
Report urges Calgary city council to support a rodeo and chuckwagon-free Stampede 

Photos: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media

A NEW report from the Vancouver Humane Society highlights:

  • This year’s deadly Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races, with four animal fatalities and footage of inhumane handling of animals;
  • Groundbreaking polling that reflects a significant increase in public opposition to rodeo events and government funding;
  • 9600+ signatures on the #SayNoToRodeo pledge, calling for an end to inhumane rodeo events and the deadly chuckwagon races at the Calgary Stampede;

The report recommends that Calgary city council seek the removal of rodeo and chuckwagon events from Stampede program. 

TAKE ACTION: Sign and share the petition and send a message to Calgary city council in support of the VHS’s report and recommendations. 

Sign & share the #SayNoToRodeo pledge
Contact Calgary city council
Read the report

Send a message to Calgary City Council

Send a message to Calgary’s Mayor & Council in support of the VHS’s new report and recommendations. The report recommends: 

  • Ending inhumane animal events at the Stampede; 
  • Discussing the VHS report at an upcoming public council meeting. 

Below are some key points you may wish to consider in your message. Please use your own words and remain respectful in your message. 

Why you’re writing: Note the VHS’s new report and that you’re writing in support of it.  

What concerns you the most: Consider what happened at this year’s Stampede (four animal deaths); the event’s track record of near-annual deaths; the stress and suffering the animals experience during the events. 

Your request: That city council work with Stampede organizers to remove rodeo events and chuckwagon races and instead prioritize events that don’t cause animal harm.  

For people outside Calgary:

Email Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek

For Calgary residents:

Use the online contact form
Email the Manager, Office of the Councillors

The Vancouver Humane Society’s Stampede report

In a new report sent to Calgary city council, the VHS outlines concerns and recommendations following this year’s deadly Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon events. Below are the key points and recommendations in the report: 

The use of animals in rodeo events presents a significant risk of injury and death, as evidenced by the near-annual animal fatalities at the Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races.

  • The 2024 Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races were the deadliest since 2019, with four animal fatalities during this year’s 10-day event.
  • Three horses sustained serious and irrecoverable injuries during the chuckwagon races and one steer’s neck was disturbingly snapped during a wrestling event. All four animals were euthanized.
  • Footage from the Calgary Stampede rodeo captures animals being roughly handled and displaying visible signs of stress, including thrashing in the chutes, resisting handlers, open mouth and extended tongue, and exhibiting eye white response.
  • 2024 Research Co. public polling shows that majority of Calgarians oppose calf roping, steer wrestling, bronc riding, and chuckwagon racing.
  • Public polling also shows that 67% of Calgarians oppose government funding of rodeo events.
  • 2022 Research Co. polling of Calgarians also found that removal of the rodeo and chuckwagon events would have virtually no impact on attendance rates and would bring a new crowd to the Calgary Stampede.

Therefore, the VHS recommends that Calgary city council seek the removal of the rodeo and chuckwagon events from the annual Calgary Stampede program.


Petition asks Alberta government to follow B.C.’s lead in considering pets as more than property under family law

Alberta woman calls for family law changes surrounding pets |

An Alberta woman is calling for changes to the way pets are dealt with under provincial family law, after similar changes in B.C. earlier this year.

An advocate in Alberta has launched a petition asking that the Alberta goverment follow B.C.’s lead in considering pets as more than property under family law.

The provincial government in B.C. made changes to the Family Law Act this past January. With these changes, pets are no longer treated as “property” in divorce and separation proceedings, recognizing their safety, well-being, and place as part of the family.

Read the article
Sign the petition

Animals still considered property under Canadian Law

Animals are still considered property under federal law. The Vancouver Humane Society, along with animal protection organizations and experts across the country, is calling on the federal government to recognize animals as sentient beings with a new petition.

Can you support this important initiative and help strengthen legal protections for animal well-being?

Learn more & take action

Donations needed for the VHS Silent Auction!

