations across the country in asking the federal government to include Canadian tenants with pets in a legally binding, nationwide Canadian Renters’ Bill of Rights with a specific provision for companion animals, voiding any “no pet” clauses in tenancy agreements so that tenants with pets are no longer excluded from rental housing.

This federal e-petition on the Parliament of Canada website closed on November 2nd at 7 am.

Important: After you sign the petition, be sure to check your email and click the confirmation link to ensure your signature is counted.

View updates (petition closed)

Podcast: 8 arguments in support of rodeo (& how to respond)

Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media.

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Why do people still support rodeo?

British Columbia is currently in the middle of its annual rodeo season. In Alberta, the Calgary Stampede wrapped up earlier this month with the deadliest rodeo and chuckwagon racing events of the past five years.

On the whole, polling and public discourse demonstrate that people are more aware than ever about the harms rodeo events cause to animals. However, supporters of rodeo continue to use the same arguments to justify these events. In this episode, the VHS’s Amy Morris and Chantelle Archambault break down those arguments and share some ways to respond to them.

Note: This written discussion has been edited for length.

Rodeo animals are valuable and would not be mistreated

Amy: The first argument we hear is that rodeo animals are valuable, so they would not be mistreated or put at risk because they’re a financial investment.

Chantelle: I think this is really strange logic. Even though we know as allies of animals that their lives have inherent value, the thing that makes them financially valuable to the rodeo industry is that they’re successful in rodeo. There’s inherent risk to those events.

It’s kind of like saying that race car drivers wouldn’t put their valuable race cars at risk in motor racing. Of course they do, because the financial rewards outweigh the risk.

The same is true with pro rodeo. Contestants can win really large cash prizes. The events are generating significant revenue. We saw in this year’s headlines, rodeo contestants were flying in private planes between rodeo venues for a chance to win more money.

It’s very financially motivated.

Amy: Yeah, certainly what we is that there’s sort of a difference in ownership of animals. So there are rodeo contractors who have all of the animals for rodeo. That would be the calves from calf roping, the steers and steer wrestling. And then the bucking animals, both cows and horses.

And so there are contractors who are keeping these animals.

We know that they don’t want the animals to be euthanized because they do want to continue to use them. That said, they also see that as the cost of doing business. And so the amount of animals that end up passing away or being killed in the process of rodeo are built into the cost structure.

And while, of course, no one would want that to happen, there is an understanding in the financial model that they can have a certain number of animals and be able to financially sustain their business. They put a price point at what it costs to have animals at an event that allow for that kind of loss.

The reality is that breeding animals, while it has a cost, can be inherent in the business. So when an animal is lost, it’s not a significant challenge to have a new animal join the team.

Chantelle: I think it’s built into the way that people talk about animals. These animals are called livestock; and stock is a financial asset.

I used to work in retail and it’s very strange to think of animals being considered the same way that items would be considered, where if a piece of stock is spoiled, then you’d write it off in the business model.

But these are animals with lives and feelings.

Rodeo animals are just like athletes in other rough sports

A steer exhibits sever stress during an inhumane steer wrestling rodeo event

Chantelle: Another argument that we hear is rodeo animals are just like athletes in other rough sports.

And I think that one’s really easy to refute because human athletes choose to be in events. Animals aren’t given choice.

The tools and practices that are used in rodeo are essentially prompting a fight or flight response so that animals flee, they run really fast; or they fight, they buck really aggressively like they would if a predator was jumping on them.

Human athletes don’t have coaches sitting at the starting line twisting their ears. The hurdle jumpers don’t have someone sitting on their back scraping their skin with spurs every time they need to jump.

Supporters will also say that you can’t force an animal that large to do something they don’t want to do.

But we’ve seen what happens when animals try to opt out by standing still instead of bucking or “performing”. The handlers will smack them in the face and then they get further agitated in the chutes.

Many animals will do what it takes to avoid the pain and the stress and the discomfort that they face when they don’t do what’s wanted and expected of them.

Amy: I think this is a really interesting argument as well, because I think there are some animals that are more perceived as athletes and some that are not as much, but they all get grouped together that way.

If you think of the horses in wild pony racing, their entire persona is to be wild, to be trying to get away.

Same with the calves and steers in calf roping and steer wrestling.

And so I think there’s this sort of double standard that exists where they get called athletes, but their job is to be afraid. And it’s important to highlight that because I don’t think a human athlete’s jobs are to be afraid.

When it comes to some of the other activities like barrel racing or chuckwagon racing, I understand how these can be seen more as athletes because it’s comparable in the sense of, humans race, animals race.

