
Podcast: 10 arguments against going vegan & how to respond

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What is the most common argument you’ve heard against going vegan?

As a vegan organization, the Vancouver Humane Society regularly advocates to make plant-based eating more accessible and reduce the demand for industrial animal agriculture. Plant-based advocates often hear arguments from people who disagree with veganism. This episode will delve into some of those arguments and ways to respond to them in a manner that is reasoned, thoughtful, and kind.

Are plant-based foods are overly processed?

A black bean burger with fries

Plant-based whole foods

Amy: The first argument is that plant-based foods are overly processed.

Chantelle: Yeah, I hear this one a lot. I think sometimes people mistake the term plant-based foods for commercial plant-based meat substitutes or dairy substitutes.

But when we use the term plant-based, we’re really just referring to any foods that are made from plants without animal products. That includes things like vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds.

Of course, you can also find processed plant-based foods, just as you can find processed animal-based foods.

Why do people eat processed plant-based foods?

Chantelle: Processed foods also have their place. Some people enjoy them as a treat or as a quick option. Some people use them as they’re transitioning from an omnivore diet to make the shift easier.

I personally really enjoy some of the meat alternatives; they’re one of the proteins in my meal rotation. And so are lentils, and so are beans, and tofu, and nuts, and seitan, and soy curls, and all those other whole foods.

I basically eat how I ate before I went vegan, but thinking a little more now about getting all my nutrients. I also have a little bit more variety in my diet, just because there’s more plants out there than there are animals that humans eat.

I find that generally when someone shifts to a plant-based diet, if they ate processed foods made from animals, generally they’ll also have some processed foods made from plants in their diet. And if they ate mostly whole foods as an omnivore, they’ll do the same as a vegan.

Switching to a plant-based diet almost never looks like switching from an organic chicken breast and steamed vegetables and organic brown rice on a plate to like a plate of imitation meat and Oreos.

“Processed” doesn’t mean “bad”

Chantelle: I think it’s important to note that processed foods are not bad foods. There are some foods that feed your soul more than they feed your body, but also a lot of imitation meats have a nutrition profile that’s comparable to the meat that they’re imitating.

We have a really good blog post about understanding meat alternatives on our Plant University website that looks at a nutrition profile breakdown of meat alternatives.

Understanding meat alternatives

Learning what nutrients your body needs

Amy: Personally, I like to think of food as a spectrum. So from eating raw vegetables to a processed plant-based burger, they all have a place in our diet.

There’s a few things that I’ve been surprised to learn as a vegan. There’s just myths out there about food.

Microwaving vegetables has been tested as keeping more nutrients in them than boiling them. Cooking method and ingredients in food can impact the amount of nutrients your body gets from the foods.

Focus on a variety of foods you enjoy

Amy: Variety really makes the biggest impact on nutrient intake. I try to think of that in terms of how I eat.

In one day, I might eat cereal and oat milk that’s fortified with vitamins and minerals. I might have a smoothie with fresh frozen fruits, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, maybe even a plant-based collagen booster powder to strengthen my tendons that has greens and probiotics in it. I might have chips with pre-made salsa, an avocado, and then homemade cashew queso made with raw ingredients like nutritional yeast, lemon juice, salt, chili powder, and then maybe some vegan chocolate to make sure I get all my iron.

Half of that is processed, half of it isn’t, but my focus is on foods that taste good, promote muscle and tendon strength, are really easy, and promote brain and blood health.

The other day I had a microwavable vegan gluten free lasagna from Amy’s Kitchen, and another day I bought vegan pizza and pre-prepared samosas, and another day Daiya vegan pizza because I don’t necessarily have a lot of time in my day.

They’re all quick, they tasted good, and that’s what keeps me enjoying plant-based foods. So as long as I’m not eating the same thing every day and I try to switch it up and include fruits and veggies here and there, I know I’m doing alright on nutrients.

Make plant-based eating fun

Amy: When folks are thinking about this and talking about this, I think it’s about acceptance. I think it’s about making eating plant-based foods fun and enjoyable and easy and having less judgement on like what that looks like for an individual person; because that’s going to change over their lifetime, given their mental health, time capacity, energy levels, activity levels, all of those things.

Chantelle: Yeah, I think that’s a really good way of looking at it.

Does plant-based eating drive monoculture crops?

A sunset over wheat crops

It takes more crops to feed animals than humans

Chantelle: We talk about how plant-based eating is better for the environment, but sometimes we hear from people that they believe veganism is bad for the environment, particularly because it drives monoculture crops.

A lot of people talk about the impact of growing things like soy as monoculture crops. We know that’s a key protein that you can eat on a plant-based diet, but more crops are needed to feed animals for human consumption than would be needed to feed humans directly.

The demand for meat and animal products is actually a driving factor in the use of monoculture crops because the vast majority of animals grown for food spend some or all of their lives in an industrial farming environment or a feedlot. It’s not all grazing on pastures.

  • In Canada, corn is mainly used for animal feed and ethanol.
  • In the United States, 12% of corn is used to feed people, but 60% goes to feeding animals raised for foods.
  • About 77% of the world’s soy is used for animal feed.

So we’re seeing that by and large, more of these proteins and grains are being used to feed animals than if they were feeding humans directly.

Amy: It’s amazing how much farmland is being used to grow food to feed animals, which in any kind of logical way of thinking is a huge inefficiency when it comes to feeding a population of more than 7 billion people.

We’d be doing a lot better for the environment if all those fields grew food directly to feed people.

Approach with curiosity

Amy: I think if this is brought up and someone is talking about it, the best way to meet them is with compassion, kind of sharing, I hear that you care for the environment and you’re concerned about monoculture crops. And I’d love to learn more about this alongside you because I’m not an expert in it.

And then going someplace you can trust the output of it and research it together and come at it with that idea of learning and growing alongside them, rather than trying to prove that they’re wrong or make it seem like they have no idea what they’re talking about.

