
Video from Sisters Rodeo captures rodeo bull jumping fence, tossing spectator

Cover photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media.

Content warning: The video associated with this article shows a bull jumping over a fence and injuring a human.

Shocking video captures rodeo bull jumping fence, tossing spectator – National |

In video footage of the rampaging bull, people are seen scrambling out of the animal’s path as it charges through the Oregon fairgrounds.

This article from Global News highlights a recent video of a bull named Party Bus jumping over a fence at the Sisters Rodeo in Oregon and tossing a person into the air. Three people were injured in the incident, two of whom were taken to the hospital.

Roping, wrestling and bucking events take advantage of animals’ “fight, flight or freeze” fear response. This response provokes the behaviours expected in rodeo events, such as violent bucking and rapid fleeing. It can also lead to unpredictable behaviours that can be dangerous to both the animals and the humans around them.

Can you take the quick action to say no to inhumane and risky rodeos in your community?

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Media Release

Horse dies just weeks into Hastings race season 

Incident reportedly results in horse death at Hastings Racecourse, May 25, 2024

Less than one month after the racing season began at Hastings Racecourse, the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) has received an anonymous tip that 3-year-old Lizzie’s Rayne was euthanized following an incident at Saturday’s event. Video: Hastings Racecourse.


On May 28, 2024, B.C.’s Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch (GPEB) confirmed in an email to the Vancouver Humane Society that Lizzie’s Rayne sustained a complete fracture of the left hind leg on May 25. The injury was unrecoverable and Lizzie’s Rayne was euthanized. Her tragic death marks the first horse death at Hastings Racecourse since the racing season began on April 27.

VANCOUVER, May 27, 2024 – Less than one month after the racing season began at Hastings Racecourse, the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) has received an anonymous tip that a horse was euthanized following an incident at Saturday’s event. 

3-year-old Lizzie’s Rayne reportedly broke her leg during the running of the fourth race. In a live video of the event, Lizzie’s Rayne appears to be forced between the rail and another horse. She can be seen stumbling and falling behind, and does not finish the race. 

“Each time a horse loses their life at Hastings Racecourse, it is heartbreaking and sadly unsurprising,” said VHS’s Communications Director, Chantelle Archambault. “The racing industry puts these beautiful, sensitive animals through fear, stress, and risk to their lives, and these incidents are commonplace.” 

The BC’s Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch (GPEB) confirmed that there were eight horse deaths at Hastings Racecourse last year, including four horse deaths in the span of just three weeks between July 16 and August 7. 

The VHS has pointed to inherent welfare concerns around horse racing, including stressful, aversive training methods, the use of painful tools like whips and bits, the breeding of thoroughbred horses for speed rather than skeletal strength, the risk of injury and death, and the risk of being auctioned off for slaughter for horses who are no longer profitable at the end of their short careers. 

“This is why the VHS is asking Vancouverites not to attend horse racing events. These horses are being bred and run to death for the sake of an afternoon of human entertainment because there is profit to be made in people attending and betting on races.”

More information and a pledge not to attend horse racing events can be found on the VHS website

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SOURCE Vancouver Humane Society     

For more information, contact Chantelle Archambault: 604-416-2903, 

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Media Release

Videos from recent rodeo in Keremeos raise animal welfare concerns 

VANCOUVER, May 27, 2024 – The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is raising concerns after footage from a rodeo held in Keremeos over the May long weekend showed stressed animals being put at risk of serious injury. 

“It was shocking and quite frankly difficult to watch some of the footage”, said VHS Campaign Director, Emily Pickett. “One video shows a roped steer being dragged around the arena behind a fleeing roping horse. You can hear the announcer yelling for someone to cut the rope and, at one point, the steer defecates – which, in this context, is an indication of stress. Finally, the rope is cut and the steer is freed, but we don’t know if the steer sustained any serious injuries from the incident, as injuries may take up to 48 hours to present and that information isn’t made readily available to the public.”

Footage also showed a horse in a bad way, with a foot stuck in an unusual body position. It appears like the horse fought being in the chute and then gave up, with a response that looks like learned helplessness. This kind of shut down behaviour happens when an uncomfortable or painful situation presents repeatedly and there is no escape. 

In yet another video, a visibly agitated bull gets his hind leg stuck for several minutes between the bars of a bucking chute, with little effort made to assist the animal as the rodeo carries on around him. 

The VHS pointed to public polling conducted in February which found that just under three in five Canadians said that they would “probably” or “definitely” not watch bull riding (59%) and saddle bronc (58%), two of the events seen in this month’s Keremeos rodeo. 

