
Have your say: Chicken and turkey welfare survey


The feedback period for the Chicken and Turkey Code of Practice is now closed. Thank you to all who spoke up for chickens and turkeys!

  • The National Farm Animal Care Council’s (NFACC) Chicken and Turkey Code of Practice, which serves as a guideline for on-farm care and handling of birds raised for meat, is coming up for review for the first time since 2016.  
  • A short public survey will help determine the top priorities for the code review. 
  • The current code allows for many inhumane practices that compromise the welfare of chickens and turkeys in the poultry industry.   
  • In 2023, more than 780 million chickens were raised and killed for meat in Canada, representing the vast majority of animals farmed for food nationwide. 

TAKE ACTION: Take the 5-minute survey to speak up for hundreds of millions of individual animals. 

Share your top welfare concerns for chickens and turkeys 

Take the short survey to share your top 3 welfare concerns for chickens and turkeys raised for meat in Canada. The deadline to participate has been extended to November 8, 2024.  

  • Scroll down to read a few key welfare issues you may want to consider. 
  • Please use your own words (do not copy and paste the wording below), as duplicate responses will not be considered
  • Share constructive feedback, as submissions that include profanity or derogatory language will not be considered by NFACC. 
  • Note: The code is specific to on-farm practices (not including transport) and birds raised for meat (not including eggs).  
Take the survey

Top welfare priorities


Lower the stocking density of birds on poultry farms and provide them with more space to move freely and exhibit natural behaviors. 

Overcrowding in chicken and turkey farms in Canada presents significant welfare and health concerns for the birds. Intensive farming practices, driven by the demand for low-cost poultry, often result in large numbers of birds confined to limited spaces.

For example, the average chicken farm in Canada houses 36,000 birds.

This high-density environment can lead to increased stress, aggressive behaviours, and the spread of diseases, which may necessitate the use of antibiotics and other interventions.

Furthermore, overcrowding compromises the birds’ ability to engage in natural behaviors, such as movement and foraging. This impacts their overall well-being. 

Fast-growing breeds 

Prohibit fast-growing breeds, in favour of higher-welfare breeds that grow more naturally. 

Breeding practices have led to fast-growing chicken and turkey breeds that amount to higher profits for producers but come at significant health and welfare costs for the birds. In 1950, it took 84 days for a chicken raised for meat to reach market weight. Today it takes 38 to 40 days.

The accelerated growth has been linked to skeletal deformities, heart problems, and reduced mobility, as these birds may struggle to support their own weight.  

Barren on-farm environments 

Improve on-farm conditions by requiring:

  • access to outdoors;
  • enrichment opportunities and materials, such as perches, pecking and foraging materials;
  • natural light and darkness; and healthy air quality and litter.   

Intensive farming practices have increasingly led to chickens and turkeys being housed in barren barns, without access to natural light, outdoors, and enrichment opportunities that allow them to engage in important natural behaviours, such as perching, pecking, and foraging. They spend much of their short lives surrounded by their own waste, contributing to unhealthy conditions. 

Painful procedures 

Prohibit painful physical procedures, including beak and toe “trimming” and snood removal.

Common physical procedures on poultry farms, including beak and toe “trimming” and snood (fleshy area on a turkey’s beak) removal, are done to prevent feather pecking and other injuries in flocks. These invasive procedures are performed without pain control, which can lead to chronic pain and stress. 

Feather pecking and other injuries are often a result of intensive farming practices, including overcrowding, barren environments and lack of enrichment opportunities that allow birds to engage in natural behaviours.

Take the survey
Opinion Editorial

Canada needs to stop the horrific practice of shipping horses for slaughter

Article originally published in the Daily Hive. Written by Chantelle Archambault of the Vancouver Humane Society and Kaitlyn Mitchell, a lawyer and director of legal advocacy with Animal Justice.

Opinion: Canada needs to stop the horrific practice of shipping horses for slaughter | Canada

“The suffering these horses endure is far worse than previously imagined.”

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Animal lovers across Canada came together this week for a day of action to call out the Senate’s delay in passing a bill to end the export of live horses from Canada for slaughter overseas.

The unified message from thousands of individuals from coast to coast to coast on October 22 was that Canadians want to see this heinous practice stop. Senators need to stop horsing around and move forward with Bill C-355, which has passed the House of Commons but has been languishing in the Senate with little progress since May.

Hope was in sight last September when Liberal MP Tim Louis introduced Bill C-355. The private member’s bill follows the federal Liberals’ campaign promise during the 2021 election to finally ban the controversial practice of shipping horses on stressful journeys to slaughter – a promise reiterated by the prime minister in his mandate letter to the Minister of Agriculture that December.