It’s okay to walk away

Chantelle: There’s two different sides of this coin of people using these arguments. There’s people you might be talking to in real life who often are speaking in good faith using arguments where they really feel they’re making the best decision for the environment or for what they really care about.

Sometimes there’s people on the internet saying these things who are really just going to throw whatever spaghetti at the wall they can to dispute your point. And sometimes you just have to walk away from arguments like that as well.

Shouldn’t I just eat local instead?

A farmers market

Eating local helps, but pair it with other changes

Amy: This next one, I think it’s a really good argument. I’m really curious to hear what you have to say about it, Chantelle. The argument is that shipping plant-based foods from far away is bad for the environment. You should just eat local, humanely raised, animal-based foods.

So I imagine this is things like palm oil and coconut coming on planes from places far away.

Chantelle: One thing people talk about is the impact of shipping plant-based foods a long distance as opposed to eating local animal based foods. And they’ve done a lot of research on this.

It’s certainly important to prioritize local, sustainable plant agriculture. I think we can all agree on that.

But, the research shows that ending all international food transport would only cut food miles emissions by 9% worldwide. Researchers have said that other choices like eating seasonal produce and reducing meat consumption could have a greater impact in reducing the climate impact of your food.

We can’t move to local, more “humane” animal foods while meeting current demand

Chantelle: Another thing is that eating local the way that some people talk about isn’t possible for most people. A lot of people who use this argument are talking about rural communities where they’re picturing a small scale animal farm with animals out on the pasture, and you can walk over to meet your local farmer, and then you can buy some meat from your local butcher, and that’s not what’s really happening.

The reality of the world we live in is the vast majority of people are living in cities, and we don’t have the space to be raising animals like that to feed all those people.

If we go farther out into nearby rural communities, we don’t have the space to have every animal roaming the pasture to meet a really high demand for animal products for every person who lives in the world right now.

That’s why industrial animal agriculture developed: to fit more animals into a smaller space for a lower cost and meet that really high demand for our growing population.

We don’t have a world of Old McDonald farms. We have a world where about 90% of farmed animals and 74% of farmed land animals are being raised in factory farms.

Locally raised animals can still be transported long distances to slaughter

Amy: With how few slaughterhouses there are, animals, even ones that are raised locally, are being transported huge distances to be killed.

For example, something I learned when I lived on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia is that animals have to travel in vehicles, on a ferry, and then on the highway again, going to the Lower Mainland.

Then the meat, after the animals are killed and processed, goes back on the highway, on the ferry, on the highway again.

And that’s a short distance compared to some of the really long distances animals are being shipped. That uses just so many greenhouse gases, not to mention the suffering of the animals.

Plant-based foods skip the slaughterhouse

Amy: So the benefit of plant-based products is they skip that in between step. They’re going to on farm or nearby processing facilities and then they’re getting to the consumer more directly.

This is an argument that can be shared and at the same time it’s something that can be researched together, discussed together, and making sure that you hear where someone’s coming from.

Absolutely, coconuts are shipped from far away, but what are some other things we can consider? It’s all about having that conversation and building trust with the other person who’s putting that argument forward that you understand where they’re coming from.

Chantelle: Yeah, that’s a really great point. The animals are shipped from the pasture to the feedlot to the slaughterhouse and the crops to feed the animals are shipped from wherever they’re grown to the feedlot. There’s a lot more steps involved in animal agriculture than there are in plant-based.

Does veganism cause more animal deaths than animal agriculture?

A mouse in a crop field

True: Wild animals die as a result of agriculture

Chantelle: Another argument that we hear is veganism causes more animal deaths than animal agriculture.

I have a really hard time with this one, but I think a way to approach it compassionately is just to kind of lay out the facts.

First of all, do animals die from growing plants? Yes. Some animals die unintentionally from the machinery that’s used to grow and harvest crops, and some animals are killed intentionally to protect crops.

Some animals are also killed intentionally to protect farmed animals raised for food; that’s just across the entire farming system.

More crops are needed to feed animals than to feed humans directly

Chantelle: First of all, it’s not just vegans eating plants. Every human needs plants to meet their nutrition requirements.

But it’s not just humans eating crops; crops are used for animal feed.

About 36% of the world’s crop calories are used for animal feed compared to 55% feeding humans directly. If we look at the calories consumed globally, about 17% of the global calorie supply comes from animal foods, and then plant-based foods make up the other 83%.

When you look at the fact that animals are eating almost as many crops as all humans, you see that it takes far more crops to feed animals for humans to eat than it would to feed humans directly.

So while it’s not possible to eliminate all animal suffering entirely, plant-based diets are the best option to dramatically reduce it.

Respond with understanding and empathy

Amy: Yeah, this one’s interesting. I mean, animals die from all aspects of human existence.

With the need to protect crops, pesticides and rodenticides are being used.

Going to a restaurant, there’s likely rat and mouse traps set up all over the place. Grocery stores as well.

These are existing with any kind of food. It’s not a problem specific to veganism.

The best thing to do when someone brings this up is not to deny it, but to acknowledge it. It’s sad. It sucks a lot that animals are dying so that humans can live and can consume plants, but eating a vegan diet still has a far less impact on animals in the environment overall.

Can plant-based foods meet your nutritional needs?

A person eating a vegan meal

You can get all the nutrients you need from plant-based foods

Amy: This next one I think is a really common one that comes up, and it’s that plant-based foods won’t meet all your nutritional needs.

Chantelle: Yeah, I think that we’re getting to a place where there’s a broader scientific consensus that eating more plant-based foods is healthier for you.

When we look at the specific nutrients, you can get all the nutrients you need from plant-based foods.

There are a few that are more difficult to get or that only come in fortified plant-based foods. If you don’t want to keep track of all the nutrients you’re consuming directly from foods every day, you can take a supplement. I personally take iron pill and a B12 gummy every day. I sometimes also take omega 3 gummies.

But I get plenty of protein and calcium and iron from plants. And those are the ones that I see people worry about the most often.