And I think that’s where you have to go back and think about what is motivating the animals to race.

Is it that they’re being kept from moving or being active until their racing opportunity? And also is the race meeting their needs, or is it so short that they basically spend the rest of their lives being really bored and having their legs not really conditioned appropriately to their daily needs?

These are the kinds of things that we need to think about when we think about human athletes. They’re able to make choices about what they do outside of the sport.

We don’t see that with animals. Their entire lives are dictated for them and they don’t get to make choices.

Chantelle: I also think that it’s interesting to keep an eye on kind of how announcers and rodeo talk about animals. The announcers will talk about animals as if they’re equal participants and comment on the behaviour of the animals.

They’ll say a bucking horse, if they’re not bucking high enough, is being too nice.

Or they’ll say a calf, if the calf tries to escape from a rope after being roped, is being nasty.

And I think that it’s really interesting how these traits are attributed to animals when so much of what they’re doing is responding to these really terrible things that are happening to them.

Rodeo is a valuable part of our western heritage and tradition

A calf rests in the grass.

Amy: Another argument that maybe goes along with that is this sense that rodeo is a valuable part of our western heritage and tradition, or rodeo shows what happens on real ranches. What do you think about this one?

Chantelle: Most rodeo events bear little or no resemblance to real ranch practices, historic or modern. There’s no real reason why a cowboy on a ranch would ride a bull. There’s no real reason why a cowboy would want to make a horse buck using a flank strap that’s agitating them.

The key issue that’s different is these rodeo events are timed, whereas real ranch practices are not timed. Timing the events makes them faster. It makes them more stressful and more dangerous to the animals. And the animals are agitated beforehand to make them run as fast as possible into these events.

They’re fundamentally at odds with how we should be handling and treating animals. In fact, they contradict industry requirements and best practices for the handling of farmed animals. The Code of Practice for beef cattle states that quiet handling techniques must be used as a requirement and an abuse of handling is unacceptable.

But we do know through undercover investigations over the years that farmed animals are often put through harms that violate the rules.

And the difference is the animal agriculture industry has gone to great lengths to hide what happens to animals before their bodies make it into the grocery store.

That’s why we see the industry pushing for ag gag laws and industry leaders pushing back against measures that would make sure welfare laws are being followed, like random inspections and video monitoring.

But in rodeo, it all happens in front of an audience and it all happens for “entertainment”.

Amy: Yeah, I think this one’s really interesting because if we think about traditional practices, it’s all about keeping animals calm.

When you have frightened animals, they are harder to work with.

While learned helplessness can play a role, I see that a lot in horse training.

We know that using this definition of tradition is not necessarily meaning that something is good. It’s interesting how sort of this concept of tradition gets equated with what is good, and modern or new practices are kind of meant to be seen as the opposite.

And while there are some traditions that hold meaning and have a lot of beauty for the people who are involved in traditions, the real question that needs to be asked about any tradition is who does it harm and how does it harm?

If the answer is no one, and it doesn’t, then great. A tradition has value.

And if the answer is, Oh, actually there are people and animals that are harmed by this and here’s how that’s happening, what is the onus for maintaining that tradition? And what is the beauty in a heritage that is harmful?

These are hard conversations to have. And certainly I’m sure sharing that can result in some challenging responses, but the bottom line is any tradition that is about care and love for others, that’s a tradition to uphold.

A tradition that is grounded in harm to others, maybe that’s a tradition to let go of.

Chantelle: That’s a really great point, Amy.

I heard a kind of tongue in cheek quote recently that I’m going to paraphrase; it said that tradition is peer pressure from the dead. And it’s silly and it’s goofy, but it’s also kind of true because what is the value in doing something if the only reason to do it is because that’s what’s always been done?

There are lots of things that we have changed because we know better now.

Rodeo animals are big and strong, with thick hides

Chantelle: Another argument that we often hear is that rodeo animals are big and strong, and they have thick hides. Or simply, it doesn’t bother them.

Just because an animal is large or has a lot of strength doesn’t mean that they can’t suffer.

The injuries and deaths that we see at many rodeo events from many rodeo animals make it obvious that they experience pain and suffering.

We’ve been tracking deaths at the Calgary Stampede since 1986. It’s a 10 day event out of the whole rodeo season. And just at that single event, there have been at least 109 animal deaths since we started tracking.

Animals’ thick hides might obscure bruising, but they don’t do much to protect animals against things like broken limbs, the pain of tail twisting or spur scraping against their skin.