This is not the first time the VHS has released concerning rodeo footage in B.C. In recent years, videos from other rodeos have highlighted animals being inhumanely handled and deliberately agitated. These more recent incidents at the Keremeos rodeo reiterate the risk of serious injury and death that animals used in rodeo events face, all for the sake of public entertainment.  

The VHS is encouraging decision-makers to prohibit roping, wrestling and bucking events, which rely on the use of fear, discomfort and stress to make animals perform. Other jurisdictions are already leading the way, including the City of Vancouver, District of North Vancouver and City of Port Moody, which all have bylaws prohibiting inhumane rodeo events and practices.

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SOURCE Vancouver Humane Society   

For more information, contact Emily Pickett: 604-416-2903,

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Raw footage: 

A steer is dragged at Keremeos Rodeo

A steer is roped before being dragged across the arena by a roping horse at Keremeos Rodeo. The steer displays signs of stress. Source: Vancouver Humane Society.

A horse becomes caught in the chute at Keremeos Rodeo

A bucking horse becomes caught in the chute at Keremeos Rodeo and displays signs of learned helplessness. Source: Vancouver Humane Society.

A bull’s leg gets stuck in the chute at the Keremeos Rodeo

A bull struggles in the chute at Keremeos Rodeo when his leg becomes trapped. Source: Vancouver Humane Society.

A steer falls at Keremeos Rodeo

A steer falls during an event at Keremeos Rodeo. Source: Vancouver Humane Society.

A steer is agitated, caught in the chute, and wrestled at Keremeos Rodeo

A steer is agitated in the chute and repeatedly has his leg stuck between the bars in a steer wrestling event at Keremeos Rodeo. Source: Vancouver Humane Society.

Colour graded videos: 

A steer is dragged at Keremeos Rodeo

A steer is roped before being dragged across the arena by a roping horse at Keremeos Rodeo. The steer displays signs of stress. Source: Vancouver Humane Society. Colour graded.

A horse becomes caught in the chute at Keremeos Rodeo

A bucking horse becomes caught in the chute at Keremeos Rodeo and displays signs of learned helplessness. Source: Vancouver Humane Society. Colour graded.

A bull’s leg gets stuck in the chute at the Keremeos Rodeo

A bull struggles in the chute at Keremeos Rodeo when his leg becomes trapped. Source: Vancouver Humane Society. Colour graded.

A steer is run down by a horse at Keremeos Rodeo

A steer falls during an event at Keremeos Rodeo. Source: Vancouver Humane Society. Colour graded.

A steer is agitated, caught in the chute, and wrestled at Keremeos Rodeo

A steer is agitated in the chute and repeatedly has his leg stuck between the bars in a steer wrestling event at Keremeos Rodeo. Source: Vancouver Humane Society. Colour graded.


Calgary media shares VHS billboards on rodeo cruelty

Could the future of the Calgary Stampede be rodeo-free? Public opinion is shifting on the controversial rodeo and chuckwagon racing, and new billboards from the Vancouver Humane Society are raising more awareness about the animal welfare concerns associated with these events.

The billboards are featured in Calgary media outlets including CTV News Calgary, Global News, and the Daily Hive.

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CTV News Calgary

Calgary billboards ask people to skip the rodeo, chuckwagon races

The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) has taken out a series of billboard ads around Calgary encouraging people to skip the rodeo and chuckwagon races at the Stampede this summer.

“The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) has taken out a series of billboard ads around Calgary encouraging people to skip the rodeo and chuckwagon races at the Stampede this summer.”

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Global News

Animal rights activists say Stampede ‘not entertainment; it’s cruelty’ – Calgary |

The start of the Calgary Stampede is over 7 weeks away, but the Vancouver Humane Society has already launched a campaign urging Calgarians to skip the rodeo and chuckwagon races.

“‘The billboards encourage people to rethink supporting events that cause animal suffering,’ says the Society’s director of communications, Chantelle Archambault. ‘It’s not entertainment. It’s cruelty.'”

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Daily Hive

Billboards are popping up urging people to skip an iconic Calgary Stampede event | News

There are billboards popping up around Calgary protesting a long-standing and controversial event at the Stampede.

“Billboards are popping up around Calgary protesting a long-standing and controversial event at the Stampede. The billboards, released by the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS), encourage Calgarians to shift their perspectives around the Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races.”

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Media Release

New billboards urge Calgarians to rethink rodeo and chuckwagon races

A billboard in Calgary questions government funding for rodeo events after more than half of Calgarians say they oppose it. Source: Vancouver Humane Society.

