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This year, have a compassionate, plant-based Thanksgiving

Try these plant-based ideas for Thanksgiving Dinner

Every year in Canada, 20 million turkeys are slaughtered, with many ending up on dinner tables for Thanksgiving.

Most turkeys are bred for fast growth, which causes them to be top-heavy, leading to painful bone deformities and lameness. Most are raised in cramped conditions on factory farms, where they suffer boredom and frustration because they lack the space to express natural behaviours. They are also subjected to painful beak trimming and toe trimming without pain medication.

A plant-based Thanksgiving is a compassionate alternative to eating turkeys or other animals for the celebration. The good news is that there are plenty of  cruelty-free options and resources for a meat-free holiday.  Here are our suggestions on how to enjoy a compassionate Thanksgiving dinner in Vancouver.

A great option is the Annual Compassionate Thanksgiving Potluck Celebration on October 8th, which this year is being hosted by Vancouver’s Meatless Meetup and Vegans of UBC. Proceeds from this family-friendly event will go to cover costs and to support Earthsave Canada’s school talks program.

If your budget allows some fine dining, Vancouver’s upscale plant-based restaurant, The Acorn, is offering an ‘Everything but the Bird Thanksgiving Feast’ on October 7th and 8th, which it says will be an “indulgent, wildly seasonal” three-course dinner for $45 per person with optional wine pairings.

But if, like most people, you plan to prepare your own holiday dinner, there’s no shortage of alternatives to turkey.  There are a number of great meatless roasts available from Vancouver’s Vegan Supply, including offerings from Gardein, Field Roast and Tofurky.

And, of course, there are plenty of online recipes and suggestions for a plant-based Thanksgiving.  The Oh She Glows recipe website offers lots of ideas, as does The Food Network and even this Toronto yoga centre’s site.

Plant-based choices for special celebrations are increasingly common, making it easy to enjoy a cruelty-free holiday feast. 

Have a happy – and compassionate – Thanksgiving!







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Don’t miss Capilano VegFest on September 27!

Great plant-based food. New vegan products. Compelling speakers.

Delicious plant-based food is just one of the reasons not to miss the first ever Capilano VegFest on September 27 at Capilano University. You’ll also find amazing cruelty-free, vegan products and services – and you’ll have an opportunity to learn more about living a compassionate lifestyle from expert speakers.

The event will feature 20 vendors, including some of Vancouver’s favourite vegan hotspots like Blue Heron Cheese, Nora’s ice cream, Willow’s Wax Bar, and Herbaland.

There will also be 10 presentations throughout the day on intriguing topics such as how the animal agriculture industry markets itself; what it’s like to be a professional vegan athlete; and how to raise a healthy, vegan family. Speakers include notable content creators, athletes, and other local vegan personalities, such as Anna Pippus, an animal rights lawyer and vegan mother; Geoff Regier, a former undercover investigator for Mercy for Animals; and even a 12-year-old passionate vegan advocate, Zoom the Vegan Kid.

You’ll have the chance to win several door prizes including a variety of vegan snacks and other foods from local vendors; gift-cards to vegan restaurants in Vancouver such as Meet, Chickpea, Virtuous Pie, and Heirloom; a signed copy of television host Lauren Toyota’s cookbook “Vegan Comfort Classics”; and several cruelty-free beauty and self-care items. 

The VegFest is being organized by the Capilano Vegan Club, whose president, Maclayne Simone, hopes the idea spreads: “There was all this culture surrounding sustainability and kindness at Capilano, but close to no initiatives involving veganism,” Simone says. “We wanted to change that. All summer, a group of a few women have worked so hard to bring this event to life and really kickstart the vegan community at Capilano and motivate others to host similar events at their schools. Our goal is to approach veganism in a way that is inspiring and to demonstrate how easy it is to make such a huge difference in the world!” 

The Vancouver Humane Society is honoured to sponsor Capilano VegFest because we know it will make difference.  Make sure you’re there so you can too!

