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Earth Day: Go plant-based for the planet

Today marks the 48th annual Earth Day celebration and around the world events and efforts will be taking place to draw attention to the need for stronger environmental protections.

As the global community reflects today on the increasingly sensitive state of the planet and what role we as individuals can play in tackling what can sometimes feel like an overwhelming issue, it’s important to remember that every time we sit down to eat, we have an opportunity to stand up for a better world.

Animal agriculture has been identified as a leading contributor not only to climate change, but to air and water pollution, water use, land degradation, deforestation and biodiversity decline.

In fact, animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire global transportation sector. This is because animal-based foods are incredibly inefficient to produce and are very resource-intensive. The processes involved when it comes to raising, transporting and slaughtering animals for food are responsible for potent greenhouse gas emissions including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. To put this in perspective, beef production requires 20 times more land and emits 20 times more greenhouse gas emissions per unit of edible protein than common plant-based protein sources such as beans, peas and lentils.[1]

The production of animal-based foods also requires and pollutes large amounts of water. Agriculture accounts for 92% of our global freshwater footprint; approximately one third relates to animal products.[2] The water footprint per gram of protein for milk, eggs and chicken is approximately 1.5 times larger than for pulses (beans, lentils, peas). For beef, it is six times larger than for pulses.[3] The sheer volume of animal waste, along with fertilizers and pesticides used for feed crops, as well as hormones and antibiotics used on livestock create major water pollution issues. These pollutants seep into waterways, threatening water quality, ecosystems and animal and human health.[4]

Meanwhile, animal agriculture is a key contributor to land degradation and deforestation, with one-quarter of the earth’s land surface (excluding Antarctica) being used as pastureland. [5] The conversion of natural habitat to accommodate livestock and feed crops puts immense pressure on wildlife that struggle to survive in increasingly fragmented and degraded environments. Ineffective and ill-informed cull programs put additional pressure on predator populations, due to the perceived threat they pose to livestock profits.

While our diet can be a major part of the problem when it comes to protecting the planet, that also means it is a crucial part of the solution. A 2016 Oxford Martin School study found that the adoption of global dietary guidelines would cut food-related emissions by 29%, vegetarian diets by 63%, and vegan diets by 70%.[6] By reducing and eliminating resource-intensive animal products from our diet and supporting efforts to make more sustainable plant-based foods widely accessible, we can drastically decrease our individual and societal environmental footprints.

This Earth Day, join the growing number of people around the world who are recognizing the power behind what we put on our plate. Take our Meatless Monday pledge for recipe ideas and download our Live Well booklet to learn more about a plant-based diet. You can also support VHS’s efforts to introduce more healthy, humane and sustainable plant-based menu options in schools and other institutions.







Media Release

Vancouver proclaims May 15 Meatless Monday

Media release

April 10, 2017

Vancouver proclaims May 15 Meatless Monday

Metro mayors urged to follow suit

Vancouver – The City of Vancouver has proclaimed May 15 Meatless Monday and the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is calling on other Metro Vancouver municipalities to join the Meatless Monday movement with their own proclamations of support.

A number of institutions throughout Metro Vancouver are participating in the movement, including ten schools offering meatless dishes on their Monday menus. VHS has supported student groups and food service providers in bringing the initiative to their cafeterias by sharing tips, best practices and resources and helping to promote the concept.

Meatless Monday is a global initiative, active in more than 30 countries and growing in popularity in Metro Vancouver. The campaign is aimed at increasing awareness about the impact of food choices and improving access to humane, healthy and sustainable food options.

VHS has written to mayors and councils in Metro Vancouver, explaining the concept and encouraging them to pass a similar proclamation in solidarity with not only the City of Vancouver, but also the schools, organizations and residents who are actively participating.

“We’re thrilled that Vancouver is supporting this initiative. As a city committed to developing food systems that are sustainable and that support community well-being, Vancouver is taking a step in the right direction,” said Emily Pickett, VHS’s Program Coordinator. “This also serves as an inspiration for those looking to do their part to help tackle issues like factory farming, climate change and public health.

“Every time we sit down to eat, we have the chance to stand up for a kinder, cleaner and healthier community. This is what Meatless Monday is all about and we’re encouraging Metro Vancouver residents to join us on Monday, May 15 in this effort.”