Calling all animal lovers and business owners! The Vancouver Humane Society is looking for donations for the fall silent auction. Could you donate a gift card for a hotel, spa or exercise class? Are you an artist that would like to share your work for a great cause? Do you own an Airbnb property that you could offer as a getaway to a lucky bidder?

All donors will:

  • Support the Vancouver Humane Society’s work for animals, including meaningful advocacy and life-saving veterinary care.
  • Have their items and business name or personal recognition shared with the VHS’s audience of more than 40,000 people.

The VHS is currently looking for donations of:

  • Gift cards
  • Vacation packages /gift cards for hotel stays
  • Experiences such as exercise classes
  • Plant-based foods and beverages
  • Artwork (new)
  • Clothing / jewellery (new)

Please note: As the Vancouver Humane Society is a vegan organization, only items and services free of animal products can be accepted. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Due to the volume of emails we receive, the VHS events team will only get in touch if we are able to include your item in the auction.

We’d love to hear about your item!

Please complete the donation form below to tell us a little more about the item you’d like to donate:


Podcast: What it’s like to run a vegan business

All episodes

Have you shopped at a vegan business recently?

As consumers, we have the power to make compassionate choices that align with our values. More people are choosing animal-free products and services and helping to reduce the demand for industries that exploit animals. Meanwhile, vegan businesses are on the rise to meet the demand for a kinder, more ethical marketplace.

In this month’s episode of The Informed Animal Ally, Kyla and Audrey from Vegan Supply and Paula from Compassion Ink Studio share perspectives on operating a vegan business.

Vegan Supply

Kyla: Hello, this is Kyla and Audrey from Vegan Supply.

Kyla: My name is Kyla and I am the executive assistant to our lovely owner and founder, Jason Antony. And with me is Audrey.

Audrey: Hi. I’m Audrey. I’m the operations manager here at Vegan Supply, overseeing two physical retail stores, our e-commerce business, as well as the distribution side where we sell to other businesses.

Kyla: Audrey is definitely hands on and can speak a lot about successes, challenges, opportunities within the business. And I can more speak to Jason’s side of things. So Audrey, what have you found to be a success?

Audrey: I think definitely a highlight for me is being able to offer vegan solutions to people who might not otherwise have them.

Whether that’s offering products that they don’t have access to where they’re from, on the e-commerce side of things, where we’re able to ship all over, or even just having unique solutions that somebody coming in our store who never heard of soy curls before, and how can they cook with them and how is that a great substitute for their protein and really being a bridge to get people to think differently and help them in their vegan journey if they’re on one, or even just if they’re vegan curious and want to learn a little bit more.

Kyla: And it is something to be said that with this business, we have the means to get anybody vegan products, literally anywhere in the world, which is a really great thing to be able to do.

Audrey: Absolutely. And also working with bringing really exciting and new innovative products to market.

Some of my favorites from this year that we’ve brought in are Juicy Marbles and Yo Egg.

I think when I first went vegan, I didn’t dream of a world where I had a vegan poached egg that actually had a runny yolk. And today is the day that we are able to access that now as vegans. So it’s incredibly exciting.

And Juicy Marbles is another one where it’s a vegan steak. Some of those things that people say like, “Oh, I could never give this up.” There’s a lot of stuff that people don’t have to give up anymore. And it’s because of brands like this doing really cool things in the food science area.

Kyla: That’s right. Yeah. Bridge the gap. We’re here for it.

With all this great stuff though, there are challenges. So what are a few of the challenges that you’ve noticed within the business or being in this space?

Audrey: Yeah, I think so from the start, you know, we’re a vegan business and our name is Vegan Supply.

And there’s a lot of feelings out there in the world to that word vegan. And I think a challenge is overcoming that perception that we are just for vegans because we sell vegan products exclusively. Yes. But our goal is to have more vegan products available, but that could be somebody who is an omnivore looking to reduce meat in their diet or any kind of area like vegan products can be good in and of themselves of their own merit.

Trying to break that barrier while also still holding true to our values is definitely a challenge. I think we start from a little bit of a disadvantage, but it’s just a challenge for us to overcome.