Capilano VegFest
Thursday Sept 27, 2018
11:30am – 4:00pm
Capilano University’s
Birch Building


animal welfare compassion cruelty Cruelty-free Food and Drink News/Blog Promoted vegan vegetarianism

Best way to improve chicken welfare? Don’t eat chicken.

The meat and livestock industry has been under sustained pressure to improve animal welfare but sometimes their responses to that pressure, even when genuine, can create complicated new problems.

Recently, the Globe & Mail published an article on the challenges of producing “slow growth” chickens. It described the efforts by producers to address the consequences of selective breeding in the poultry industry, which has led to fast-growing chickens with horrific health problems.

Chickens raised in the 1950s weighed about two pounds when full grown. Now chickens weigh more than nine pounds.  Breeding for unnatural fast growth and more breast meat has created birds that suffer from painful broken bones, lameness, and heart disease.

The Globe piece details how industry, agricultural scientists and animal welfare experts are trying to produce a “better bird” that will appeal to consumers, have better health, be profitable to raise and be environmentally sustainable.  This is proving to be challenging, as slower-growth birds require substantially more water and feed (because they live longer), which means more impact on the environment and higher production costs.  Considerable resources are now being devoted to solving this conundrum.

While any effort to improve animal welfare is laudable, it’s hard to avoid the obvious question: Why not just stop eating chicken?  The advantages of switching to a plant-based diet are clear and well-documented.  For animals, lower demand for meat means less factory farming and slaughter. For the environment it means less deforestation, lower greenhouse gas emissions and less demand for land, water and other resources.  For human health, it means fewer chronic health problems linked to meat consumption.

The resources currently being devoted to producing “better” factory-farmed animals could be devoted to developing a new, plant-based food system.  Science funding could be applied to research into alternatives to animal protein, improvements to protein crops such as pulses and ways to use these crops in new food products.  Government could support public information campaigns to promote a plant-based diet, help plant-based start-ups and invest in research and development to underpin a new agricultural economy that no longer depends on inhumanely incarcerating and slaughtering billions of animals.

To a small degree, this is already happening.  The new Canada Food Guide is expected to put more emphasis on the benefits of a plant-based diet.  The federal government has started to fund major initiatives to develop plant-based foods.  And polls show many Canadians are open to reducing meat consumption.  The opportunity is there, but is the political will?

While a transition to a plant-based food system faces many barriers and will take time, it is the simplest and most effective way to address the unacceptable consequences of our current cruel, unhealthy and environmentally disastrous food system. 

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Wild Trails Coffee in North Vancouver goes vegan

Wild Trails Coffee is a family-run coffee shop based in North Vancouver. VHS spoke with this mother-daughter team about their decision to make the coffee shop fully vegan and their commitment to helping protect animal welfare, the environment and public health. 

What inspired you to open Wild Trails Coffee and what do you think sets you apart from other coffee shops? 

We’re a mother-daughter team and my mom opened this shop about 30 years ago. It used to be called Mothers Herbs. When I became involved about five years ago I wanted to focus on coffees and a lot of inspiration came from my love of hiking. I spent a year working on our coffee syrups, perfecting them using real organic ingredients and no chemicals or fake added sugars.

As a business owner I didn’t want to cut corners and care only about profit. You can be a business that does well while caring about the Earth, animals and people, and that’s what we do at Wild Trails Coffee and what we’re about. We are a business that cares about doing our part to make the world a better place and will go the extra mile for people, animals and the planet.

You recently posted online about the shop’s decision to ditch dairy and go fully vegan – can you tell us about the motivation behind that decision?

I’ve been vegan for a long time now and it just never felt right using dairy, so my mom and I decided to replace it with dairy-free alternatives in the shop and now our shop is 100% vegan! We didn’t think so many people would care, but we were blown away by the support and we knew we made the right choice.

You also talk about the shop’s commitment to sustainability on your website – can you tell us about that?