Media Release

Sir Paul McCartney praises Metro Vancouver Meatless Monday effort

Media release

June 12, 2017

For immediate release

Sir Paul McCartney praises Meatless Monday effort in Metro Vancouver

Former Beatle sends message to Vancouver Humane Society

Sir Paul McCartney has sent a message via the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) praising the cities of Vancouver, New Westminster, North Vancouver and Port Moody for proclaiming Meatless Monday on May 15th in their communities. Meatless Monday raises awareness about the links between diet and the environment, health and animal welfare.  The superstar and animal lover wrote:

“Congratulations to Vancouver, the City of North Vancouver, New Westminster and Port Moody for going meat free on Monday 15 May. A great step forward in showing how easy and fun it is to have meat free days and help protect the planet from climate change. Well done. Love Paul and family.” – Paul McCartney

The proclamations were inspired by the ongoing Meatless Monday initiatives of VHS and local schools. To date, eleven secondary and post-secondary institutions are pairing meatless options on Mondays with information on the benefits of plant-based eating.  VHS is sharing Sir Paul’s message with the four municipalities and the participating schools.

Meatless Monday is a global initiative, active in more than 30 countries and growing in popularity in Metro Vancouver. The campaign is aimed at increasing awareness about the impact of food choices and improving access to humane, healthy and sustainable food options. Reducing our overconsumption of animal products and increasing our consumption of plant-based foods helps fight climate change, protects individual and public health and reduces the demand for cheap meat that drives factory farming.


animal welfare compassion Cruelty-free News/Blog plant-based diet Promoted school vegan vegetarianism

Today is Meatless Monday in Metro Vancouver

Sutherland Secondary’s Meatless Monday Club tabling for Meatless Monday and giving away free salads.

Schools lead the way, as more schools offer plant-based meals

In an effort to raise awareness of the links between diet and the environment, health and animal welfare, the Cities of Vancouver, New Westminster, North Vancouver and Port Moody have proclaimed today Meatless Monday. Students in Metro Vancouver are leading the way in introducing the concept, with a number of secondary and post-secondary schools offering plant-based meals in their food facilities on Mondays.

To mark the occasion Vancouver Councillor Adriane Carr will visit David Thompson Secondary at 1755 E 55th Avenue at 11:30 a.m. to congratulate students and staff on the success of their Meatless Monday initiative. Here are a few photos from today’s media and outreach event at David Thompson Secondary!

Eleven Metro Vancouver schools will be participating by offering at least one meatless dish on their menu in addition to their regular menu items. Two of these schools, Argyle Secondary and Lord Byng Secondary, are launching their initiatives today.

The Carnegie Community Centre, which serves the Downtown Eastside, will be offering a special Meatless Monday menu today. The centre aims to offer healthy, culturally diverse and delicious food on a daily basis for the community.

Meatless Monday is a global initiative, active in more than 30 countries and growing in popularity in Metro Vancouver. The campaign is aimed at increasing awareness about the impact of food choices and improving access to humane, healthy and sustainable food options. Reducing our overconsumption of animal products and increasing our consumption of plant-based foods helps fight climate change, protects individual/public health and reduces the demand for cheap meat that drives factory farming.

Media Release

Today is Meatless Monday in Vancouver

Media release

May 15, 2017

Today is Meatless Monday in Vancouver

Students lead the way, as more schools offer plant-based meals

Vancouver –  In an effort to raise awareness of the links between diet and the environment, health and animal welfare, the Cities of  Vancouver, New Westminster, North Vancouver and Port Moody have proclaimed today Meatless Monday. Students in Metro Vancouver are leading the way in introducing the concept, with a number of secondary and post-secondary schools offering plant-based meals in their food facilities on Mondays.

To mark the occasion Vancouver Councillor Adriane Carr will visit David Thompson Secondary at 1755 E 55th Avenue at 11:30 a.m. to congratulate students and staff on the success of their Meatless Monday initiative.

Eleven Metro Vancouver schools will be participating by offering at least one meatless dish on their menu in addition to their regular menu items. Two of these schools, Argyle Secondary and Lord Byng Secondary, are launching their initiatives today.

The Carnegie Community Centre, which  serves the Downtown Eastside, will be offering a special Meatless Monday menu today.  The centre aims to offer healthy, culturally diverse and delicious food on a daily basis for the community.

Meatless Monday is a global initiative, active in more than 30 countries and growing in popularity in Metro Vancouver. The campaign is aimed at increasing awareness about the impact of food choices and improving access to humane, healthy and sustainable food options. Reducing our overconsumption of animal products and increasing our consumption of plant-based foods helps fight climate change, protects individual/public health and reduces the demand for cheap meat that drives factory farming.


animal welfare compassion Cruelty-free Food and Drink News/Blog plant-based diet Promoted school Uncategorized vegan vegetarianism

Meatless Monday is on the move

Meatless Monday at Langara College.

Mark May 15th in your calendars! In an effort to raise awareness of the links between diet, the environment, health and animal welfare, Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson has proclaimed Monday May 15th, 2017 to be Meatless Monday.