Kyla: Yeah, that’s right. It’s definitely the bias with the word vegan and it is our very name, but we move forth.

So on that note, what is something that you’re looking forward to in the future? Some cool opportunities coming up.

Audrey: Yeah, well, I’m mostly looking forward to being more collaborative with a lot of different organizations. I think in the last few years, we’ve worked a lot with different sanctuaries or different organizations to shed more light on them or collect donations.

And I think we do better as a whole when we lift each other up. So I’m just looking forward to the different partnerships in the community in the coming years.

Kyla: Definitely. I will just do a quick little plug that a few years ago, Audrey and I created a monthly donation program within Vegan Supply, and we feature two sanctuaries, rescues, anywhere that anybody is honestly helping animals.

We will feature you on our website and in-store and raise funds and allow you to keep doing the important work that you do with animals on that note.

If you’re listening and you haven’t been featured, or you know somebody that you would love to see featured, please let us know. Reach out to info at

Any final notes about the world of business and vegan spaces?

Audrey: That we just need to support vegan businesses. I think there are few of us and you know, it’s a cliche, but we vote with our dollars and when we buy a product, we’re telling those businesses that we want to support them. So I think now more than ever, it’s important to support businesses that align with the values that you have.

Kyla: That’s right. Money talks. So let’s use it for good.

Ink by Paula

Paula: Hey everyone. My name is Paula and I’m a tattoo artist in Burnaby, B.C.

On Instagram, I am @inkbypaula and my tattoo studio name is Compassion Ink Studio.

A little bit about myself. I’ve always been very sensitive person, always been an animal lover. As a child, I loved art class and I loved our family dog or family hamsters and you know, I was that kid, and I still am, like many of us, that person who will pick a worm off the sidewalk to help it across.

In high school, I took home this baby chick that was going to be fed to a snake and ended up rehoming it.

I’ve always been an animal lover, and honestly, it wasn’t until I was an adult that I really started thinking about the impact of my choices on animals.

My partner and I decided to unlearn a lot of the habits that we grew up with, and we started with our diet. A lot of vegans usually start by switching to a plant-based diet.

But we also, beyond our diet, try to divest from animal exploitation. And we know it’s not possible to live a completely harm free life in this society, but we do our best. And I think that’s all we can do.

So when I launched my tattoo business, making it vegan was a no brainer.

People will ask me, you know, what’s a vegan tattoo? What makes it different than a regular tattoo? And, the main difference is that I ensure that every part of the tattoo process is animal-free.

Most tattoo shops nowadays actually use vegan ink, just by default, which is great. But for me, I take it a step further. So for example, the soap I use in my studio will be vegan. The transfer paper that I use is vegan because not all stencil paper is vegan.

My shop doesn’t have leather furniture. I don’t have like animal skulls hanging on the wall or framed dead insects on the wall.

If you’re an animal lover, going to a vegan tattoo artist will sort of ensure, beyond the ink, that your experience is going to be as animal-free as possible.

Another big part of my business is fundraising. I’ve had the privilege of fundraising for animal sanctuaries and fundraising for animal activists and human rights activists as well. It’s really rewarding too be able to offer a service like tattooing that blends art and community and activism, which was really cool.

When I first started tattooing, it actually was the vegan community that really helped me build on my portfolio because the support was there. So as soon as I started tattooing and put out there that I’m a vegan tattoo artist, I had a lot of vegans come and be like, Hey, this is awesome. I want to support you.

I’ve met a lot of incredible people through tattooing. Some tattoo sessions are hours long and we share stories. Being an animal lover is a big part of who I am, so I’m just grateful to be able to share my passions and the things I care about with my clients.

That leads me into the next thing I wanted to bring up, which is, I’ve had people question whether it’s a good idea to bring in my politics and sort of combine it with my business Instagram accounts, you know, posts, not only about tattooing, but posts about the things I care about.

And I think that sure I may lose some clients or followers who don’t align with whatever my stance is. But I also believe that a big part of my success as a vegan business owner comes from me being transparent and sharing what I care about. I think a lot of people nowadays do want to support businesses that align with their worldview.