We work hard to reduce our environmental footprint. All of our cups, straws and lids are compostable and we also compost everything we can within the shop. We work with a company to recycle the rest and even go through our garbage at the end of the day to make sure everything that can be recycled is.

What are your most popular items?

Our specialty coffee drinks, like our Wedgemount Lake Vanilla Latte and Elsay Lake Pumpkin Spice Latte are among our most popular items. We use real pumpkin and vanilla bean for our syrups. Our smoothies are very popular as well and we don’t use any ice, just frozen organic fruit. We also use water kefir as the base for our smoothies, which is a dairy-free probiotic that’s made in-house with spring water collected weekly from a local spring.

Elsay Lake Pumpkin Spice Latte
Wedgemount Lake Vanilla Latte










Do you have any helpful advice for other restaurants and businesses who might be considering going vegan?

Go for it! We need more businesses to stand up for animals and as business owners who care about these issues we recognized we were in a position to do more. There’s growing support and more people are embracing veganism every day! It’s also a great way to educate people about the impact of our food choices and to lead by example.

Wild Trails Coffee is located at 134 East 14th Street, North Vancouver. You can reach them at 604-988-4372 or follow them on facebook and instagram

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Handsworth student wins award for Meatless Monday efforts

Handsworth Secondary student, Meghan Little, was recently presented with a Student Recognition Award for her efforts to bring Meatless Monday to her school. Meghan’s peers and teachers nominated her for the award and even put together a video highlighting her work. The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) was honoured to be in attendance at the awards ceremony to celebrate Meghan’s success.

VHS Program Coordinator, Emily Pickett, first met Meghan at Handsworth’s Be Aware Fair, where VHS was tabling and talking to students about our Meatless Monday program. Meghan was keen to bring the initiative to Handsworth and so she worked with VHS, the school’s Environmental Club (of which she was a member) and the food service provider to get more veg options on the menu.

Handsworth’s Meatless Monday initiative was successfully launched on November 20, 2017 and Meghan and fellow Environmental Club members have been raising awareness of the benefits of going meatless and encouraging students and staff to opt for the Meatless Monday special ever since!

Meghan’s leadership and dedication to protecting animal welfare, the environment and public health were instrumental in improving student access to plant-based foods at multiple North Vancouver secondary schools. Meghan’s efforts inspired students at other schools to get involved and ultimately helped contribute to the recent commitment by local food service provider, Amaga Food, to expand on Meatless Monday by transitioning 20 per cent of the regular menu to plant-based at five North Vancouver secondary schools (Handsworth, Sutherland, Argyle, Windsor and Seycove secondary), starting this fall. This means students and staff will have access to humane, healthy and sustainable plant-based options every day!

“It’s exciting to see all the positive changes at Handsworth,” said Meghan. “The 20 per cent increase in plant-based options shows how open our community is to change and progress. I’m hoping our efforts for Meatless Monday will inspire other students to follow their passions and to make positive changes as well.”

This achievement would not have been possible without the help of Meghan, Handsworth’s Environmental Club and the incredibly dedicated students involved at the other participating North Vancouver secondary schools. As a grade 12 graduate, Meghan leaves behind a meaningful and inspirational legacy at Handsworth and is excited to attend the University of British Columbia in the fall, where we look forward to continuing to support her efforts to spread the “go veg” message!

Learn more about Meatless Monday and donate today to help us improve access to plant-based options at more schools and institutions.

You can also check out a recent feature on Meghan’s efforts in the North Shore News!

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Ditch dairy for these great alternatives

In an effort to promote the consumption of dairy products, the dairy industry has dubbed June “National Dairy Month”. But with milk consumption steadily declining in Canada and more people embracing healthier, humane and less resource-intensive dairy alternatives, we prefer to celebrate June as “National Dairy-Free Month”.

In the last few years the variety of dairy-free products on grocery store shelves has grown significantly, including almond, soy, coconut, pea and oat milks and creamers and dairy-free butters, sour cream, cheeses, ice creams and yogurts.