But since then, more than 6,000 horses have been loaded onto airplanes and shipped to their deaths in a horrific betrayal – betrayal of the trust of many voters who considered animal welfare a priority in their election day decision; betrayal of the gentle and sensitive animals whom many people consider to be close companions; and betrayal of the compassionate values of most Canadians. In fact, recent polling shows only 22% of Canadians are in support of the live horse export industry continuing.

Photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

For more than a decade, animal protection groups and the Canadian public have been raising the alarm about the long and gruelling journey horses endure when they are sent from Canadian feedlots to Japan for slaughter. These sensitive animals with strong fight-or-flight instincts are carted to airports in Edmonton and Winnipeg in the dead of night, as far from the public eye as possible. They are packed in wooden crates, typically with three or four horses in a single crate, regardless of their social compatibility. They can wait for hours on the noisy tarmac before being loaded onto planes.

Legally, horses can go up to 28 hours without food, water, or rest on these stressful overseas trips. Two new exposés by Animal Justice and Japanese animal advocacy group Life Investigation Agency (LIA) show that the suffering these horses endure is far worse than previously imagined and completely at odds with claims made by industry representatives. The industry regularly violates Canadian transport laws with impunity.

Photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

In the first exposé, released this past June, the groups documented how long it takes for horses to be given access to food, water, and an opportunity to rest after they land in Japan. Contrary to industry and Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) claims, the horses did not arrive at the quarantine feedlots until up to six and a half hours after landing. This suggests that all shipments from Winnipeg, and approximately 60% of those from Edmonton, likely go over the 28-hour legal limit. The groups’ footage also showed horses routinely sprayed with harsh disinfectant chemicals as they arrived at the quarantine facility. The horses are so dehydrated that some try to lick the painful chemicals off the nets of the transport truck.

Flying Above the Law: Inside Canadian Horses’ Long Journey to Japan

For the first time, the same shipments of Canadian horses being sent to Japan for slaughter have been documented leaving Canada & landing overseas. Animal Justice is releasing new groundbreaking footage of these harrowing journeys, breaking the 28-hour legal time limit for travel. Take action:

And it’s not just transport times that have been lowballed. The group’s second exposé, released last month, revealed Government of Japan records showing that the number of horse deaths, illnesses, and injuries associated with export far exceeds what Canadian regulators have previously indicated.

Between May 2023 and June 2024 alone, at least 21 horses shipped from Canada died during transport to Japan or in the hours and days after landing. More than 50 more animals sustained injuries and illnesses. Horses exported for slaughter are dying prolonged and painful deaths caused by dehydration, severe injuries sustained by falling on the flights, and even agonizing miscarriages.

Flight to Fatality: Hidden Deaths & Injuries in Canada’s Horse Export Industry

Official documents from Japan reveal that MANY Canadian horses are dying from being flown overseas for slaughter. There are far more deaths & injuries than are being reported to the Canadian government-including deaths from stress, dehydration, & miscarriages 🐴💔 Take action now to BAN this cruelty:

The truth about the horse export industry has come out, and it is an ugly truth.

Given the horrific realities faced by horses shipped for slaughter, it’s no wonder that the government’s deadly delay weighs so heavily on the hearts of Canadians. Now that Bill C-355 has passed the House of Commons, the fate of thousands of horses is in the hands of the Senate – an institution notorious for delaying private members’ bills. With the next federal election looming and partisan showmanship in the political spotlight, now is the time for Senators to heed the will of Canadians before it’s too late.

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Japanese documents reveal 21 horses died after export from Canada in 13 months

Photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

Japanese documents reveal 21 horses died after export from Canada | CBC News

Newly released access to information documents from the Japanese government show at least 21 horses died during or in the days after being flown from Canada for slaughter in Japan between May 2023 and June 2024. That contradicts information from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

New reports obtained by animal advocacy groups in Japan reveal 21 horses died after export from Canada for slaughter – far more than reports from Canadian regulators indicate.

“Newly released access to information documents from the Japanese government show at least 21 horses died during or in the days after being flown from Canada for slaughter in Japan between May 2023 and June 2024. “

“That contradicts information from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, suggesting serious incidents are not being reported to the regulator. In February, a CFIA representative told a House of Commons committee the agency is aware of only five horse deaths related to air shipments since 2013.”

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More findings this year

No Title

For the first time, the same shipments of Canadian horses being sent to Japan for slaughter have been documented leaving Canada & landing overseas. Animal Justice is releasing new groundbreaking footage of these harrowing journeys, breaking the 28-hour legal time limit for travel. Take action:

This is the second time this year that Canadian regulators have been found underreporting the severity of horse suffering during transport. In June, Animal Justice released an exposé which revealed the gruelling journeys of horses exported from Canada for slaughter regularly exceed legal limits.