Injuries like muscle damage can take 48 hours to present. So as an audience member, you might not know if an animal has been injured right in front of you.

Another important point is that, as animal behaviourist Temple Grandin has stated, it’s likely that fear might be more stressful for animals than pain. And fear is what we’re seeing in rodeos again and again.

Amy: Yeah, this is a good point. I think about this time that I was on foot behind a person on a horse with a whip.

And they whipped the whip in the air, really not knowing what they were doing. And the tail of the whip came back and it hit the backside of the horse and immediately lacerated the horse.

And I thought, You know, that’s not thick skin. Yeah, they have fur and we don’t have fur, but their skin is still mammal skin.

What’s below their skin is still that of a mammal. They still bruise. They still have all the harms from like taking a tumble and being dragged a distance and everything that would happen to us if we were wearing maybe a slight protective layer. We would still be bruised and broken.

And as are they.

You can see from the facial expressions that the animals are having a rough time. They are not doing something that’s natural to them. They’re doing something that is scary and that they want away from.

This myth is one that, I tried to believe when it was first told to me.

I really tried it on and considered it and thought, yeah, maybe that’s true. People wear leather when they’re riding motorcycles so they don’t get as bad of road rash and things like that.

But the reality is that, sure, maybe they don’t get as many obvious wounds. But they still are injured and they still are in pain.

The animals are going to be slaughtered anyway

Amy: So the next argument is that some animals are dying, but maybe that’s okay because they’re going to be slaughtered anyway.

Chantelle: The fact that some animals will eventually be slaughtered for food is not a justification for causing them unnecessary fear and stress and discomfort and pain before they’re sent to slaughter.

We have seen farmed animals being pulled off some farms and put into rodeos. That’s not super common. In many cases, animals used in rodeo events are purpose bred by rodeo stock contractors to be used in rodeos.

And even if they will be slaughtered for the food system, an increasing number of people who eat animal products have an expectation that animals will be treated as humanely as possible.

Suffice to say that what we see in rodeos is not in line with how animals should be treated.

Amy: Yeah, I think the other point is that these individual animals are purpose bred for experiencing fear, and they actually wouldn’t be slaughtered otherwise. Maybe that’s the case with a select few, but for the most part, the animals used in rodeo are purpose bred.

And that’s what we have essentially a challenge with, because it seems absurd to purpose breed an animal to subject them to fear over and over in their lifetime, solely for the purpose of entertainment and people making money.

Chuckwagon horses are retired racehorses that would be killed otherwise

Chantelle: We’re going to pivot a little bit because chuckwagon racing isn’t technically part of rodeo, but it is in the same realm of the use of animals and entertainment at the same kind of events.

So this one is about chuckwagon horses specifically. And a lot of people say that chuckwagon horses are retired race horses that would be killed otherwise.

Amy: What’s the reality on this one, Chantelle?

Chantelle: Chuckwagon horses generally are retired racehorses, but the use of retired racehorses is actually one of the major problems that causes risk to the animals in these events.

It puts animals at risk of leg injuries because thoroughbreds are typically bred for speed, not skeletal strength. This has been pointed out by animal expert Temple Grandin as an ongoing welfare issue.

At this year’s Calgary Stampede, out of 27 teams racing over just 10 days, three horses died. So we’re talking about an extremely high level of risk compared to other sports

Putting horses at that kind of risk after they’ve already been subjected to a risky and stressful racing industry is not the answer.

If the horses are bought from auctions to be raced, we’ve heard from people who operate horse sanctuaries that every horse coming from that environment of the auction is experiencing trauma So it’s just so many different levels of horses being put through stress.

And essentially by buying horses for chuckwagon racing, the industry is providing the option of kind of a dumping ground for horses in the racing industry, so that the industry doesn’t have to take accountability for the animals it breeds.

The racing industry can now make money off of these horses again, rather than having to take accountability for the horses that it has bred.

Rodeo animals are treated like family

Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media

Amy: The next argument is that rodeo animals are treated like family.

Chantelle: I really hope not. I hope that’s not how people are treating their families. I’ve seen so many comments from rodeo supporters in the same comment section saying, yum, veal, when a calf is being roped and showing obvious signs of stress.

These animals are going through really stressful, uncomfortable, painful, risky situations.

Amy: Yeah, this one kind of breaks my heart to be honest.

And I think that’s the way to approach it when people talk about it, is if someone says that, or you see that in a comment, I think it’s an opportunity to say, like, what does that mean? And what does that look like?