The globally popular movement, aimed at increasing awareness about the impact of our food choices and improving access to humane, healthy and sustainable food options, has been gaining popularity in Metro Vancouver. To date, ten schools have embraced the “once a week, cut the meat” message, with the most recent being Sutherland Secondary in North Vancouver. Sutherland launched their cafeteria campaign with the leadership of their new Meatless Monday club, comprising students who are passionate about the impact eating meatless has on pressing issues like factory farming, climate change and individual and public health.

Sutherland’s Meatless Monday club got its start after students learned that Capilano University was implementing the meat reduction initiative with support from VHS. Program Coordinator, Emily Pickett, was thrilled to help Sutherland’s Meatless Monday club bring the campaign to their cafeteria. Just a couple of months in and the club has worked closely with food service provider, Amaga Foods, to add and promote delicious menu items like Mexican bean burritos, Mediterranean chickpea salad, tofu fried rice and lentil vegetable curry with rice.

Sutherland Secondary launches Meatless Monday

“Our club does regular outreach in our school’s cafeteria to help raise awareness of Meatless Monday, the benefits of participating and what meatless options are on the menu, “ says club organizers Naiara Peruchena and Shiqi Xu. “We are thrilled to see sales of the meatless Monday special steadily increase and we think this initiative is important for helping students become more aware of what’s on their plate and the impact that has beyond their plate.”

But it’s not just schools who are getting on board, Cabrito, a Spanish tapas restaurant on Vancouver’s Commercial Drive, also recently embraced Meatless Monday. Jamie Stolar, Cabrito’s general manager, says the idea emerged from a mix of reasons. “We love the idea of being able to encourage people that aren’t vegan or vegetarian that even choosing one day a week to eat meet free can make a difference.”

Cabrito’s Meatless Monday offer includes a sampler of the three items for $19, allowing diners to try a few different items for a great value and still leave full. Currently, both vegetarian and vegan options are available, but Stolar say the focus will be “100 per cent vegan going forward.”

Cabrito’s Roasted vegetable sliders

Stolar thinks Meatless Monday has lots of potential, given Vancouver’s veg-friendly nature. “It would be really cool to see more restaurants join the movement as it’s such a great way to educate people and get them to start thinking about what they are consuming. It leaves them with ideas that they can incorporate into their daily lives.”

The Mayor’s May 15th Meatless Monday proclamation is not only a great show of support for the local schools, businesses and individuals who have already embraced Meatless Monday, but it may be just the type of encouragement needed to take Meatless Monday to the next level!

VHS has invited other Lower Mainland municipalities to follow Vancouver’s lead and pass similar proclamations in solidarity and is encouraging citizens, schools, businesses and the community as a whole to embrace plant-based eating on Monday, May 15th (and every Monday moving forward)! Get in touch with Program Coordinator, Emily Pickett, to learn more and get involved.

animal welfare compassion Cruelty-free Food and Drink News/Blog plant-based diet Promoted school Uncategorized vegan vegetarianism

Meatless Monday on the menu at Simon Fraser University

Stop by the residence dining hall at Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Burnaby campus on Mondays and you’ll notice a variety of veg options being promoted. Food service provider, Chartwells, has been offering up delicious dishes including veg burgers, pizza, pasta, curries, salads and soups as part of their Meatless Monday initiative.

“Meatless Mondays is a simple concept that everyone can support. There are so many great veg options available these days that choosing to go meat-free, even one day a week, has never been easier! There are also a number of benefits, not just for the environment or animal welfare, but for a person’s health and general well-being too,” said Shehani Perera, Manager & Executive Chef at the residence dining hall.

Perera says feedback surrounding the initiative has been positive, with a growing number of students open to the concept of eating in a more humane, healthy and sustainable way. Student groups are also promoting the many benefits of cutting back on meat. Embark, a non-profit student society focused on sustainability, is supporting the Dining Services’ initiative via their “Monday Veggie Challenge”.

“Embark recognizes the destructive impact the meat industry has both on the planet and on human health,” explained Ali White, Programs Manager of Embark. “We’re asking the SFU community to choose plant-based options just one day a week! Participants can post their photos of vegetarian meals using the hashtag #SFUVeggieChallenge to enter to win a prize every month.”

It’s not just the sustainability crowd getting on board either; SFU’s Health Peers Program is also helping spread the word about the benefits of going meatless on Mondays.

