Urgent Care

Life-saving care for Gus

Can you donate to save Gus?

Your donation to help Gus get urgent veterinary care will be doubled!

Sweet young Gus has been behaving out of the ordinary recently and his guardian Izzy has done her best to care for him, as she believed he was grieving the loss of his dog best friend. Unfortunately, his behaviour persisted, and Gus stopped eating and drinking completely leading to drastic weight loss. This, coupled with bouts of vomiting has severely concerned Izzy.  

Izzy rushed Gus to the vet where they gave him IV fluids for the dehydration he is experiencing. He still needs further testing to determine the underlying cause of his illness. Izzy is a full-time student and used the last of her emergency savings on the initial appointment and IV fluids. She is desperate to find the cause of her loyal companion’s ailment, which is why she has reached out to the Vancouver Humane Society for support.  

Can you donate today to help Gus get the care he needs to come home to Izzy?  An anonymous donor is currently generously matching all donations toward the VHS’s McVitie Fund, up to $25,000! This means your donation will have double the impact. 

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Arthur

Double your gift toward Arthur’s care

Donate to help Arthur get back home

Beloved Arthur the dog is eager to get well and come back home to his loving family.

Jodie, Arthur’s guardian, rushed him to the vet when he began urinating blood and vomiting. X-rays of Arthur have shown he is suffering from bladder stones that are making it impossible for him to urinate properly. Arthur is in need of immediate care and hospitalization that is estimated to cost $3,000.

Jodie is a 21-year-old single mother and dedicated college student who has used up the entirety of the funds she has access to on tests to determine the cause of Arthur’s suffering.

Jodie told the VHS that through the most difficult and loneliest times of her life, Arthur has stood by her as a source of unwavering comfort.

Arthur shows the same patience and love to his two-legged brother. “My two-year-old son and Arthur have a beautiful bond. They are the best of friends,” Jodie told the VHS. As such an integral part of Jodie’s family, it would be devastating to lose Arthur.

Thanks to an anonymous donor, your gift will also be DOUBLED to have 2x the impact on getting Arthur the care he urgently needs.

Thank you for considering a gift to keep Arthur and his family together.

Urgent Care

Life-saving care for Birdie

Can you donate to save Birdie?

Birdie needs urgent veterinary care!

Your compassion can help bring Birdie home healthy.

When Esther returned to an eerily quiet home, her heart sank. Normally her kitten, Birdie, comes chirping towards her, his tail high, eager to sniff and greet her.

In contrast to Birdie’s typical boundless energy, Esther found Birdie hiding under the bed, staring at her with wide, fearful eyes. His sister, Moxie, seemed confused about why her beloved brother wouldn’t play with her like usual.

Esther coaxed the lethargic Birdie from under the bed and headed right to the vet.

There, Birdie received IV fluids along with tests and X-rays that revealed he has a severe intestinal blockage from swallowing a foreign object on one of his adventures. Without surgery, Birdie will not survive.

Esther rescued Birdie and his quieter sister, Moxie, because it was clear breaking up the duo was out of the question. When not chasing each other around the house, Birdie and Moxie can be found cuddling and grooming each other.

Esther can’t bear imagining how devastated Moxie would be if Birdie can’t return home.

Trying to make everything work while living on a low income, Esther had to borrow money from a friend to pay for Birdie’s initial treatment. She has no funds left for Birdie’s surgery.

Can you donate today to help Birdie get the life-saving surgery he needs?

Urgent Care

Life-saving care for Flynn

Can you donate to save Flynn?

Flynn needs urgent veterinary care!

Cherished family cat, Flynn, hopes you can help get him back home.

His loving guardian, Josephine, noticed Flynn’s distress when he stopped eating. Alarmed, she rushed him to the vet where she was told he’d need to stay overnight to receive IV fluids. Josephine and her children spent a sleepless night apart from Flynn until he came home the next day.

Back home, Flynn kept vomiting, leading to an immediate return to the vet for more IV fluids and another X-ray. To Josephine’s dismay, the results revealed a severe intestinal blockage. This means Flynn needs life-saving surgery.

Josephine has exhausted all her savings on Flynn’s testing and treatment so far. As a devoted single mother living on limited disability assistance, Josephine is facing an impossible financial burden.

Josephine told the VHS, “It would be devastating if I were to lose Flynn. My kids love him so much and so do I.”

Flynn loves his life with his family and is anxious to return home to his favourite people.

Can you donate today to help Flynn get the life-saving surgery he needs?

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Olga

Donate toward Olga’s care

Donate to help Olga this Valentine’s Day

When food-motivated kittly Olga lost interest in her food, Linda quickly took her to the animal hospital. There, vets determined that Olga is suffering from painful cysts on her teeth and will need dental surgery to remove them. Without the surgery, Olga is at risk of serious infection, and may stop eating altogether.

Linda is a single mother managing a disability while providing for her child and Olga. Linda told the VHS she adopted Olga when she was going through a difficult divorce. “She has been a huge source of love and companionship,” Linda said.

When you donate today to help Olga, you can choose to make a donation in honour of someone special and send a thoughtful e-card to their inbox.

Simply click on the “in honour of” button in the “Dedication” section of the online donation form. 

Can you help Olga get the care she needs to come home to Linda?