You can’t get all the nutrients you need from animal foods alone

Chantelle: Another thing to note is I see carnivore only diets popping up sometimes where people are just eating animal-based foods. And you cannot get all the nutrients you need from that.

You can only get fibre from plant-based foods. So people on a carnivore only diet are getting zero fibre.

Nutrition is no mystery

Chantelle: One of the first things you learn as a kid is you’ll be healthier if you eat your veggies, and it holds true.

There’s this impression that nutrition is such a mystery, and everything is just a trend. But really, the vast majority of nutrition experts have reached a consensus that eating a wide variety of whole plant-based foods is good for your health, and it’s a good idea to limit red meat intake.

Amy: Absolutely. And just to add to some of those things you said, Chantelle, oat milk has a lot of B12 added into it already. Dark chocolate is so full of iron. Beans have a lot of calcium, but so do fortified plant milks, figs, leafy greens. Potatoes have a bunch of potassium and vitamin C.

Nutrition education has been influenced by industry

Amy: I’ve realized that most of what I’ve learned about nutrition growing up was influenced by food manufacturers and producers such as the dairy industry.

We know now that kids can thrive on plant-based diets.

The beauty of scientific research means that we understand it isn’t dairy milk that’s preventing osteoarthritis. It’s the combination of consuming calcium and a magnesium together in good quantities. You can get those in combination together from greens, seeds, beans, brown rice, quinoa. The list goes on and on.

So this is one of those myths that I find really fun to chat about with people because they start to realize how much what they grew up with is not the reality and how much opportunity there is to learn about what a body needs to thrive and be well.

And again, the most important part is to approach it with excitement and intrigue and compassion.

Talking about these topics with a judgment or know it all attitude will just sour someone’s experience and have the opposite impact.

Chantelle: Absolutely. That is always something really important to keep in mind.

Is soy bad for you?

Soy does not increase estrogen levels

Chantelle: We’re keeping in the trend of health related topics; sometimes you hear that soy is bad for you because it increases estrogen.

Desiree Nelson did a great job debunking this on our Plant University blog post called 10 Tips for Getting Started on a Plant-Based Diet Today.

10 tips for getting started on a plant-based diet

Soy gets a bad reputation because it has something in it called phytoestrogen, which is a naturally occurring compound in plant foods that has a similar chemical structure to our body’s natural estrogen, but it behaves differently and it’s about a thousand times weaker.

According to research, phytoestrogens don’t increase our body’s estrogen, and some experts have suggested they may have a balancing effect on our body’s natural hormone levels.

But if you are worried about extra estrogen in your diet, your real concern should be dairy, which is the source of about 60 to 80 percent of estrogens consumed in Western diets.

Soy is does not increase estrogen or decrease testosterone levels

Amy: This was actually a really big one that came up when I was dating someone who was concerned about veganism. The bottom line that I figured out after researching it is that soy foods are a good source of protein and a healthy part of a balanced diet.

The concerns I heard most are related to men and children. So I’ll speak more to that.

As far as men, research has shown that eating soy foods does not lead to increased estrogen levels or decreased testosterone levels in men. Some studies have even shown that soy consumption may have a significant health benefit for men, such as lowering the risk of prostate cancer and improving heart health.

Soy has many nutrients for healthy development in children

Amy: As far as children goes, soy is a really great source of protein, providing all the essential amino acids required for growth and development. Soy foods contain fiber, vitamin K, folate, some B vitamins, iron, calcium, and magnesium. It also contains polyunsaturated fats, including omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which are important for brain development.

So knowing these facts and more about plant-based nutrients can really help when those challenging questions come up from parents who think a vegan diet is abusive to children.

Are dairy cows dangerous to their calves?

A calf and mother dairy cow.
A calf and mother at Sanctuaire pour animaux de ferme de l’Estrie in Quebec. Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media.

Dairy calves are removed so their mothers’ milk can be used and sold

Amy: The next argument is that the dairy industry takes calves from their mothers so that the mother cow doesn’t accidentally kill them.

Chantelle: Dairy farmers and sanctuary owners have spoken out against this myth, but it’s still one that persists.

Dairy is produced by impregnating cows and then the baby calf is typically removed within a few hours so the milk can be used by humans.

And then the calves are fed milk, which is sometimes waste milk from the dairy industry or a milk replacer. And then they go on to be killed for veal if they’re male or raised as dairy cows if they’re female.

Are the calves removed for their own safety? No. They’re removed because the human animal agriculture industry wants to use the milk. They would be removed regardless, because we have a dairy industry and humans want to use milk for their own consumption.

Dairy cows and calves suffer when separated

Chantelle: But even if dairy cows had lost some of their maternal instincts through the years, through generations of having their babies removed, it wouldn’t be an excuse to continue breeding them and continuing the cycle.

We see that cows mourn when their babies are taken away. They cry. They chase after them. They try to stop the farmers from taking the calves.

The dairy industry continues to do this so the milk can be used and sold for humans, and it doesn’t need to be. We have plant-based alternatives for this.

Cows and calves form a close bond

Amy: I’ve spent quite a bit of time with mama and baby cows. And it’s so incredibly far from reality, I’m not even sure how it got spread as a myth.

The bond between cows and their babies is one of the most beautiful motherhood bonds I personally have ever experienced.

I’ve noticed that cow moms are just so protective of their little ones. I got to be around just a couple day old calf and mama put her horns around me. I was providing some supplemental milk to the calf to make sure that he was getting enough and she watched me every second of the time I was there with him.

They feed calves from their udders for years, not just one year, but sometimes more. Past the point where the calves start to be painful and annoying and they bother their mums. Their mums still keep feeding them and giving them love. It’s pretty special.

The dairy industry is emotionally painful for animals

Amy: I’ve heard the call of calves and their mums calling for each other on multiple different farms who are separated from each other. And it’s really sad.

If you really think about the dairy industry and how it’s all set up, to me, this is in a way the most emotionally painful and complex animal industry.