VANCOUVER, May 14, 2024 – In the weeks leading up to the Calgary Stampede, new billboards popping up across the city are urging Calgarians to skip the rodeo and chuckwagon races.

These images remind observers that rodeo is “No fun for the animals” and that “Rodeo animals aren’t performing. They’re suffering.” They also highlight a statistic from a Research Co. poll conducted earlier this year, which found that “More than half of Calgarians oppose government funding for rodeo events” – a shocking statistic considering the Calgary Stampede receives about six million in taxpayer dollars from the provincial government each year, as well as support from the municipality.

“The billboards encourage people to rethink supporting events that cause animal suffering,” said Vancouver Humane Society’s (VHS) Chantelle Archambault. “You can see the fear in the eyes of calves being roped at high speeds and steers having their necks twisted back until they fall to the ground. It’s not entertainment; it’s cruelty.”

Archambault noted that public opinion on rodeo is already changing. This year’s Research Co. poll found that more than half of Albertans disagreed with the use of animals in steer wrestling (54%), calf roping (51%), and bronc riding (51%). When presented with photos of calf roping, 60% of Albertans and 62% of Calgarians said they would “probably” or “definitely” not watch the event.

Near-annual animal deaths at the Stampede may be one reason for the events’ declining popularity. 105 animals have died at the Stampede since the VHS began tracking fatalities in 1986, including 75 horses used in the chuckwagon races. A growing body of research shows animals used in events such as calf roping experience acute stress and are at risk of serious injury.

An end to inhumane animal events doesn’t mean an end to the Stampede. A 2022 poll from Research Co. found that the removal of the rodeo and chuckwagon events from the Calgary Stampede program would have virtually no impact on attendance rates and would attract new crowds. The VHS hopes to see the Calgary Stampede continue to evolve into an event that celebrates the city’s culture and represents events in Canada on the world stage without the rodeo and chuckwagon races.

The billboards are being run as part of the Rodeo Truth project, a collaboration between the VHS and concerned Calgarians.

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SOURCE Vancouver Humane Society   

For more information, contact Chantelle Archambault: 604-416-2903,

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Opinion Editorial

A stressful and fear-filled glimpse into an animal’s first rodeo

Article originally published in the Daily Hive.

Bring up animal welfare to a rodeo supporter, and you’ll often hear the same set of arguments: these animals are trained. They’re used to it. They’re athletes akin to other rough sports, like football or boxing. While these arguments are easily unravelled, new footage from this year’s rodeo in Merritt kicks the legs out from under them entirely. 

The newly released footage taken by the Vancouver Humane Society shows handlers aggressively pulling and twisting a steer’s tail in the chute as he falls to his knees. Footage also shows steers with flank straps tightened around their sensitive underbellies and panic in their eyes, bucking wildly as saliva spurts from their mouths. Several animals become so agitated that they slip and fall to the ground of the arena. 

It’s common to see handling techniques like the ones shown in this video used in rodeo events. Pulling an animal’s tail or shaking their head initiates their “fight or flight” fear response, which causes them to perform the behaviours expected in a rodeo event: running away at high speeds or bucking violently. 

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The newly-released footage taken by the Vancouver Humane Society shows handlers aggressively pulling and twisting a steer’s tail in the chute as he falls to his knees. Footage also shows steers with flank straps tightened around their sensitive underbellies and panic in their eyes, bucking wildly as saliva spurts from their mouths.

Generally, a compassionate observer can see the signs of stress in animals subjected to this treatment, including visible whites around the animals’ eyes, extended tongues, and excessive drooling. The reactions of the steers at the Nicola Valley Rodeo in Merritt are far more obvious, however. A look at the Pro Rodeo website tells us why. 

The Nicola Valley Rodeo page on the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association website lists the Steer Riding Contractor as “local beef cattle,” which suggests these steers are from a nearby farm and not a rodeo stock contractor who raises and keeps animals specifically for the purpose of being used in rodeo events.

Animals from farms are not accustomed to the fast pace of rodeos; in fact, the National Farm Animal Care Council’s Beef Cattle Code of Practice, which serves as an industry guideline for the care and handling of beef cattle in Canada, requires that quiet handling techniques be used on farms. The high-speed, rough nature of animal handling in rodeo events is completely contradictory to the handling guidelines for these same animals in a farm setting.  

Where other rodeo animals may have become accustomed to the stressful and rough handling inherent to the sport, this video footage reveals what could very well be these animals’ first rodeo. 

Of course, it would be erroneous to say that other animals who are used to rodeos no longer feel fear and stress. Adverse reactions from other rodeo animals can be seen in footage from this year’s BC rodeo events as well: a calf defecates as they are pulled along the ground by a rope fastened around their neck; a bucking horse jumps over a fence, landing on their shoulder; and multiple clips show animals thrashing around in rodeo chutes and resisting handlers. 