There’s a difference between being treated like family as in you give them food and you give them water and you give them a roof over their heads.

Because I think that’s what’s being insinuated here is that they’re given like the “good life”; they’re well taken care of. And then sort of like ignoring the activities that they do or the experience they have in the activities they do.

And so I think having a sort of honest question of, you know, what does family look like?

I think one of the other arguments would come up. Something like animals are athletes or they’re treated well; it’s sort of this like circular logic that comes up when something like this is argued.

If we think about it, probably family is thought about as like the family dog. And it can be that the family dog is given food and given water.

And then the question is, but what is the family dog’s responsibilities? What is their job?

Is their job to be loved on? Is their job to work? What kind of work do they do? Do they enjoy their work?

And so even if the comparison isn’t to a human, it is interesting to talk about, what is work and what does it look like to enjoy your work? And what is athleticism? What does it look like to enjoy your athleticism?

That’s where I think this one can be so hard. It’s easy to be like, whoa, you’re way out of left field.

But then it’s about trying to understand the person and where they’re coming from. And then after gathering that understanding, looking at, okay, what do I want to do?

At the basis, when we have those that we care about, when do we put them intentionally in situations where they are fearful and then we don’t give them support? It starts to fall apart there.

Someone could say, well, my child was really scared when they first learned to ride a bike. They experienced fear. But in that case, you’re there to catch them. You’re there to provide emotional support.

You can have a one on one talk about what they’re doing and why they’re doing it and what their goals are. There’s a process where they’re trying to get from the beginning of something to being fully autonomous and to enjoy an activity.

With rodeo animals, it’s the same thing over and over. There’s no end goal of enjoyment. It’s always going to be fear.

Chantelle: I completely agree. And providing basic necessities of life to an animal doesn’t justify what happens to them in rodeo.

There are welfare standards in place and changes have been made to improve

A roped calf lies on the ground at the Calgary Stampede rodeo
Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media.

Chantelle: There’s one more argument that we hear; that there are welfare standards in place for animals at rodeos and changes have been made to improve.

Now I think it’s really important to look into that and examine what kinds of changes have been made and what kinds of welfare standards are in place.

First of all, there’s no proactive enforcement at most rodeos.

So if there’s someone violating the rules, it’s up to either people within the industry to monitor each other or an audience member to witness and report it. So not all of those violations are going to be caught.

There was an interview recently on CBC with the WA Ranches director at the University of Calgary, who works with animals used in rodeo, talking about water at the Calgary Stampede and providing animals with water.

Basically, animals used to be transported from the ranches where they’re kept full time to the rodeo in this really high heat summer event. They go through this really rigorous exercise. They were not provided water. They were put back on transport trucks and taken back where they live with no water.

And then somebody said, Hey, why don’t we try giving them water? And lo and behold, they did drink the water. So now the animals are provided water.

And that’s the kind of changes we’re talking about.

When the standard is so low to begin with, even providing basic necessities is an improvement, of course. But you wouldn’t run a soccer game in the middle of summer without having a water bottle at the side of the field.

Giving water animals in the scorching heat of summer when they’re stressed and forced into high activity levels is kind of the minimum.

And even with changes, animals are still experiencing stress, and they’re still experiencing injuries, and they’re still experiencing deaths almost every single year.

Amy: Yeah, this one I find really interesting because the Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon organizers have really tried to work on what we call public trust. They’ve tried to put out an image of the Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon events as being animal-friendly.

They do have a veterinarian on board. Some things maybe are different, like where electric prods can be used has changed, for example. Some of the types of torture tools have changed, how they’re shaped, how they’re applied.

But what it comes down to is the law, the generally accepted practices of animal management, are developed by industry only. And they get an exemption from the law because of that standard existing.

And so, whatever the rodeo industry says, this is okay, this is how animals are treated, that is the standard.

And so it’s pretty easy to comply with a standard that you created yourself. It’s sort of nearly impossible not to.

But what we’re seeing is that the standards do not line up with the science on what animals need and how animals should be treated.

And that’s where it’s sort of this like discrepancy in wording because it’s easy to say, yeah, we’re meeting all the standards when the reality is that the standards that they’re referring to are not the basic standards of what science says animals need. They are something completely different from that.

We don’t really see a change in the facial expressions, the eye whites, the defecation, the broken limbs, broken legs, broken necks, snapped horns, the legs getting caught in the stalls while they’re waiting to come out.

All these things that happen because animals are stressed and they’re freaking out. That hasn’t changed. We saw that before and we still see that now.