And yet it’s the one that people love cheese and they have a really hard time giving up milk because they just like how it tastes and it’s addictive.

And yet this is the one that has such a massive emotional burden on so many. It’s something that we can move away from and, and take a stand for the mamas and the babies and what they deserve.

Chantelle: I hear a lot from people who say they would have a hard time giving up cheese. I was one of them once, and I think a lot of people who are vegan now were once that person.

And once I gave it up, I honestly didn’t find it difficult. But I find it really difficult to see the realities of the dairy industry.

If we stopped farming animals, would they go extinct?

Selective breeding in modern farmed animals poses welfare concerns

Chantelle: So this next argument is when I have a really hard time believing that people are making it in good faith, but maybe they are. The idea is if we stopped farming animals, those animals would go extinct.

I don’t know where this idea came from, that animal agriculture is some sort of conservation movement. Keeping animals alive so that we can use and slaughter them at a fraction of their natural lifespan is not about conservation.

Modern farmed animals have also been selectively bred for the maximum meat production or byproduct production, like eggs or dairy, and that has been detrimental to their health. It leads to so much suffering.

  • Broiler chickens raised for meat grow so large that their legs cannot support their bodies.
  • Egg laying hens lay eggs far more often than they would in the wild, which uses up the calcium they need in their bodies, and it leads to bone fractures.
  • There are genetic defects in cattle and sheep and pigs from selective breeding for growth and from inbreeding.

Animal agriculture is harmful to wildlife conservation

Chantelle: If we’re talking about conservation, industrial animal agriculture has also been extremely harmful for wildlife.

  • Wild animals are killed to protect farmed animals.
  • We see habitat loss for raising and feeding animals.
  • Agricultural runoff is harmful to waterways and to animals who live in them and depend on them for drinking water.

When we look at all of the mammals on earth, farmed animals make up 62% of the world’s mammal biomass, whereas wild animals are just 4%. Farmed animals are really not struggling to be conserved right now.

How grazing impacts conservation

Amy: I appreciate this one because I think it comes up really commonly with the beef industry. Particularly it’s one I’ve seen the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association put forward a specific version of it, which is that there’s areas of the North American plains that only cows are able to graze to maintain, and that it would be problematic if these areas were not grazed.

There’s truth to this statement. And I think that’s important to acknowledge. It’s true that there are benefits to grazing. There used to be huge amounts of bison ranging the land and grazing.

Well managed grazing mimics the natural processes that once involved those wild herbivores. It maintains plant diversity, supports soil health, and regulates species composition.

But on the flip side, we’re talking about well managed grazing. And when it comes to the volume of animals being produced for farming, there’s often overgrazing or poor management of that land, which can degrade the ecosystems.

So, if cows were to stop grazing in many of these areas, there’s benefits that could be experienced such as without the pressure of domestic livestock, the ecosystems could be more natural. There could be new plant diversity and more wild animals coming back into the spaces. And then it can also improve the soil structure, reduce erosion, and increase soil carbon sequestration, which benefits the ecosystem and climate change mitigation.

So, there’s sort of this, this nuance and this balance, but when it comes to wild animals, they move differently than farmed animals over sections of land and these areas were really intended for wild herbivores to travel across them.

What would happen to farmed animals if everyone went vegan?

The shift to a plant-based world is gradual

Chantelle: I think this one is kind of a different side of the same coin, which is if we all go vegan, the farmed animals would all be killed, or would take over, or would have nowhere to go.

And first of all, a lot of these questions come from the idea that everyone on earth will somehow go vegan all at the same time and that all farmed animals will suddenly be rendered economically redundant. I do not see that happening.

I think it’s much more realistic that people are going to gradually shift toward a plant based food system and fewer animals will be bred for food over time.

A compassionate world would not make life worse for animals

Chantelle: But even if we did have this suddenly vegan world, farmed animals are already headed to slaughter. Farmed animals are already regularly being culled because of things like shifts in the economy or disease spread.

So a world where all people suddenly care very deeply about animal welfare and are doing our best for the animals can’t be worse than the system we have in place right now.

Animal consumption continues to grow

Amy: This myth sounds like it’s coming from someone who was on their last limits of trying to have an argument against veganism.

The consumption of animals is continuing to grow on our planet. Which makes me really sad, as someone who spends my life trying to advocate for these animals.

Even with the number of people going vegan and vegetarian growing, it isn’t enough to match the population growth. The volume of animals being killed and consumed is still larger than ever.

It’s remarkable how much change is going to be needed to make a drop in the bucket when it comes to reducing animal consumption.

That degree of gradual change is not going to have any of the suggested impacts listed in this myth.

If we all go vegan, what will cats and dogs eat?

As the food system shifts for humans, we work on solutions for pets

Amy: And we’ve got one more. If we all go vegan, what will dogs and cats eat?

Chantelle: I think that’s a good question. I think as we move toward a plant-based food system for humans, we’ll also be working toward a similar shift for animals.

And it’s an important question to ask what our companion animals who eat an omnivore or carnivore diet can eat besides other animals.

If our goal is to end farmed animal suffering, two important steps are shifting human diets toward plant based foods and then working on solutions for non-human animals who eat meat to not be relying on food from other animals.

Some ways we can do that is to support researching nutrition needs and developing cultured or lab grown meat. We talk more about what pet food looks like in a vegan future in our episode, Is my pet happy.

Podcast: Is my pet happy?

Cultured meat (lab-grown meat) and plant-based options

Amy: I would love to see cultured meat become affordable and available for pet food. I think that is the absolute way of the future. It’s unfortunate that we’re just in a time right now where it’s still in development, but I think it’s going to become the norm very soon.

And there’s also vegan pet foods. Which many animals right now are thriving on and enjoying. I just think how great would it be to lower our impact and consumption of animal products because of continued technological innovation. And to me, that seems like something everyone can get on board with.