“As students invested in health education efforts at SFU, the Health Peers recognize the value in supporting the Meatless Monday initiative,” said Health Peers member Savannah Swann. “While we promote Meatless Monday when possible through our presence at food-related events and outreach every year, our greatest contribution to this cause is through our bi-weekly Community Cooking Workshops. These workshops teach students about nutrition and help them to develop basic food preparation skills. We intentionally showcase easy vegetarian/vegan meals and always provide vegetarian/vegan options. We are proud to advocate for a cause that supports student health (financially and physically) and contributes to environmental sustainability.”

SFU is joined by seven other Metro Vancouver schools which are being supported by VHS in offering meatless menu options on Mondays.

“We’re thrilled to see schools and students embracing the Meatless Monday concept! Every time we eat meatless, we’re reducing the demand for cheap meat, which sentences over 700 million animals every year to lives of misery and deprivation on factory farms. It’s empowering that we can have a huge impact simply by what we choose to put on our plate,” said VHS Program Coordinator, Emily Pickett.  

Follow SFU’s lead by taking our Meatless Monday pledge today! We’ll send you a weekly recipe to help you keep your commitment. You can also support our effort to bring Meatless Monday to more classrooms, cafeterias and communities by making a donation today. Interested in bringing Meatless Monday to your school, workplace, business or community? Get in touch with Program Coordinator, Emily Pickett, to learn more!

animal welfare Food and Drink News/Blog plant-based diet Promoted Recipes school Uncategorized vegan vegetarianism

Chartwells & Langara College Lead Lower Mainland Meatless Monday Effort



It’s been over a year and a half since Vancouver’s Langara College became the first campus in Western Canada to join the globally popular Meatless Monday movement. The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) first introduced the initiative in March 2015 to Langara’s Environmental Club and food service provider, Chartwells. Both groups eagerly supported bringing it to the school’s cafeteria after learning about the impact of our society’s overconsumption of meat on animal welfare, the environment and public health.

“We felt this was a great opportunity to take a small, but powerful, step by raising awareness of the impact of our food choices and offering options to reduce that impact,” said Rizwan Bandali of Chartwells/Compass Group.

And seize that opportunity is exactly what Chartwells and Langara College did, with the introduction of delicious meatless menu items! The cafeteria kicks off each week with a wide variety of options, from roasted veggie paninis and mouth-watering curries to meatless meatballs, veg lasagna and creative tofu dishes.

langara-blog-post7Meatless Monday specials have been paired with eye-catching, educational posters aimed at raising awareness and boosting participation in the initiative. Statistics outlining water use and greenhouse gas emissions from meat production are another way the campaign extends education into the cafeteria and inspires individual action.

Chartwells reports sales have been steadily increasing and feedback regarding the meatless items has been very positive. So much so that the cafeteria recently began offering an additional daily hot vegetarian bar, adding even more meatless options to the menu.

Langara’s campaign has effectively blazed a trail for other Lower Mainland schools interested in taking similar steps to help protect animals, our health, and the planet. To date, the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Eric Hamber Secondary and Winston Churchill Secondary have implemented similar initiatives and others are set to join as well.langara-blog-post1

“We’re thrilled to see Meatless Monday catching on here in the Lower Mainland and we commend Chartwells Langara for helping make that possible. Factory farming, climate change and public health are major issues facing us today. They can seem overwhelming from an individual perspective, but when we realize that we can have a significant impact simply by what we choose to put on our plate, we can take steps to support a kinder, cleaner and healthier world,” said VHS Program Coordinator, Emily Pickett.

Follow Chartwells Langara’s lead by taking our online Meatless Monday pledge. We’ll share a weekly recipe to help you keep your commitment! You can also support our effort to bring Meatless Monday to more classrooms, cafeterias and communities by making a donation today. Interested in bringing Meatless Monday to your school, workplace, business or community? Get in touch with Program Coordinator, Emily Pickett, to learn more!

animal welfare compassion Food and Drink News/Blog plant-based diet Promoted Recipes vegan vegetarianism

Vancouver’s Eric Hamber Secondary Embraces Meatless Monday

Diverse high school students eating lunch in the cafeteria

School is back in session, which means so is Meatless Monday! Vancouver’s Eric Hamber Secondary is kicking off the school year with a re-launch of their highly successful Meatless Monday initiative. Last year, the school’s Environmental Club worked with VHS, school administrators and their food service provider, Canuel Caterers, to introduce delicious meatless meals every Monday!

Eric Hamber’s Environmental Club was keen to bring the humane, sustainable and healthy-eating campaign to their cafeteria after learning about the impact of meat consumption on animal welfare, the environment and our health. Mouth-watering menu items, including hummus wraps, chickpea curry rice bowls, mushroom burgers and a salad bar, made Mondays something to look forward to. Students and staff have embraced the initiative, with Mondays seeing an increase in sales and customer count by 15 percent and 10 percent respectively.