Despite whatever challenges may also go along with that, I think it’s worth it in the end.

One thing I love with my tattoo business is collaborating with other businesses. So for example, I’ve collaborated with Mila Plant-Based restaurant or Zimt Chocolates. We do this to bring the community together and then donate a portion of proceeds to a cause.

I recently organized a raffle with several vegan businesses to fundraise for two families in need. Collaborating is something I really enjoy. And even collaborating with Vancouver Humane Society to share a little bit about me is such an honour. So thank you for listening and I hope to tattoo you one day.

Next episode

Overhead photo of a variety of vegan plant-based dishes

Please join us next month as we discuss common arguments people use to oppose veganism and ways to respond.


Tell Canadian government to recognize animals as sentient beings under law (federal e-petition)

Photo: Louise Jorgensen \ We Animals Media.


This petition is now closed. Thank you to everyone who signed and spoke up for animals. Please go to this page for current campaigns.

  • The Vancouver Humane Society and other experts and organizations across Canada are calling on the federal government to recognize animals as sentient beings under the law.
  • Under current Canadian law, animals are not considered sentient beings; they are classified as property.
  • Sentience is the ability to experience feelings and sensations, and is an ethical basis for determining that animals deserve moral and legal consideration.
  • Experts agree there is scientific evidence that all vertebrates and many invertebrates are sentient.
  • If passed, this legislation would help to strengthen legal protections for animal well-being.

Can you sign the petition to recognize animals as sentient beings under Canadian law?

Join Elizabeth May, the Vancouver Humane Society, and animal organizations and experts across the country in asking the federal government to recognize animals as sentient beings rather than property.

Sign the federal e-petition on the Parliament of Canada website before November 10, 2024, at 7:26 a.m.

Important: After you sign the petition, be sure to check your email and click the confirmation link to ensure your signature is counted.

View updates (petition closed)

Opinion Editorial

Canada needs to stop the horrific practice of shipping horses for slaughter

Article originally published in the Daily Hive. Written by Chantelle Archambault of the Vancouver Humane Society and Kaitlyn Mitchell, a lawyer and director of legal advocacy with Animal Justice.

Opinion: Canada needs to stop the horrific practice of shipping horses for slaughter | Canada

“The suffering these horses endure is far worse than previously imagined.”

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Animal lovers across Canada came together this week for a day of action to call out the Senate’s delay in passing a bill to end the export of live horses from Canada for slaughter overseas.

The unified message from thousands of individuals from coast to coast to coast on October 22 was that Canadians want to see this heinous practice stop. Senators need to stop horsing around and move forward with Bill C-355, which has passed the House of Commons but has been languishing in the Senate with little progress since May.

Hope was in sight last September when Liberal MP Tim Louis introduced Bill C-355. The private member’s bill follows the federal Liberals’ campaign promise during the 2021 election to finally ban the controversial practice of shipping horses on stressful journeys to slaughter – a promise reiterated by the prime minister in his mandate letter to the Minister of Agriculture that December.

But since then, more than 6,000 horses have been loaded onto airplanes and shipped to their deaths in a horrific betrayal – betrayal of the trust of many voters who considered animal welfare a priority in their election day decision; betrayal of the gentle and sensitive animals whom many people consider to be close companions; and betrayal of the compassionate values of most Canadians. In fact, recent polling shows only 22% of Canadians are in support of the live horse export industry continuing.

Photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

For more than a decade, animal protection groups and the Canadian public have been raising the alarm about the long and gruelling journey horses endure when they are sent from Canadian feedlots to Japan for slaughter. These sensitive animals with strong fight-or-flight instincts are carted to airports in Edmonton and Winnipeg in the dead of night, as far from the public eye as possible. They are packed in wooden crates, typically with three or four horses in a single crate, regardless of their social compatibility. They can wait for hours on the noisy tarmac before being loaded onto planes.