Next episode

A mother cow and calf on a farm sanctuary

Please join us next month as we hear perspectives from people who operate farm sanctuaries.


Jenga the giraffe dies at the Greater Vancouver Zoo

Jenga the giraffe tragically died at the Greater Vancouver Zoo on October 23rd at just eight years old – a fraction of the natural lifespan of giraffes in the wild. He lived his life in a small, cold enclosure, nothing like the natural habitat of his wild counterparts.

The Vancouver Humane Society is calling for provincial decision-makers to immediately address the outdated regulations around the keeping, breeding, and transport of wild and exotic animals. Please sign the petition to help prevent further suffering of wild and exotic animals in captivity.

Scroll down to learn more about Jenga’s sad death and ongoing welfare concerns at the Greater Vancouver Zoo.

Sign the petition

Vancouver Sun

Jenga the giraffe has died at Greater Vancouver Zoo

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce the peaceful passing of Jenga, our beloved eight-year-old giraffe,” the zoo said in a statement.

“Giraffes are reported to have a median life expectancy of between 14 to 20 years, with some living up to 25 years in the wild. According to conservation groups, there are about 117,000 giraffes left worldwide.”

“Jenga is not the first animal death at the zoo. Between 2003 and 2015, the deaths of four giraffes, four zebras, two hippos and two Siberian tigers were reported, according to the Vancouver Humane Society.”

“The 48-hectare zoo has been under scrutiny after a few incidents, including a three-day search-and-rescue operation after more than a dozen wolves escaped in 2022.”

Read the article

CBC Radio: The Early Edition

Jenga the Giraffe dies at the Greater Vancouver Zoo | The Early Edition with Stephen Quinn | Live Radio | CBC Listen

Vancouver Humane Society Campaign Director Emily Pickett shares animal welfare concerns over the Greater Vancouver Zoo after its latest resident death.

“In the wild, giraffes live in large herds; they have a large home range. Their natural habitat is typically arid and dry. They’re browsing animals that are adapted to foraging and feeding predominantly on leaves and stems of trees and shrubs.”

“But at the Greater Vancouver Zoo, Jenga lived a very different life. He lived with only a couple of other giraffes in a small and barren enclosure with little to no opportunity to engage in many of those natural behaviours.”

Listen now

Daily Hive

Animal welfare concerns sparked by giraffe death at Vancouver Zoo | News

Sparked by the death of a giraffe, some are sharing their concerns for the welfare of the animals at the Greater Vancouver Zoo.

“The Vancouver Humane Society calls the death tragic and suggests that Jenga’s life was not the life a giraffe deserves. It adds that while Jenga died at eight years old, giraffes generally live up to 25 years in the wild.”

“The Vancouver Humane Society is reminding the public of several incidents since 2019 regarding the well-being of animals at the Greater Vancouver Zoo.”

Read the article

“Devastated”: Beloved giraffe dies at Greater Vancouver Zoo | News

Caretakers and fans of the Greater Vancouver Zoo are mourning the sudden passing of the beloved giraffe Jenga this week.

“Vancouver Humane Society issued a statement on the ‘tragic life and death of Jenga the giraffe,’ urging the zoo to address ‘ongoing welfare issues.'”

“‘We’re saddened to learn of the death of another animal at the Greater Vancouver Zoo. Jenga the giraffe was only eight years old, which is a fraction of the lifespan for giraffes in the wild,’ said campaign director Emily Pickett in a release. ‘The Vancouver Humane Society has been calling on the zoo for many years to address long-standing animal welfare issues and to move away from keeping animals in permanent captivity.'”

Read the article

Stop delaying ban on cruel live horse exports for slaughter

  • It has been three years since the federal government promised to ban the shipping of gentle draft horses overseas for slaughter, an industry that causes unimaginable fear and suffering to these sensitive animals.
  • Bill C-355, which would ban the cruel practice, got through the House of Commons but has been stalled in the Senate since May.
  • Recent investigations and Japanese government data show the suffering far exceeds what the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) claims.  
  • While the Senate delays action, horses continue to suffer and die as shipments continue.

Join animal protection organizations across Canada in urging the Senate to stop the deadly delay.

Take the quick action to email Canadian Senators

Use the email template below to send a message to Canadian Senators in your province, calling on them to move forward with bill C-355 without further delay.

Tip: For added impact, edit the template message below to personalize your email.

Note: Click here for individual contact info of Canadian Senators.

Most Canadians would be surprised to learn that Canada is one of the top exporters of live horses for slaughter. Every year, approximately 3,000-5,000 live draft horses are loaded onto planes, packed tightly with 3-4 horses per crate, and flown on lengthy journeys abroad where they will be slaughtered for meat.

Horses’ journeys to slaughter are long, dangerous and stressful

  • Horses can legally be transported for up to 28 hours without access to food, water or rest, but a recent exposé finds most journeys actually exceed this time limit.
  • As sensitive prey animals with strong fight or flight instincts, horses suffer greatly on long, loud, crowded trips.
  • Deaths and injuries are commonplace, with a recent exposé showing that 21 horses died in 13 months, between May 2023-June 2024. A Canadian Food Inspection Agency representative had previously reported they were only aware of five deaths since 2013.
  • Causes of death included dehydration, serious injuries incurred during flights, and painful miscarriages.

Canadians are calling for change

Recent polling shows just 22% of Canadians support the live horse export industry continuing

The industry has long been opposed by organizations across Canada, including the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition and prominent animal advocates like singer-songwriter Jann Arden.

A federal parliamentary e-petition garnered more than 77,000 public signatures in support of a ban, making it one of the most popular animal-related federal petitions on record.  

Horses continue to suffer due to delay of bill C-355

In December 2021, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau directed the Minister of Agriculture, Marie-Claude Bibeau, to ban the live export of horses for slaughter. Three years later, horses continue to be shipped to their death as a result of delay in passing Bill C-355, which would end the practice of exporting live horses for slaughter.  

Can you help protect horses from suffering through long journeys to slaughter?