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New exposé reveals gruelling journeys of horses transported for slaughter

Photos: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

  • A new exposé from Animal Justice reveals that the gruelling journeys of horses exported from Canada for slaughter regularly exceed legal limits.
  • About two thirds of horse shipments tracked were estimated to exceed the already-lengthy 28 hour limit.
  • “But even if all these shipments were legal, there’s just no ethical way to transport horses halfway around the world for slaughter.”
  • The Vancouver Humane Society has signed an open letter demanding an immediate halt to live horse exports.

Flying Above the Law: Inside Canadian Horses’ Long Journey to Japan

For the first time, the same shipments of Canadian horses being sent to Japan for slaughter have been documented leaving Canada & landing overseas. Animal Justice is releasing new groundbreaking footage of these harrowing journeys, breaking the 28-hour legal time limit for travel. Take action:

Watch & take action

Animal organizations demand government action

The Vancouver Humane Society has signed onto an open letter to Canadian decision-makers after a new exposé reveals the horrific hidden journeys of horses exported for slaughter.

The CFIA allows horses to go a gruelling 28 hours without food, water, or rest when being transported. However, Canadian officials only track the journey until horses land on foreign soil. In reality, horses spend hours on the other side of the ocean painfully hungry, thirsty, and exhausted before reaching their destination. Time spent in transit regularly exceeds the 28 hour legal limit.

Videos also reveal horses sprayed with harsh disinfectant chemicals when they reach a quarantine facility. The horses are so dehydrated that some try to lick the painful chemicals off the nets of the transport truck.

You can read more about the investigation and open letter in the CBC.

Read the open letter

Take action for plant-based progress in Canada (federal e-petition)


This federal e-petition has now closed. Thank you for taking action to help protect farmed animals.

  • Animal agriculture is responsible for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions as well as wide-scale animal suffering.
  • In 2023, nearly 859 million land animals were killed for food in Canada.
  • Moving toward a plant-based food system is a vital step for animal well-being and environmental protection.
  • A new parliamentary e-petition calls on the Government of Canada to take three plant-forward actions which would help meet its climate commitments.
Official petition (Closed)

Tell the government to take plant-forward action before October 8th

Moving toward a plant-based food system is one of the most significant changes our society can make for animal welfare and environmental protection. If every Canadian who eats animal products switched to plant-based food just one day each week, our nation would save nearly 123 million animal lives per year.

A new federal e-petition calls on the government to:

  • Educate Canadians on benefits of eating less meat, dairy, eggs and more plant-based foods in keeping with Canada’s Food Guide;
  • Require federal institutions and federally funded food programs (eg; National School Food Program) to procure more plant-based foods; and
  • Limit growth of industrial animal agriculture and support small-scale farmers using resilient, humane, sustainable farming practices.

Can you sign the petition before October 8th and help save millions of animals from suffering and slaughter?

Check status (Petition closed)

Important: After you sign the petition, be sure to check your email and click the confirmation link to ensure your signature is counted.

A mother cow and calf on a farm sanctuary

Plant-based progress spells good news for farmed animals

The District of North Vancouver has passed another plant-forward motion!

Thanks to the support of advocates in the District of North Vancouver, a recent motion to prioritize climate-friendly, healthy and humane plant-based food purchasing successfully passed at the May 6th council meeting!

The motion, put forward by Councillor Jim Hanson, calls on the District to ensure plant-based options are included and prioritized at municipal events, meetings and other gatherings where the District purchases food.  

The motion was supported by local advocates, members of the Plant-Based Cities Movement (PBCM), and VHS supporters who live in the District. The VHS and the PBCM have been working together to advocate for plant-based municipal policies and will continue to support the District of North Vancouver in the implementation of this successful motion. 

This important step forward follows a previous motion in the District passed in March 2022 to grow awareness throughout the community of the health and environmental benefits of increasing the intake of plant-based foods. That motion, championed by Councillor Megan Curren, cited VHS’s report entitled “Increasing Plant-Based Purchasing at the Municipal Level”.

Watch for plant-based bus ads in Vancouver 

Vancouver residents will soon be able to see new messages from the Vancouver Humane Society’s Plant University platform on buses across the city.

The ads will encourage people to eat more plants by highlighting the heart health benefits of a plant-forward diet.

If every person in Vancouver swapped just one day a week of animal-based foods for plant-based, they could save more than 37 million animals every year!