Legally, horses can go up to 28 hours without food, water, or rest on these stressful overseas trips. Two new exposés by Animal Justice and Japanese animal advocacy group Life Investigation Agency (LIA) show that the suffering these horses endure is far worse than previously imagined and completely at odds with claims made by industry representatives. The industry regularly violates Canadian transport laws with impunity.

Photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

In the first exposé, released this past June, the groups documented how long it takes for horses to be given access to food, water, and an opportunity to rest after they land in Japan. Contrary to industry and Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) claims, the horses did not arrive at the quarantine feedlots until up to six and a half hours after landing. This suggests that all shipments from Winnipeg, and approximately 60% of those from Edmonton, likely go over the 28-hour legal limit. The groups’ footage also showed horses routinely sprayed with harsh disinfectant chemicals as they arrived at the quarantine facility. The horses are so dehydrated that some try to lick the painful chemicals off the nets of the transport truck.

Flying Above the Law: Inside Canadian Horses’ Long Journey to Japan

For the first time, the same shipments of Canadian horses being sent to Japan for slaughter have been documented leaving Canada & landing overseas. Animal Justice is releasing new groundbreaking footage of these harrowing journeys, breaking the 28-hour legal time limit for travel. Take action:

And it’s not just transport times that have been lowballed. The group’s second exposé, released last month, revealed Government of Japan records showing that the number of horse deaths, illnesses, and injuries associated with export far exceeds what Canadian regulators have previously indicated.

Between May 2023 and June 2024 alone, at least 21 horses shipped from Canada died during transport to Japan or in the hours and days after landing. More than 50 more animals sustained injuries and illnesses. Horses exported for slaughter are dying prolonged and painful deaths caused by dehydration, severe injuries sustained by falling on the flights, and even agonizing miscarriages.

Flight to Fatality: Hidden Deaths & Injuries in Canada’s Horse Export Industry

Official documents from Japan reveal that MANY Canadian horses are dying from being flown overseas for slaughter. There are far more deaths & injuries than are being reported to the Canadian government-including deaths from stress, dehydration, & miscarriages 🐴💔 Take action now to BAN this cruelty:

The truth about the horse export industry has come out, and it is an ugly truth.

Given the horrific realities faced by horses shipped for slaughter, it’s no wonder that the government’s deadly delay weighs so heavily on the hearts of Canadians. Now that Bill C-355 has passed the House of Commons, the fate of thousands of horses is in the hands of the Senate – an institution notorious for delaying private members’ bills. With the next federal election looming and partisan showmanship in the political spotlight, now is the time for Senators to heed the will of Canadians before it’s too late.

Learn more & take action

2 incidents in 1 day at Hastings Racecourse

Two incidents within a single day at Hastings Racecourse left one horse named Lucky Cowboy dead and another named Be Sparky injured.

Take action

Last year, eleven horses died at B.C.’s two racecourses – eight at Hastings and three at Fraser Downs.  

Horse racing puts horses’ lives at risk by using animals who are typically overbred for speed, rather than skeletal strength, in extremely fast-paced events. The industry also puts horses through stress and pain as a result of aversive training and the use of painful tools like whips and bits.

The VHS continues to encourage the public to not attend horse races and to take the pledge to reflect their concern for horses.  

Take pledge
In the news
2023 incidents

Take the pledge to say no to horse racing

By taking the pledge today, you will reflect your concern about recent race horse fatalities and incidents and to sign up to receive updates on future actions you can take to help horses.


Lucky Cowboy the horse euthanized after being injured in Vancouver race

Lucky Cowboy the horse euthanized after being injured in Vancouver race, group says

Animal advocates have renewed calls to boycott horse races after another animal was injured and euthanized at Hastings Racecourse last week.

“Animal advocates have renewed calls to boycott horse races after another animal was injured and euthanized at Hastings Racecourse last week.”

“The Vancouver Humane Society said the four-year-old horse – named Lucky Cowboy – suffered a compound fracture to his front leg during a race on Friday.”

“Another horse named Be Sparky was hurt earlier in the evening and removed from the course, according to the group.”