Back to quick action

Learn more

  • Check out Canadian singer-songwriter Jann Arden’s #HorseShit campaign, which aims to end the practice of live horse export for slaughter. 
  • Get an in-depth look at the horse export and slaughter industry, thanks to the work of the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC).
  • Read or listen to and share this episode of The Informed Animal Ally, the VHS’s monthly podcast, featuring guest speaker Sinikka Crosland of the CHDC. 
  • Read and share the op-ed by the VHS and Animal Justice, published in the Daily Hive, to raise awareness about this inhumane industry.

Cover photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition


Hastings racing season bookended by horse deaths

Another horse has died after being seriously injured during the final weekend of the racing season at Hastings Racecourse. Her tragic loss was the fourth fatality of this year’s racing season, with the first occurring less than a month after the season began.

Take action

Last year, eleven horses died at B.C.’s two racecourses – eight at Hastings and three at Fraser Downs.  

The pattern of regular deaths is not the only threat to horses’ well-being in the racing industry. Horses also suffer stress and pain as a result of aversive training and the use of painful tools like whips and bits to tightly control their movements in these risky, fast-paced events.

The VHS continues to encourage the public to not attend horse races and to take the pledge to reflect their concern for horses.  

Take pledge
In the news
2023 incidents

Rodeo season wraps up with new actions, growing public opposition

Photo: Jordan Rivers \We Animals Media

This summer, the VHS and supporters were hard at work advocating to end the suffering of animals in rodeos.

Calgary Stampede

This year’s Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races were the deadliest of the past five years, resulting in the deaths of four animals: three horses used in chuckwagon racing and a cow used in steer wrestling.

Media coverage of tragic incidents ensures public transparency

The VHS team closely monitored events to ensure these tragic incidents were tracked and shared with media. Stampede organizers only shared information about animal deaths after the VHS’s team and media contacts made inquiries.

The VHS’s Calgary Stampede campaign ran throughout the summer, reaching millions of people through online messaging, billboards across Calgary, and 43 media broadcasts and articles including on Global News, CTV News, CityNews Calgary, and the CBC.

Sharp increase in opposition to rodeo events in Calgary and across Canada

Survey results have since shown a significant increase in public opposition to inhumane rodeo and chuckwagon races and to government funding of these events.

With the shift in public opinion comes an important opportunity for meaningful change. Decision-makers have previously pushed back on calls to end the rodeo and chuckwagon races at the Calgary Stampede, citing public support. The new survey results show that support is rapidly dwindling, marking a turning point for the increasingly controversial animal events.

Calling for action from Calgary City Council

The VHS has delivered a report to Calgary City Council outlining welfare concerns, growing public opposition to rodeo events and chuckwagon races, and a recommendation that the City support removing inhumane events from the Stampede program.

Take action on the Calgary Stampede rodeo

B.C. rodeo season

Here in B.C., the rodeo season once again saw many concerning incidents of animal suffering. The VHS monitored these events, where video footage revealed animals being dragged around the arena by a rope, thrashing in chutes and becoming trapped in unnatural positions, and being agitated through stressful practices like ear pulling.

The VHS submits cruelty reports for inhumane treatment and apparent rule violations

Animal welfare concerns raised at Coombs rodeo

Videos from the 2024 Bulls Broncs & Barrels in Coombs, British Columbia show a number of serious welfare concerns, including: – Improper use of electric prods – A horse falling and being kicked in the head – Rough handling and deliberate agitation of animals – Visible signs of stress Footage: Jordan Rivers We Animals Media

In one particularly concerning clip from a rodeo in Clinton, a stressed bull resists handlers’ attempts to move him in the pens next to the arena. The clip goes on to show handlers kicking the bull, twisting his tail and using an electric prod on the animal repeatedly, including prodding the animal on the anus.

The VHS submitted an animal cruelty report in response to the incident, which appears to violate rules around electric prod use. The VHS also submitted a cruelty report regarding harsh handling of horses and inhumane use of electric prods at a rodeo in Coombs this August.

B.C. government continues to fund rodeo events

The B.C. government continues to fund the suffering of animals in rodeo, with more than $680,000 in taxpayer dollars awarded to events that include rodeos this year alone. The VHS is calling for an end to provincial funding of rodeo events and for legal protections to prevent animal suffering in rodeo. You can send a pre-written, editable email to provincial decision-makers using the quick action tool.

Take action on B.C. rodeos

Call for transparent labelling for ALL egg products


The feedback period for transparent labelling on egg products is now closed. Thank you to all who spoke up for transparency for egg-laying hens!

  • The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is looking for public feedback on proposed guidelines for how plant-based egg products can be labelled. 
  • While the intention is to prevent false or misleading advertising of plant-based products, research shows that consumers find labelling of eggs from chickens confusing.
  • TAKE ACTION: Your input is needed to help advocate for fair and transparent labelling standards among all egg products in Canada. Share your feedback in a quick email before the consultation deadline of October 28th
Email your feedback
Key points

Push for fair and transparent labelling of animal-based egg products 

Send a short email before the October 28th consultation deadline. Scroll down to review a few key points to consider in your submission. 

Use your own words as much as possible (do not copy and paste) as duplicate responses may not be considered. 

Send an email (2 min)

Key points to consider in your email

Which eggs would consumers consider the most “humane”? Source: Save-On Foods.

Chicken egg product labelling is confusing and misleading  

A 2024 survey prepared by Bryant Research found that consumers are confused and misled by chicken egg labels and packaging.

Terms such as free-range, free-run, cage-free and enriched colony housing have no legal definitions. These terms, along with marketing tactics such as labels with images of happy hens frolicking in the grass, are misleading when compared to the on-farm conditions and methods of production.  

Tip: Share your own experience with chicken egg labelling. Have you found it confusing to understand the welfare information and method of production (caged vs. cage-free eggs) of eggs at your grocery store?  