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Simba

Donate toward Simba’s care

Donate to help Simba this Valentine’s Day

Simba is in a great deal of pain and unable to walk after his paw accidentally got caught in an automatic door on the way home. Simba’s guardian, Olivia, has recently been approved for disability assistance, but prior to that, she has been relying on her limited savings to make ends meet. Olivia’s life revolves around Simba, and she is currently in the process of having him certified as a service dog.

Olivia told the Vancouver Humane Society that loving and playful Simba rescued her. Olivia is doing everything she can to take care of her precious friend, but the veterinary bills for Simba’s wound care are overwhelming given her financial situation.

When you donate today to help Simba, you can choose to make a donation in honour of someone special and send a thoughtful e-card to their inbox.

Simply click on the “in honour of” button in the “Dedication” sectionof the online donation form. 

Can you help Simba get the care he needs to come home to Olivia?

Urgent Care

Life-saving care for Bubba

Can you donate to save Bubba?

Bubba needs urgent veterinary care!

A defeated meow had brought Cassie rushing around the corner to find her beloved cat, Bubba, straining and failing to use the washroom.

Bubba sat in his litter box, looking up at Cassie, eyes wide with confusion and fear. Quickly recognizing her friend needed help, Cassie scooped Bubba up in his favourite blanket and hurried him to the vet.

There, x-rays of Bubba showed he is suffering from a life-threatening urinary blockage and in need of immediate care and hospitalization. 

Challenging circumstances mean 18-year-old Cassie is emancipated and has already been living on her own for a few years. Bubba and Cassie have taken care of each other through it all, giving each other love and confidence.

Cassie has too quickly had to figure out how to get by with little outside support, and has no additional emergency funds available. It breaks Cassie’s heart to see Bubba looking to her for help she can’t provide on her own.

I’m asking if you could please consider donating towards Bubba’s life-saving care today. Your help can bring Bubba safely back home to Cassie’s warmth and love.

Can you give a gift to help Bubba today?

Urgent Care

Gift a brighter future for animals

Can you grant a wish for animals before the end of the year?

Learn how your gift makes a difference for animals

This year, allies like you called for compassionate changes for farmed animals, animals used in entertainment, animals in captivity, and wild animals.

As 2023 wraps up, your gift to animals suffering today will create a more peaceful tomorrow. 

You can help achieve our ultimate holiday wish: a kinder future for all animals!

All donations made before the end of the year will be eligible for a tax receipt for 2023.

Your gift of $45 = 100 copies of PlantUniversity brochures

Brochures like the “Beginner’s Guide to Plant-Based Eating” are distributed to libraries, immigration centres, community and culture centres and more. Your gift allows the VHS to create helpful content on shifting towards a plant-based diet in multiple languages.

Your gift of $103 = 7,000 animal allies reached

Online advertisements allow the VHS to connect people with calls for meaningful actions to protect animals.

Your gift of $240 = life-saving veterinary test for one pet in need

The VHS’s McVitie program helps fund life-saving veterinary care for pets of low-income families. Essential testing, like doing blood work, will help veterinary staff determine how to help an animal return home to their loving guardian.

Your gift of $741 = bus ad for one month

Bus ads in the Metro Vancouver area can be viewed upwards of a million times! Thought-provoking messages direct viewers to learn more about the many benefits of shifting towards a plant-based diet over at

Your gift of $1,600 = rodeo billboard for 12 weeks

Billboards have a huge impact on showcasing messages to many different people. A billboard calling for an end to rodeo cruelty builds on the momentum of the public’s increasing recognition of traditional rodeo events as inhumane.

Thank you so much for your generosity this season!

Urgent Care

This year your gift brings pets safely home to their people

Gift pets their ‘home for the holidays’!

Can you make a gift for animals in need of life-saving care?

Because of supporters like you, hundreds of animals are spending the holidays healthy and at home with the people who love them most of all.

But the McVite Fund is stretched to the limit as every day, devoted pet guardians call and send in applications for funding for the pets they can’t imagine life without.

When loved and wanted animals receive life-saving veterinary care, they’re able to find relief from suffering without being surrendered to the already-overburdened shelter and rescue system.

Thank you so much for considering supporting pets and their people with a gift this year. It truly means the world to the families who are able to stay together with your help.

Urgent Care

Life-saving care for Nugget

Nugget needs your help!

Nugget needs emergency surgery after being hit by a car!

Nugget and his guardian Genelle share an unbreakable bond—they’ve been inseparable since the day they met at a rescue shelter. Nugget, the sweetest, most loving, and vocal cat is currently in need of urgent support.  

While Genelle was at work, Nugget managed to get out of the house and was found severely injured close to his home. Genelle left work and rushed to Nugget’s side. He was found in immense pain, with a severely injured eye.  

The vet determined that Nugget needed to be hospitalized immediately, and that he will also need emergency eye enucleation surgery and jaw repair. Genelle, working full-time trying to save for her education, has poured all her savings into Nugget’s initial care, including diagnostic testing and round-the-clock hospital care. She is now out of funds reached out to the Vancouver Humane Society for help affording the life-saving surgery Nugget still needs.  

I’m asking if you could please consider donating towards Nugget’s life-saving surgery. With your help, Nugget can return home to a pain-free and happy life with the care and love of Genelle.

Can you donate today to help Nugget?