A number of factors have contributed to the growing demand for dairy alternatives, including increased public awareness of both animal welfare and environmental issues related to the dairy industry, as well as a growing body of scientific evidence that questions the industry’s health claims.

Take the Chilliwack Cattle Sales cruelty case as an example. Chilliwack Cattle Sales is one of Canada’s largest dairy farms and a major supplier to Dairyland. In 2014 an undercover investigation revealed horrendous acts of animal cruelty taking place on the farm. While the farm’s owners claimed to have no knowledge of the abuse and suggested it was not reflective of their company’s standards, the undercover investigator repeatedly reported concerns to the owners and no corrective action was taken. In addition, a lawyer for one of the workers charged painted a picture of a “toxic” work culture at Chilliwack Cattle Sales and the same farm had also previously been investigated for animal welfare issues back in 2008.

Time and again, undercover investigations have shed light on what is a systemic culture of cruelty within today’s animal agriculture industry.  Meanwhile, animal welfare is routinely compromised through standard practices in dairy farming. B.C. Milk Marketing Board inspection documents over an 18-month period revealed that one in four farms in the province failed to comply with the provincial animal-welfare Code of Practice. Starting in January, 2015, the inspections revealed cases of overcrowding, lame or soiled cattle, tails torn off by machinery, branding and dehorning of calves without pain medication, and cows lying on concrete. 20 of 73 farms, or 27 per cent, required “corrective action” after on-site inspections. About 10 per cent were still not compliant on a follow-up inspection. Another inherent issue with this industry is the separation of dairy calves from their mothers in order to collect the milk for human consumption.

It’s no wonder that consumers are increasingly dropping dairy and instead opting for alternatives. So, in honour of “National Dairy-Free Month”, we’d like to highlight just a few of our favourite dairy alternatives:

Milks & Creamers


Ice Cream


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New bus ad reminds us that animals are friends, not food

VHS’s new Translink bus ad highlighting our Go Veg campaign recently hit the streets of Vancouver. The ad, which features a young girl petting a pig, aims to remind us that when we were children we instinctively saw animals as friends and not food.

VHS’s Go Veg campaign works to help people rediscover that innate love for animals and to raise awareness of the power behind what we put on our plate.
In 2017, over 800 million land animals were killed for food in Canada. They are crammed, shackled and caged in filthy conditions that don’t permit them to perform the most basic natural behaviours. Most will never feel the sun on their backs or grass under their feet and their transport and slaughter conditions are equally horrific.

Every time we sit down to eat, we have an opportunity to stand up for a kinder world for animals. By choosing to leave animal products off our plates we’re helping to reduce the demand for meat that drives factory farming and we’re setting a positive example for others. You can download our Live Well booklet to learn more and get free vegan recipes.

French Toast Coffee Cake, Mac & Cheese Onion Rings, and Stuffed Crust Pizza – sound delicious?! These are just a few of the 101 recipes featured in Lauren Toyota’s new “Vegan Comfort Classics” cookbook. Help us spread the “go veg” message and you’ll be entered for a chance to win Lauren’s new cookbook! Keep an eye out for our bus ad, take a photo and post it to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and tag VHS. Use the hashtag #govegvancouver and we’ll select a winner at random.

animal welfare compassion Cruelty-free Dairy Food and Drink News/Blog plant-based diet Promoted school Uncategorized vegan vegetarianism

Meatless Monday is on the menu at Kwantlen Polytechnic

Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s food service provider, Sodexo, and the school’s “Let’s Be Compassionate” club recently joined forces to raise awareness of the University’s involvement in the increasingly popular Meatless Monday movement.

The two groups organized a Meatless Monday outreach event at the Surrey campus, where they distributed information about the benefits of a plant-based diet and samples of the cafeteria’s Meatless Monday options. Students who stopped by the table were able to sample wraps, chili, 3-bean soup and hummus with pita chips and learn about how a plant-based diet helps tackle factory farming and climate change, while also protecting against preventable health conditions like heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes.