Find more reasons to eat more plants, recipes, tips, and a map of plant-based businesses on the VHS’s plant-based resource website, Plant University.


Big win for farmed animals in the UK

Export of live animals banned

Legislation ending exports of livestock for slaughter and fattening receives Royal Assent

Congratulations to animal allies across the pond! After years of advocacy, a law was passed in the UK banning the live export of farmed animals like cows, pigs, sheep, horses, and goats for slaughter and fattening abroad.

Farmed animals suffer greatly on long transport journeys, enduring long periods of time without food, water, or rest. They are packed together in overcrowded conditions and can face extreme temperatures, leading to injuries, illness, and deaths.

The Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Act in the UK was met with cross party support and passed into law on May 20 when it received Royal Assent. This new legislation marks enormous progress for the well-being of farmed animals.

Here in Canada, a similar bill to ban the live export of horses for slaughter is currently in Senate after being passed at the House of Commons.

Read the article
Take action for farmed animals in B.C.

Have your say: Equine welfare survey


The comment period for the “Equine Code of Practice” has now ended. Thank you for helping to ensure animals’ well-being is considered in this consultation.

  • The National Farm Animal Care Council’s (NFACC) Equine Code of Practice serves as a guideline for the on-farm care and handling of horses raised in Canada, including horses used for rodeos, racing, and slaughter. 
  • The code of practice is up for review for the first time since 2013 and NFACC is seeking public input on what issues to consider when reviewing and updating the code.
  • The current code allows for aversive handling practices that cause stress and fear to horses.
  • Note that the code does not include transport, such as the live export of horses for slaughter; it only includes on-farm practices and deciding if individual horses are fit for transport.

Your input needed to identify top welfare issues

Can you take a moment to fill out the short survey and share your top 3 concerns you think NFACC should consider? The deadline to complete the survey is May 16, 2024.

  • Scroll down to read a few of the top welfare issues you may want to consider.
  • Share your top 3 priorities in the survey.
  • Please use your own words (do not copy and paste the wording below) and be respectful and constructive.
  • Feedback that includes duplicate responses and/or profanity or derogatory language will not be considered by NFACC. 

Photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

Top welfare priorities

Aversive handling & training 

Prohibit aversive handling, training methods and tools that involve the use of fear, pain or stress to make horses perform an activity or behaviour. 

Many modern training practices are still largely based on historical methods that rely heavily on punishment. While horses may appear “calm”, they are often experiencing learned helplessness. This condition occurs when the horse experiences a painful or negative situation repeatedly and is unable to escape or change the outcome. This results in a negative mental state for the horse. 

Environment & enrichment 

Improve requirements to ensure access to appropriate space, shelter, and dry, clean pen conditions. 

This is important in preventing lameness and other health issues.

Improve requirements to ensure opportunities to forage, turnout/free pasture time, and socialize.

This is crucial for reducing stress and stereotypic behaviour.

Health & lameness

Require that pin firing (thermocautery) not be performed.

Pin firing is a painful procedure that involves burning or freezing the skin and tissue of the affected leg. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) opposes the practice as it “is ineffective and is inconsistent with evidence-based medicine”.

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We need a rethink of Big Poultry to stop avian flu

We need a rethink of Big Poultry to stop avian flu

Experts suggest commercial poultry, especially factory-farmed and crowded in barns, is one culprit behind the rapid spread of avian flu. But one response by the Canadian government is to compensate farmers – paying the industry millions for bird slaughters – without requiring improved biosecurity against potential pathogens. Perhaps we should question this approach.

In this piece published in Canada’s National Observer, Eleanor Boyle discusses the avian flu outbreak and the steps needed to truly address it.

Boyle notes that more than 94% of cases where bird flu viruses mutated from low-pathogenic to high-pathogenic over the past 55 years have been in commercial poultry.

“Experts suggest commercial poultry, especially factory-farmed and crowded in barns, is one culprit behind the disease’s rapid spread. But one response by the Canadian government is to compensate farmers — paying the industry millions for bird slaughters — without requiring improved biosecurity against potential pathogens.”

British Columbia is being hit particularly hard by the outbreak. The density of poultry farms in B.C. makes the province a hub for avian flu in Canada, leading to a disproportionate number of bird culls on B.C. farms.

“Avian flu is yet more evidence for moving toward smaller-scale agriculture that’s also more plant-based,” Boyle says.

Read the article
Find plant-based alternatives

10 years of farmed animal cruelty investigations

Over the past decade, near-annual investigations at farms and slaughterhouses have uncovered recurring welfare problems in British Columbia’s animal agriculture industry. Learn more about these investigations and call on the B.C. government to implement meaningful changes to protect farmed animals during its current review of the province’s farmed animal welfare framework.