This year, the Environmental Club is ready to share the Meatless Monday message again with fellow students and teachers, utilizing posters, prizes, social media and school announcements to raise awareness and participation.

“We’re excited to bring back Meatless Monday for a second year! In an effort to reduce our environmental footprint, we’ll be encouraging students to cut back on meat, which requires many resources to produce and transport, and to choose a tasty and healthy salad instead,” said the Environmental Club’s Program Coordinator.

You can follow Eric Hamber’s lead by taking our Meatless Monday pledge – we’ll send you a weekly recipe! You can also make a donation in support of our effort to bring the initiative to more classrooms, cafeterias and communities this year.

Interested in introducing Meatless Monday to your school, workplace, business or community? Learn more and get in touch with us!

animal welfare compassion Food and Drink News/Blog plant-based diet Promoted vegan vegetarianism

Vancouver Food Policy Council Endorses Meatless Monday


VHS-MM-Buttons-2015-WEBMeatless Monday in Vancouver just got an important boost! The influential Vancouver Food Policy Council (VFPC) has unanimously passed a motion that “endorses the concept of Meatless Mondays and encourages Vancouver citizens to choose plant-based meals on Mondays.”

The council is an important and respected voice in food policy in the city and the motion is a major step in advancing the Meatless Monday movement locally, which is being spearheaded by VHS.  With concerns growing about the impact of meat consumption on animal welfare, climate change and human health, Meatless Monday has steadily grown into a popular global initiative.

VHS has been working with the VFPC on the motion and is thrilled with the council’s support. “We’re extremely pleased the Vancouver Food Policy Council is endorsing the Meatless Monday concept,” said VHS Program Coordinator, Emily Pickett. “The issues that we face as a society – factory farming, preventable health conditions and climate change – can be daunting and leave one feeling helpless at times. But Meatless Monday is a meaningful way for individuals to be a part of the solution.”

The VFPC is an advisory group to Vancouver City Council and functions as a bridge between citizens and civic officials, coming together to work on food policy initiatives that benefit all Vancouverites. VHS pitched the Meatless Monday concept to the VFPC late last year, in the hopes that its members would endorse the humane, healthy and sustainable-eating campaign and help it reach a wider audience throughout Vancouver.

Below is a copy of the VFPC’s motion endorsing Meatless Monday:

WHEREAS the Vancouver Food Charter commits the City of Vancouver to

  • Supporting a food system that “contributes to the environmental stability and well-being of our local, regional, and global communities”,
  • Encouraging the “humane treatment of animals raised for food”, and
  • Increasing “the health of all members of our city”; and,

WHEREAS contemporary animal agriculture has negative environmental impacts including greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution and often does not confer humane treatment of animals; and,

WHEREAS scientific evidence links excess meat consumption with heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, certain cancers, and earlier death; and,

WHEREAS “Meatless Monday” is a global movement endorsed in global cities such as New York, Portland, and San Francisco that uses a simple message (“once a week, cut the meat”) to raise awareness that reducing intake of meat and animal products, particularly from industrial sources, can help protect human, animal, and environmental health;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Vancouver Food Policy Council endorses the concept of Meatless Mondays and encourages Vancouver citizens to choose plant-based meals on Mondays.


Every year, over 700 million animals are raised and killed for food in Canada, nearly all of whom are confined to unnatural and cruel factory farms. Our over-consumption of meat is not only bad for the animals, but studies have connected red and processed meat consumption with an increased risk of certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Animal agriculture is also responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector, making the industry a major contributor to climate change, pollution, water use, deforestation and biodiversity decline. As the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization has framed it, “livestock’s contribution to environmental problems is on a massive scale and its potential contribution to their solution is equally large.” That there is so much impact in what we choose to put on our plate means there is just as much potential for change and Meatless Monday is a great place to start.

The VFPC’s support for Meatless Monday is also in line with the actions of several Metro Vancouver schools, who have joined the local movement within the last year. VHS has helped Langara College, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Eric Hamber Secondary and Winston Churchill Secondary implement Meatless Monday in their cafeterias – promoting delicious plant-based menu items as a healthy, humane and sustainable choice for students and staff. The impact has been very positive, with multiple schools reporting an increase in cafeteria sales already. VHS is working with several other schools interested in bringing the initiative to their cafeterias once school resumes in the fall.

The council’s endorsement adds an important voice to the call for a more ethical and sustainable food system and it will certainly help expand the reach of the “once a week, cut the meat” message in and around Vancouver. Learn more and join the local movement today by taking the Meatless Monday pledge today!