“‘This is not an isolated incident,’ said Emily Pickett, VHS campaign director, in a statement. ‘Horses like Lucky Cowboy and Be Sparky are paying the ultimate price for human entertainment, and we cannot stand by while horses continue to die.'”

Read the article in CTV News Vancouver and take the pledge not to attend horse races.

Read the article
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Japanese documents reveal 21 horses died after export from Canada in 13 months

Photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

Japanese documents reveal 21 horses died after export from Canada | CBC News

Newly released access to information documents from the Japanese government show at least 21 horses died during or in the days after being flown from Canada for slaughter in Japan between May 2023 and June 2024. That contradicts information from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

New reports obtained by animal advocacy groups in Japan reveal 21 horses died after export from Canada for slaughter – far more than reports from Canadian regulators indicate.

“Newly released access to information documents from the Japanese government show at least 21 horses died during or in the days after being flown from Canada for slaughter in Japan between May 2023 and June 2024. “

“That contradicts information from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, suggesting serious incidents are not being reported to the regulator. In February, a CFIA representative told a House of Commons committee the agency is aware of only five horse deaths related to air shipments since 2013.”

Read the article

More findings this year

No Title

For the first time, the same shipments of Canadian horses being sent to Japan for slaughter have been documented leaving Canada & landing overseas. Animal Justice is releasing new groundbreaking footage of these harrowing journeys, breaking the 28-hour legal time limit for travel. Take action:

This is the second time this year that Canadian regulators have been found underreporting the severity of horse suffering during transport. In June, Animal Justice released an exposé which revealed the gruelling journeys of horses exported from Canada for slaughter regularly exceed legal limits.

Learn more and take action
Media Release

B.C. rodeo season saw recurring issues, cruelty complaints, and growing public concern 



VANCOUVER, September 12, 2024 – This year’s controversial rodeo season in B.C. has left the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) and thousands of advocates calling for urgent action from the provincial government. New footage released by the VHS today from two provincially-funded rodeos continues to show recurring welfare issues. 

Footage released today includes incidents from the Interior Provincial Exhibition & Stampede in Armstrong, which received $140,800 in taxpayer dollars through the Ministry of Tourism’s Fairs, Festivals and Events Fund, and the Nicola Valley Professional Rodeo in Merritt, which received $11,100 from the same grant program.  

The welfare concerns seen in these rodeos echo incidents at other rodeos across the province this year. 

In video clips from both Armstrong and Merritt, calves are seen being dragged across the arena by a rope tied around their necks. The footage is reminiscent of an incident in which a roped steer was dragged around the arena by a horse at a rodeo in Keremeos this past May. 

Like the other events the VHS monitored this season, the newly released footage from Armstrong and Merritt also shows animals being pushed, dragged, smacked in the face, kicked, and roughly agitated through ear pulling and tail twisting. Previously, the VHS filed cruelty complaints to the BC SPCA regarding multiple incidents this year, including the inhumane use of electric prods at two rodeos. 

“We continue to see people in B.C.’s rodeo industry use harsh handling and push the boundaries of how much suffering they can cause before they are considered in violation of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,” said Emily Pickett, the VHS’s Campaign Director. “There is no proactive monitoring of rodeos by enforcement bodies in this province, so it is very likely the people running these shows don’t believe they’ll be caught when they break the rules.” 

Pickett notes that while the B.C. government provided more than $680,000 in taxpayer funding to events that involve rodeos this year, it does not fund enforcement of its own cruelty laws at the same events. 

“British Columbians should be asking the provincial government why it continues to hand over their tax dollars to support animal suffering,” Pickett added. 

July 2024 polling shows that 83% of British Columbians are against the government funding of rodeo events, rising 17 percentage points from a previous poll in February. 

The VHS encourages anyone who is concerned about the suffering of animals in rodeo events to send a quick, pre-written message to the B.C. government through their website. 

– ends –        

SOURCE Vancouver Humane Society       

For more information, contact Emily Pickett: 604-416-2903,  

Related links:

Related media:

Armstrong rodeo footage – 

Merritt rodeo footage –