Recurring animal welfare concerns point to systemic problems

Enforcement of farmed animal welfare regulations faces many challenges:

  • Thousands of farms house more than 100 million animals
  • There is no government-funded enforcement
  • Cruelty investigations are based on complaints, but farmed animals are increasingly hidden from public view
  • Footage obtained in undercover investigations is often deemed non-admissible in court

Charges in cases like these are rare. When charges are recommended or laid, the legal process can take years, resulting in the same companies appearing in multiple cruelty investigations and thousands of animals suffering before companies are held accountable.

Cruelty investigations from 2014 to 2024

Note: The timeline below includes photos from investigations that may be upsetting. For a timeline that does not include any photos, visit this post.

Cruel pig slaughter
December 2024

Undercover footage from a Chilliwack slaughterhouse shows horrific suffering of pigs and violations of slaughter regulations.

Photo: Animal Justice via The Chilliwack Progress

(Warning: graphic images)

December 2024
Suffering in egg farm cages
April 2024

Footage shows hens suffering in egg farm cages, including nearly two dozen farms in British Columbia.

Photo: Animal Justice

(Warning: graphic images)

Cruelty for caviar
March 2024

An exposé reveals farmed fishes raised in cramped and filthy tanks, repeatedly stabbed and cut open while alive for caviar, and inhumanely slaughtered.

Photo: Animal Justice

(Warning: graphic images)

Hog farm exposed again
November 2023

Excelsior Hog Farm accused of cruelty following release of undercover footage showing cruel handling practices, injured and dead pigs and piglets, and filthy conditions.

BC SPCA investigation conducted.

Photo: Animal Justice

Slaughterhouse cruelty
February 2023

Undercover investigation at Meadow Valley Meats shows animal abuse, suffering and violations of slaughter regulations.

BC SPCA investigation conducted.

Photo: Animal Justice

Dairy farm investigation
November 2021

Organic dairy farm Cedar Valley Farms accused of animal abuse after footage shows dairy cows being violently and repeatedly beaten, injured cows limping, and improper slaughter.

Charges recommended against farm and individuals.

Photo: Animal Justice

Abuse of spent egg-laying hens
July 2020

Video from an Abbotsford egg farm shows Elite Farm Services workers flinging chickens into crates by the legs, wings and closing doors on their limbs, necks.

No charges have been laid  in connection with the incident to date.

Photo: BC Animal Ag Uncovered via Chilliwack Progress

Hog farm exposed
Spring 2019

Footage from Excelsior Hog Farm shows pigs suffering from growths and injuries, being hit and kicked, and having tails and testicles cut off without pain control.

A BC SPCA investigation was conducted, but no charges were laid.

Photo: Meat The Victims Canada

Filthy conditions at egg farms
June 2018

Videos from three Abbotsford egg farms show dead hens in cages with live hens, along with dead and dying hens stuck in piles of manure.

BC SPCA investigation conducted.

Photo: Animal Justice via CTV News Vancouver

Abuse loading chickens to transport
June 2017

Elite Farm Services is caught on camera brutally abusing chickens at multiple Fraser Valley farms while loading the animals into transport crates.

Six employees from Elitewere fired. BC SPCA recommended charges. In December 2021, Elite and Port Coquitlam slaughterhouse operator Sofina Foods each received a $300,000 fine and three years’ probation.

Photo: Mercy for Animals via CTV News Vancouver

Inhumane turkey slaughter
October 2016

Footage from Abbotsford-based Lilydale slaughterhouse shows slow, painful, and inhumane turkey deaths that are commonplace in the poultry industry.

Public cries for changes to practices.

Photo: Mercy for Animals

Dairy cow abuse
June 2014

Undercover footage at Chilliwack Cattle Sales shows dairy cows being repeatedly kicked, punched and beaten. Cows are seen suffering from open wounds and infections.

Company president and a director both pled guilty to four counts of animal cruelty and the company was fined about $345,000. Several employees also pled guilty and received varying jail sentences ranging from 7-60 days, probation, fines, and prohibitions against caring for animals for 1-3 years.

Photo: Mercy for Animals via CBC


Without stronger protections, animals will continue to suffer behind closed doors. Can you take the quick action to call for meaningful changes to protect animals and bring transparency to the farming system?

Learn more

The Vancouver Humane Society’s Campaign Director, Emily Pickett, discusses her observations of farmed animal cruelty investigations in-depth in this episode of the VHS’s podcast, The Informed Animal Ally.

Learn more about the patterns in this past decade of investigations, what has changed, and how you can help.