“Being able to educate and share information about veganism, plant-based eating and animal welfare with the students at Kwantlen has been a really positive experience so far,” said club member, Sasha. “One of the greatest parts of promoting a plant-based diet is the satisfied and surprised look on people’s faces when they try the samples. We’re helping show them that meals without meat can taste even better and that eliminating meat from their diet one day a week can easily turn into seven days a week!”

A recent survey by Dalhousie University revealed similar enthusiasm for meat reduction, with nearly 40% of British Columbians 35 and under indicating they follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. The national survey also suggested that British Columbia is leading the way when it comes to eating meatless.

“Skipping meat one day a week is good for you and better for the planet,” said Sodexo Marketing Coordinator, Colleen Dang-Wong. “Together with the Let’s Be Compassionate Club, we can educate our campus community on the benefits of plant-based eating and what we offer on campus to support this global initiative.”

Kwantlen joins 16 other Metro Vancouver secondary and post-secondary schools that are participating in Meatless Monday. In addition to the items sampled during the outreach event, other meatless menu options include a veggie burger (which can be made vegan), as well as grab and go vegan salad options.

Follow Kwantlen’s lead by pledging to go meatless on Mondays and we’ll send you a weekly recipe to help you along! Check out to learn more and to support our effort to bring the initiative to more classrooms, cafeterias and communities. Interested in bringing Meatless Monday to your school, workplace or community? Get in touch with Program Coordinator, Emily Pickett, to learn more.

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The knowledge of suffering was too much to bear alone

The Vegeteers at work on Gabriola Island.


Our guest blogger Sigrid Bjarnason is an animal advocate and vegan living on Gabriola Island. Here, she describes why she made these important life choices and how she and her fellow “Vegeteers” work on behalf of animals.

Forty years ago when I was in my mid-20s, I stuffed my flip-flops, a bathing suit and some shorts into my neon orange backpack and headed off with a couple of friends on a South American adventure.  Two months into our trip we found ourselves on a bargain-basement ocean voyage to the fabled Galapagos Islands.  We’d booked passage on a rusty old ship that was taking supplies to the Islanders and, we later learned, picking up cattle to transport back to the mainland of Ecuador for slaughter.

You might think I have happy memories of blue-footed boobies and lumbering tortoises from that trip to the Galapagos so long ago.  But no, instead I carry two unsettling memories: The agonizing sight of dozens of cows crammed together on the open deck below us standing day after day in the blazing sun without food or water, a handful of them collapsing and dying along the way; and worse, the screams of a tethered pig, destined to be dinner for travelers and crew, struggling for her life as two crew members stabbed and sliced at her until her desperate shrieks became pitiful whimpers and finally, mercifully, stopped altogether.

You might think those two incidents would have been enough to cure my meat-eating habit right then and there. But no. Instead, I told myself a story. The story was that farm animals were treated harshly in Ecuador but Canada was a kinder, gentler nation and we had laws to protect animals from such horrible suffering. I didn’t research it. I just decided it was true.

Then, seven years ago, a close friend phoned. She was devastated. She had just watched a Global TV documentary called “Revealed: No Country For Animals.” The documentary showed in sickening detail the horrific hidden abuse of millions of animals trapped out of sight in Canada’s industrial food system. Turns out Canada does not have effective laws to protect farm animals after all.  So, that was it – my story was blown. 

I’ve been a vegan ever since.

So, what to do with the knowledge of all that suffering? It was too much to bear alone.  So I found some like-minded people on Gabriola Island where I was living. We formed a group, called ourselves the Vegeteers and set out to raise awareness about compassionate food choices.

We are now a well-established organization on Gabriola Island.  One of our regular activities is to set up information tables at community events on Gabriola like the fall fair, the food forum and theatre festivals. When we started tabling we had to entice people to talk to us by offering vegan treats and prizes. We got used to fielding the usual derisive comments and bacon jokes, but these days people are more likely to search us out for new vegan recipe ideas or plant-based nutrition information.  The world is changing but it feels right to nudge things along by giving people who want to change some support to help them do that.