In other cases, the animals’ relatively subtle response to stressful stimuli like flank straps, ear pulling, and tail twisting could be a result of learned helplessness.  

Learned helplessness is a psychological state that animals can experience when they repeatedly face a stressful situation over which they have no control. Though they continue to experience a heightened stress response, they lose motivation to try to change their situation and appear passive.

Because these individual beef cattle have likely not become resigned to the treatment common in rodeos, their responses offer the public a glimpse into what the beginning of the journey may look like for all rodeo animals. After all, every animal used in these events has experienced a “first rodeo.”

Animals used in timed events like roping, wrestling, and bucking must endure multiple rodeos each season; they face stressful travel between events; and they experience hours of use in rodeo practice sessions, where less polished iterations of the rodeo events seldom reach the public eye. 

Being used again and again for the sake of public entertainment does not transform frightened animals into willing athletes. Despite the pomp and pageantry about rodeo animals and human athletes working together in events, the two parties have remarkably little in common. 

Real athletes understand the rules of the game. They make the decision to sign up and prepare for events. They do not need to be coerced into the arena through the use of physical discomfort and pain. Each time they perform, it’s because they’ve chosen to do so. 

Animals don’t have the capacity to do this. They do not understand the concept of “winning” at so-called sports designed by and for humans. They can, of course, try to opt out of events by simply standing still – despite the stimuli activating their fight or flight instincts and at the risk of being punished for their disobedience.

Most importantly, where athletes’ first rodeos are marked with excitement, this year’s videos prove once again that animals’ journeys are marked by fear. 

With growing opposition to these events and so many other ways to celebrate BC’s vibrant community, the continued use of stressed animals for public entertainment makes less sense than ever. It’s high time for the province to buck the inhumane rodeo tradition.

Take action to end cruel rodeos

New footage captures inhumane handling and stressed animals at B.C. rodeos 

  • Newly released footage from several B.C. rodeos reveals recurring animal welfare issues, including animals being hit, kicked, and having their tail and ears twisted and pulled.  
  • New polling shows growing public opposition to the use of animals in rodeo events. 65% of B.C. residents and 67% of Canadians are opposed to the practice. 
  • Use the VHS’s quick action tool to share this new footage with your city council and B.C.’s Minister of Tourism and to call for a rodeo bylaw and an end to using taxpayer dollars to fund inhumane rodeo events.  
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Take quick action

Use the VHS’s quick action tool below to share this new footage and call for: 

  1. A municipal bylaw prohibiting inhumane rodeo events in your community; 
  2. An end to BC government funding of rodeo events. 

Watch the footage

Footage from the Princeton, Chilliwack, Armstrong and Merritt rodeos reveals recurring animal welfare issues. In the videos, stressed animals are roughly handled, deliberately agitated into fleeing and bucking, and put at risk of serious injury. Clips show animals being roped around the neck; thrown and wrestled to the ground; and kicked with spurs. Animals are seen being hit and kicked; having their tail and ears twisted and pulled. Frightened animals run into fences, thrash in the chutes, and resist handlers.

What happened at B.C. rodeos in 2023?

Newly released footage from several B.C. rodeos reveals recurring animal welfare issues, including animals being hit, kicked, and having their tail and ears twisted and pulled.

How rodeo handlers agitate animals into running & bucking

How are animals agitated into fleeing & bucking at rodeos?

Rodeos rely on prey animals’ “fight or flight” fear responses to make them “perform”.

Signs of stress in rodeo animals

Signs of stress in rodeo animals

Animals experience fear, discomfort, and pain in rodeos. Watch for these signs of stress in rodeo footage, as seen in 2023 B.C.


Advocates in Langley protest use of animals in rodeos

Advocates protest at Langley rodeo | CityNews Vancouver

Protesters at Valley West Stampede in Langley say they hope to bring awareness to what they claim are unethical animal practices in rodeos.

Advocates gathered outside the Valley West Stampede rodeo Saturday to protest the suffering of animals used in rodeo. VHS Campaign Director Emily Pickett appeared in an interview with City News to discuss welfare concerns.

“These types of events take advantage of these animals’ fight and flight response,” Pickett said. “What we saw was things such as roughhousing of the animals, agitating animals in the chutes so they flee and buck in response.

“We think that this is something that causes a lot of suffering for these animals.”

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Media Release

Vancouver Humane Society raises concerns about Valley West Stampede rodeo

VANCOUVER, September 1, 2023 – The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is again raising concerns about the Valley West Stampede rodeo, which returns to Langley Township this long weekend despite opposition.