Egg product labelling should include welfare information and method of production 

Research shows that a majority of Canadian consumers think about animal welfare when deciding what eggs to purchase. The majority are willing to spend more when they believe the hens’ welfare is higher.  

Consumers and advocates are increasingly calling for in-store egg labelling that includes animal welfare and method of production (e.g. caged vs. cage-free) information.  

Fairness in labelling for ALL egg products 

Guidelines for plant-based egg labelling must be fair and not put plant-based products at a disadvantage to animal-based products. Efforts to prevent misleading advertising and improve transparency must apply to ALL egg products.  

Send an email (2 min)

10 minute survey

Have more time? You can learn more about the proposed guidance on plant-based egg labelling and submit your feedback via the online feedback questionnaire, which includes more questions.  

Update: The online questionnaire is now closed. Thank you to all who participated.

Review proposed guidance

Have your say: Chicken and turkey welfare survey


The feedback period for the Chicken and Turkey Code of Practice is now closed. Thank you to all who spoke up for chickens and turkeys!

  • The National Farm Animal Care Council’s (NFACC) Chicken and Turkey Code of Practice, which serves as a guideline for on-farm care and handling of birds raised for meat, is coming up for review for the first time since 2016.  
  • A short public survey will help determine the top priorities for the code review. 
  • The current code allows for many inhumane practices that compromise the welfare of chickens and turkeys in the poultry industry.   
  • In 2023, more than 780 million chickens were raised and killed for meat in Canada, representing the vast majority of animals farmed for food nationwide. 

TAKE ACTION: Take the 5-minute survey to speak up for hundreds of millions of individual animals. 

Share your top welfare concerns for chickens and turkeys 

Take the short survey to share your top 3 welfare concerns for chickens and turkeys raised for meat in Canada. The deadline to participate has been extended to November 8, 2024.  

  • Scroll down to read a few key welfare issues you may want to consider. 
  • Please use your own words (do not copy and paste the wording below), as duplicate responses will not be considered
  • Share constructive feedback, as submissions that include profanity or derogatory language will not be considered by NFACC. 
  • Note: The code is specific to on-farm practices (not including transport) and birds raised for meat (not including eggs).  
Take the survey

Top welfare priorities


Lower the stocking density of birds on poultry farms and provide them with more space to move freely and exhibit natural behaviors. 

Overcrowding in chicken and turkey farms in Canada presents significant welfare and health concerns for the birds. Intensive farming practices, driven by the demand for low-cost poultry, often result in large numbers of birds confined to limited spaces.

For example, the average chicken farm in Canada houses 36,000 birds.

This high-density environment can lead to increased stress, aggressive behaviours, and the spread of diseases, which may necessitate the use of antibiotics and other interventions.

Furthermore, overcrowding compromises the birds’ ability to engage in natural behaviors, such as movement and foraging. This impacts their overall well-being. 

Fast-growing breeds 

Prohibit fast-growing breeds, in favour of higher-welfare breeds that grow more naturally. 

Breeding practices have led to fast-growing chicken and turkey breeds that amount to higher profits for producers but come at significant health and welfare costs for the birds. In 1950, it took 84 days for a chicken raised for meat to reach market weight. Today it takes 38 to 40 days.

The accelerated growth has been linked to skeletal deformities, heart problems, and reduced mobility, as these birds may struggle to support their own weight.  

Barren on-farm environments 

Improve on-farm conditions by requiring:

  • access to outdoors;
  • enrichment opportunities and materials, such as perches, pecking and foraging materials;
  • natural light and darkness; and healthy air quality and litter.   

Intensive farming practices have increasingly led to chickens and turkeys being housed in barren barns, without access to natural light, outdoors, and enrichment opportunities that allow them to engage in important natural behaviours, such as perching, pecking, and foraging. They spend much of their short lives surrounded by their own waste, contributing to unhealthy conditions. 

Painful procedures 

Prohibit painful physical procedures, including beak and toe “trimming” and snood removal.

Common physical procedures on poultry farms, including beak and toe “trimming” and snood (fleshy area on a turkey’s beak) removal, are done to prevent feather pecking and other injuries in flocks. These invasive procedures are performed without pain control, which can lead to chronic pain and stress. 

Feather pecking and other injuries are often a result of intensive farming practices, including overcrowding, barren environments and lack of enrichment opportunities that allow birds to engage in natural behaviours.

Take the survey

Report urges Calgary city council to support a rodeo and chuckwagon-free Stampede 

Photos: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media

A NEW report from the Vancouver Humane Society highlights:

  • This year’s deadly Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races, with four animal fatalities and footage of inhumane handling of animals;
  • Groundbreaking polling that reflects a significant increase in public opposition to rodeo events and government funding;
  • 9600+ signatures on the #SayNoToRodeo pledge, calling for an end to inhumane rodeo events and the deadly chuckwagon races at the Calgary Stampede;

The report recommends that Calgary city council seek the removal of rodeo and chuckwagon events from Stampede program. 

TAKE ACTION: Sign and share the petition and send a message to Calgary city council in support of the VHS’s report and recommendations. 

Sign & share the #SayNoToRodeo pledge
Contact Calgary city council
Read the report

Send a message to Calgary City Council

Send a message to Calgary’s Mayor & Council in support of the VHS’s new report and recommendations. The report recommends: 

  • Ending inhumane animal events at the Stampede; 
  • Discussing the VHS report at an upcoming public council meeting. 

Below are some key points you may wish to consider in your message. Please use your own words and remain respectful in your message. 

Why you’re writing: Note the VHS’s new report and that you’re writing in support of it.  

What concerns you the most: Consider what happened at this year’s Stampede (four animal deaths); the event’s track record of near-annual deaths; the stress and suffering the animals experience during the events. 

Your request: That city council work with Stampede organizers to remove rodeo events and chuckwagon races and instead prioritize events that don’t cause animal harm.  