And that’s what we’re looking towards is why are we doing that? And how can we change that?

How do we not see eye whites anymore? How do we not see broken limbs anymore? How do we not see an animal defecate in fear or get their limbs stuck?

Those are the real changes that need to be made for any use of animals.

Chantelle: I think it’s also really interesting to see, similarly to the animal agriculture industry, when there are these minimal changes being made, there’s pushback from the industry.

Going back to the animals are treated like family, if I learned something about cat behaviour that’s, Here’s something that you can do to make your cat much happier, I would want to do that.

But we keep seeing pushback every time there’s a change made that is supposed to be for the safety and welfare of animals.

We saw it a few years ago when the chuckwagon races went down from four wagons on the track to three wagons on the track at the Calgary Stampede. A driver came out and said, this is going to be boring to watch and I don’t want to do it.

So I think it’s very interesting to see what the industry is saying about these changes.

Story from the Stampede

Chuckwagon racing at The Calgary Stampede
Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media

Chantelle: I’m going to finish off by reading a story that someone shared with us.

This is a story from Donna Friend who shared that she had been to the Calgary Stampede when she was younger.

When I was 14 years old, I’m now 79, I saw a horse hobbling on three legs taken out of sight after a truck wagon accident. Then we heard the shot that ended its life. It was awful. I’ve never forgotten it. Don’t try to tell me horses love chuckwagon racing.

And we keep seeing these deaths happening and it’s absolutely devastating every year. I am really hopeful that as people learn more about this, this is going to be something that has a very short shelf life into the future.

Next episode

A cat seen through the bars of a cage in a shelter

Please join us next month as we discuss the sucesses, opportunities, and challenges faced by animal shelters and rescues in British Columbia.


Making a kinder world: Because They Matter

Several hundred residents of the Downtown Eastside community visited the Because They Matter table in Pigeon Park on Sunday, July 21, all eager to pick up high-quality supplies for their beloved pets. Event participants also spoke with many pet guardians about accessing the VHS’s free veterinary care assistance program.  

Each person who connected with the team had a unique journey, and all had incredible bonds with their pets.

Here are some of the amazing people and pets who visited the Vancouver Humane Society’s table in Pigeon Park and shared their shared their stories of resilience and unconditional love.

In all, the VHS team and event participants handed out thousands of pet supplies and hundreds of pamphlets about the Vancouver Humane Society’s veterinary assistance program.

The VHS’s veterinary support program helps animals get the care they need while staying with their loving families. The need for this program is growing every year, and it is essential that this need is met to make sure loved animals get the care they require without having to be surrendered to the already overflowing shelter and rescue system. The VHS’s veterinary support program is only possible through the help of donations from animal lovers like you. 

Can you make a donation toward VHS’s $15,750 Because They Matter fundraising goal to help animals and the people who love them?

Yes, I can make a gift to help animals

Baffin the polar bear dies at the Calgary Zoo

Animal advocacy group says Calgary zoo shouldn’t house polar bears

An animal advocacy group says the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo shouldn’t house polar bears after one died in captivity Friday.

Animal advocates continue to call for the Calgary Zoo to stop keeping polar bears after yet another bear has tragically died.

Baffin the polar bear died by drowning Friday, July 19th after he sustained a bite to the throat at the Calgary Zoo.

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Take action for animals in captivity

A long history of problems with the Calgary Zoo’s polar bear enclosures

Polar Bears at the Calgary Zoo – Where Sad Animals Are “Happy” – Alberta Views

The Calgary Zoo has had polar bears since 1938. Each generation has been confident that the bear’s enclosures were more humane than the past…

This is not the first time that concerns have been raised about the Calgary Zoo’s keeping of polar bears.

Earlier this year, Alberta Views published an article by George Colpitts, an environmental historian at the University of Calgary, outlining the fraught history of the zoo’s polar bear enclosures. The piece explores the pattern of poor welfare and incidents that have plagued the zoo’s polar bear enclosures since they opened in 1938.

Dr. Colpitts expressed skepticism that the new exhibit, opened in December 2023, could fully meet the bears’ needs.

Read the article
Take action for animals in captivity

Polar bears and other animals show signs of boredom and stress in zoos

The VHS sent a letter to the editor outlining inherent issues with keeping animals such as polar bears, who have complex social, behavioural, and physiological needs, in captivity for the entertainment of the public.

Read the full response on page 3 of the Alberta Views opinions section, and take action to protect animals from suffering in captivity.

Take action for animals in captivity