Polling shows 65% of B.C. residents are opposed to the use of animals in rodeo. Overall, 67% of Canadians are opposed to the practice, up six percentage points since a similar poll conducted in April 2022.

Footage from last year’s inaugural rodeo showed frightened and stressed animals being deliberately agitated into fleeing and bucking. In the videos, a bull has his tail pulled and is struck near the face prior to a bucking event; a sheep is pushed over onto their back; and horses thrash in chutes, appearing panicked.

“This event relies on causing animals to feel fear and stress to make them ‘perform’,” said VHS Campaign Director Emily Pickett. “Inhumane rodeo events have no place in a community that values compassion and kindness.”

Despite most British Columbians opposing rodeo, the VHS pointed out that $33,700 in provincial taxpayer dollars were given to the Valley West Stampede – a portion of almost $800,000 in funding allocated to events with rodeos across B.C. Earlier this year, the VHS and nearly 2,500 concerned residents called on B.C.’s Minister of Tourism to not provide funding to events that include rodeos, but those requests were ignored.

The VHS continues to call for an end to inhumane rodeo events, including roping, wrestling, bucking and mutton busting, and urges organizers and decision-makers to prioritize alternative events that can bring communities together without putting animals at unnecessary risk of injury and death.

Concerned Langley Township residents can call on the Mayor and Council to follow the lead of other municipalities that have passed bylaws prohibiting inhumane rodeo events, including City of Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver, and most recently, Port Moody, on the VHS website.

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SOURCE Vancouver Humane Society 

For more information, contact Emily Pickett: 604-416-2903,


New footage reveals animal suffering at Chilliwack Rodeo 

  • The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is again raising concerns of animal suffering at the annual Chilliwack Rodeo.
  • Footage from this year’s Chilliwack Rodeo shows animals being subjected to fear, discomfort and stress for sake of public entertainment.
  • This new footage, along with similar concerning footage from last year’s Chilliwack rodeo, reinforces that animal suffering is inherent to many rodeo events, including roping, bucking, wrestling and mutton busting (kids riding sheep).
  • The VHS is asking residents and tourists to call on Chilliwack City Council to pass a bylaw to prohibit inhumane rodeo events.
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Animals suffer at Chilliwack rodeo

Footage from the recent Chilliwack rodeo shows stressed and agitated animals being roughly handled, thrashing around in the chutes, and being put at risk of injury and death. Obvious signs of stress are seen throughout the footage, including excessive salivation, defecation and resisting handlers.

The VHS also documented similar animal welfare issues during last year’s Chilliwack rodeo, reinforcing the reality that many rodeo events rely on the use of fear, discomfort and stress through rough handling and the use of aversive tools (e.g. flank straps and spurs) to make animals flee and buck in response.

Watch the footage:

Animal welfare issues at the 2023 Chilliwack Rodeo

Footage from the recent Chilliwack rodeo shows stressed and agitated animals being roughly handled, thrashing around in the chutes, and being put at risk of injury and death. Obvious signs of stress are seen throughout the footage, including excessive salivation, defecation and resisting handlers.

Calling for removal of inhumane rodeo events

The VHS continues to urge Chilliwack Fair organizers and local decision-makers to remove inhumane rodeo events, including roping, wrestling, bucking and mutton busting from the fair’s program.

Take the steps below to support this call to action in Chilliwack and beyond.

1) Send a message to Chilliwack City Council

Send an email or follow-up email to Chilliwack City Council, calling for an end to inhumane rodeo events at the Chilliwack Fair. Respectfully share your concerns as a tourist or resident about the treatment of animals and the footage from this year’s rodeo.

Email Chilliwack City Council

In your own words, consider highlighting the following key points: 

  • There are ongoing issues with the treatment of animals at the Chilliwack Rodeo. Footage from this year’s rodeo again shows animals being roughly handled during events, agitated in the chutes beforehand, and ultimately being put at unnecessary risk of injury and death for the purpose of public entertainment.
  • Signs of fear and stress are evident, including excessive drooling, defecation and resisting handlers.
  • I am urging Chilliwack city council to take action to end inhumane rodeo events in Chilliwack. There are many other activities at the fair that can be enjoyed without putting animals at risk. Please work with fair organizers to remove inhumane rodeo events from the fair’s program and follow the lead of other municipalities by enacting a bylaw to prohibit such events in the community.

2) Call for a bylaw prohibiting inhumane rodeo events in your community

Use the VHS’s quick action tool to call for a bylaw prohibiting inhumane rodeo events in your community.