We have a website and a Facebook page. We show animal advocacy movies at our local library. We hold regular vegan potlucks, arrange special restaurant meals, distribute brochures, participate in street fairs, hold cooking demonstrations and organize plant-based cooking workshops.  This summer, we sponsored a Gabriola music festival where all the food was vegan.

There are billions of animals suffering in horrific conditions in Canada and around the world, but there is reason for hope.  More and more people are coming to recognize the environmental, health and ethical advantages of a plant-based diet.  The shift to veganism is snowballing and it feels wonderful to be part of such positive change.  

To learn more about what the Gabriola Vegeteers are up to, check our website or our Facebook page.


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An amazing vegan holiday feast!


Our guest blogger Amanda Tracey is from St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, and started her blog All She Does Is Eat to share her favourite recipes and tips to living as compassionately as possible. She now lives in Vancouver and works as a communications professional and blogger.  


 All She Does Is Eat’s Holiday Feast

When I first adopted a vegan lifestyle, one of my worries was “how am I going to participate in the holidays?” I was concerned that my veganized recipes wouldn’t live up to the part – but boy was I wrong. Growing up I always thought the turkey was the centrepiece of the dinner, but my favourite things were always the potatoes, stuffing and gravy (I’m pretty sure gravy runs through my veins). So, for me personally, I’ve never missed the turkey.

I’ve been vegan for three years, and it was only last year that I decided to step my game up. I’ve had family and friends try everything I am going to share with you here, so I am 101% positive that you will like it. 

I’ve taste-tested the Tofurkey roast and it wasn’t really my thing. Other people I know really enjoy it, but my favourite is the Gardein roast. If you don’t like either, you could try a roast like this one from hot for food or you can just stick with a bunch of delicious vegetables. But for me, I’m going with the Gardein roast. Just bake it according to instructions. It’s very straightforward! As for the rest, keep reading for the recipes. 

Serves: 2

What you’ll need:


  • 2 tbsp vegan butter
  • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 cup vegetable broth
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1 pinch of sea salt 
  • Black pepper to taste


  • 3 pieces of bread
  • 2 tbsp vegan butter (melted)
  • 1 tsp parsley flakes
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp Italian seasonings

Garlic, whipped potatoes

  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 1 tbsp almond milk
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning

Other ingredients you’ll need:   

  • Gardein roast
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 cup peas


*A little note, all of the above serves 2 people (fairly big plates though). Make sure to double or even triple each recipe depending on how many guests are joining you!

1. Peel and wash your potatoes and carrots. Then place them in a medium to large sized pot, and boil them for 20-25 minutes. They will be fork tender when finished.

2. For the stuffing, crumble your bread by hand in a bowl or in a food processor. Add the butter to your bowl, along with the parsley flakes, garlic powder and Italian seasonings. To bake, add to a small casserole dish and cover with tinfoil. Bake for 20-25 minutes on 450F. Once done it is ready to enjoy!

3. Cook your Gardein roast according to package. So yummy!

4. In a food processor, blend your garlic clove until it’s broken into small pieces. Add the vegetable broth, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, maple syrup, sea salt and black pepper. If you don’t have a food processor, mince your garlic by hand and add all ingredients to a blender. Heat the butter in a small pot. Once melted, add the all-purpose flour, whisking immediately. It will be a thick paste. Let cook for 1 more minute, and then add your blended ingredients. Whisk again until fully combined. Bring to a boil, and then simmer for 5 minutes on low heat. Now it is ready to serve!

5. You can either eat your potatoes plain like the carrots, or you can whip them up a bit more! In a small bowl (big enough to fit all potatoes), mash the potatoes with a fork or potato masher. Add the almond milk, garlic powder and Italian seasonings. Stir together until fully combined.

6. For the peas, drain and rinse them and then heat them up in a small pot/pan or the microwave. Whichever is easiest!

I hope you enjoyed this recipe! For more recipes follow me on Instagram @allshedoesiseat_

Amanda xx