
Three animals dead in four days at the Calgary Stampede rodeo & chuckwagon events: Media

Photo: Sportsnet

The public is shocked and disturbed as three animals have died in the first four days of the Calgary Stampede’s animal events. Animals die in the Stampede’s rodeo and chuckwagon races nearly every year, and the VHS has been advocating for an end to these inhumane and deadly events for decades.

Read the details of the latest tragic incidents in wide-reaching media coverage below, and speak up against animal suffering at the Calgary Stampede.

Calgary Herald

Three animals euthanized after sustaining injuries during Calgary Stampede rodeo

Three animals have been put down following injuries sustained during rodeo events as part of Calgary Stampede 2024.

“An injured steer was euthanized Monday, making it the third animal to die during the 2024 Calgary Stampede.”

“The latest deaths led the Vancouver Humane Society to renew its call for the Stampede to end ‘inhumane’ rodeo and chuckwagon events.”

CTV News Calgary

Two animals euthanized after being injured during Calgary Stampede rodeo

A steer that was injured during the Calgary Stampede’s rodeo competition on Monday night had to be euthanized, the second animal to die during this year’s competition, event organizers confirmed.

“The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS), which has been in opposition to the Calgary Stampede rodeo events for some time, said the death of the steer illustrates exactly why the competition should end.”

“Between 1986, when the VHS began tracking fatalities, and 2023, 105 animals lost their lives in the rodeo and chuckwagon races, the group said.”


Steer, 2 horses euthanized at Calgary Stampede rodeo competition | CBC News

A third animal has been euthanized at the Calgary Stampede’s rodeo competition.

“A third animal has been euthanized at the Calgary Stampede’s rodeo competition.”

“The Vancouver Humane Society issued a statement calling for an end to the Stampede’s animal events.”

National Post

Steer, two horses euthanized at Calgary Stampede rodeo competition

CALGARY – A third animal has been euthanized at the Calgary Stampede’s rodeo competition.

“The Vancouver Humane Society issued a statement calling for an end to the Stampede’s animal events.”

“‘How many animals will die in these events before the Calgary Stampede does the right thing and leaves them in the past,’ Emily Pickett with the humane society said in a release.”

City News Calgary

Calgary Stampede: Injured chuckwagon horse, steer euthanized

Calgary Stampede officials say a horse and a steer have sustained injuries that led to them being put down.

“The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is speaking out following the news of the animals’ deaths.”

“‘We know that animals died almost every year at the Calgary Stampede, but this year, animals have died almost every day,’ said VHS campaign director Emily Pickett.”

“The group claims 108 animals have died at the Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races since it began tracking fatalities in 1986.”

The Daily Hive

Two horses, steer euthanized at Calgary Stampede | News

The Calgary Stampede rodeo has already seen three animal deaths this year, and it’s sparking outrage from animal rights advocates.

“The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) says it’s calling for an end to the Calgary Stampede’s deadly animal events after Monday’s steer wrestling event, which appeared to result in a fatal injury.”

“‘You don’t need to be an animal behaviour expert to see the fear in the eyes of a steer being wrestled to the ground. But we still have research proving that animals experience visible signs of stress and elevated stress hormones in rodeos,’ says Emily Pickett, VHS campaign director.”