For people outside Calgary:

Email Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek

For Calgary residents:

Use the online contact form
Email the Manager, Office of the Councillors

The Vancouver Humane Society’s Stampede report

In a new report sent to Calgary city council, the VHS outlines concerns and recommendations following this year’s deadly Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon events. Below are the key points and recommendations in the report: 

The use of animals in rodeo events presents a significant risk of injury and death, as evidenced by the near-annual animal fatalities at the Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races.

  • The 2024 Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races were the deadliest since 2019, with four animal fatalities during this year’s 10-day event.
  • Three horses sustained serious and irrecoverable injuries during the chuckwagon races and one steer’s neck was disturbingly snapped during a wrestling event. All four animals were euthanized.
  • Footage from the Calgary Stampede rodeo captures animals being roughly handled and displaying visible signs of stress, including thrashing in the chutes, resisting handlers, open mouth and extended tongue, and exhibiting eye white response.
  • 2024 Research Co. public polling shows that majority of Calgarians oppose calf roping, steer wrestling, bronc riding, and chuckwagon racing.
  • Public polling also shows that 67% of Calgarians oppose government funding of rodeo events.
  • 2022 Research Co. polling of Calgarians also found that removal of the rodeo and chuckwagon events would have virtually no impact on attendance rates and would bring a new crowd to the Calgary Stampede.

Therefore, the VHS recommends that Calgary city council seek the removal of the rodeo and chuckwagon events from the annual Calgary Stampede program.


Find unique gifts & help animals at VHS’s online auction

Join the VHS for an exciting online auction this fall!

There are more than 100 items available to bid on in the online auction, all generously donated by local businesses.

Some of the incredible gifts donated by local businesses

The auction will run from October 17-27.

There’s something for everyone in the auction, including: treats for your furry companion, vegan beauty and skincare products, and delicious plant-based restaurant gift cards! The silent auction is the perfect place to purchase unique holiday gifts for loved ones or to treat yourself to something special, and all for a good cause.

New items are being added each day so be sure to check back!

Here’s how to register to start bidding!

1. Head to the VHS BiddingOwl auction site.

2. Select ‘Bidder Login” in the top right of the page:

3. Enter your email address to see if you already have an account.

4. Log in or follow the instructions to create an account.

(Please note, the Bidding Owl website has been updated this year so you may need to create a new account for 2024).

This year’s auction aims to raise more than $11,000 and we can’t do it without you! All proceeds from the auction will go towards the VHS’ work to advocate for animals.

Learn more about the VHS’s programs and advocacy work to see how your purchase at the auction helps animals.

The VHS is so grateful to the following businesses and individuals that are supporting the online auction:

  • 33 Acres
  • A Sunday in August
  • Amy Gogarty
  • Art & Soul Pastel by Carmen
  • Arts Club Theatre Company
  • Ashley O’Mara art
  • Barrington Brolly
  • Blim
  • Blume
  • Bonus Bakery
  • breATHe Kitchen
  • BReD
  • Brooklyn Fowler
  • Canucks alumni association
  • Carole Boivin
  • Carol Dingee
  • Cindy Whitehead Psychic Medium
  • Cirque De Soleil
  • Core Community
  • Designs for you
  • Diane Paterson
  • Do Chay
  • Don Lepan
  • Door 11 Botanical Skincare
  • Dorothea Gordon
  • Drby Pet Co.
  • Elena Markelova
  • Eva Taylor Art
  • Fox & Oak
  • Goh Ballet
  • Grey Jay Gear Co.
  • Hand Eye Ceramics
  • Herb Auerbach
  • Hustle
  • Infofit
  • Ivyc Designs
  • Jacked on the Beanstalk
  • Janet
  • Jaybird
  • Johanna Hickey
  • Jokes Please!
  • Karin Taylor Art
  • Konscious Foods
  • Lily & Roo
  • MAKE
  • MarketSmart Communications
  • Meet
  • Meowbox
  • Mikel Grant Jewellery
  • Mindfull Mode
  • Modo Yoga NVan
  • My Bougie Bottle
  • Nam Vegan Express
  • Nuttea
  • Oatworthy
  • Off-The-Record-Conseling
  • Paliotti’s Westside
  • Panela Lemon
  • Plant Based
  • Poshy Paw
  • Treaty/Animals Save Movement
  • Plant Curious
  • Poplin & Co.
  • Pumpkins After Dark
  • Rayne Jacobson
  • Ride Cycle Club
  • Sandra Parsons
  • Sharon Shivji
  • Shelley Tetz
  • Shirley Hintz
  • Skwálwen Botanicals
  • Spread’em Kitchen
  • Spin Society
  • Sprouted Oven
  • Sriracha Revolver
  • Style Aligned with Karina
  • suri by design
  • Teresa Knight
  • The Hive
  • The Improv Centre
  • The Pie Hole
  • To Live For
  • UBC Opera
  • Vancouver Art Gallery
  • Vancouver Burlesque Co.
  • Vancouver Canadians
  • Vancouver Opera
  • Veg Out
  • Vegan Family Kitchen
  • Vegan Shoku
  • Vegan Supply
  • Vessi
  • Virchew
  • Wild Jasmine Apothecary

Petition asks Alberta government to follow B.C.’s lead in considering pets as more than property under family law

Alberta woman calls for family law changes surrounding pets |

An Alberta woman is calling for changes to the way pets are dealt with under provincial family law, after similar changes in B.C. earlier this year.

An advocate in Alberta has launched a petition asking that the Alberta goverment follow B.C.’s lead in considering pets as more than property under family law.

The provincial government in B.C. made changes to the Family Law Act this past January. With these changes, pets are no longer treated as “property” in divorce and separation proceedings, recognizing their safety, well-being, and place as part of the family.

Read the article
Sign the petition

Animals still considered property under Canadian Law

Animals are still considered property under federal law. The Vancouver Humane Society, along with animal protection organizations and experts across the country, is calling on the federal government to recognize animals as sentient beings with a new petition.

Can you support this important initiative and help strengthen legal protections for animal well-being?

Learn more & take action