Urgent Care

Urgent care for Minou

Donate toward Minou’s care

Donate to help Minou this Valentine’s Day

Samantha noticed that her sweet companion, Minou, has been having trouble breathing for the last few days. A visit to the vet determined she will need an X-ray to diagnose the cause of the problem. 

Samantha has experienced some difficult life circumstances. Through it all, Minou has been her emotional support and they love each other dearly. Samantha is doing everything she can to make sure Minou receives the best care and is well taken care of, but she is having trouble affording the costly exams.

When you donate today to help Minou, you can choose to make a donation in honour of someone special and send a thoughtful e-card to their inbox.

Simply click on the “in honour of” button in the “Dedication” sectionof the online donation form. 

Can you help Minou get healthy again and come home to Samantha?

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Phoebe

Donate toward Phoebe’s care

Phoebe needs urgent care after potentially ingesting a toxin

When sweet Phoebe started excessively drooling, her loving guardian Dave became concerned and brought her to the vet. Upon arrival, the vet suspected Phoebe may have ingested something toxic. She will need urgent care to treat and monitor her condition, including bloodwork and X-rays. She may also need IV fluids for 24 hours to flush out her system. 

Dave is on very low income and has reached out to the Vancouver Humane Society’s McVitie Fund for help.

The VHS team is keeping in communication with Dave and the vet to monitor the situation and has committed to covering Phoebe’s veterinary bill. Can you help Phoebe get better by donating?

Urgent Care

Life-saving care for Fluffy

Donate toward Fluffy’s care

Fluffy needs life-saving care after being hit by a car

When curious little Fluffy accidentally escaped her house, tragically she was hit by a car. Fluffy’s devastated guardian Kaylee rushed her to an emergency vet where they determined she has a fractured jaw that will need surgery.  

Fluffy has received thoracic (spine) and skull x-rays and she will need IV fluids, bloodwork to test her liver function and a feeding tube post-surgery. She is currently hospitalized at the vet and her care is expected to cost approximately $4,200. 

Kaylee is a single mother on a limited income and reached out to the Vancouver Humane Society for assistance with Fluffy’s costly care. Without help, Kaylee would be at imminent risk of having to surrender Fluffy to save her beloved companion. Kaylee and Fluffy have formed an unbreakable bond and Kaylee is distraught at the thought of losing her because she can’t afford Fluffy’s urgent, unexpected care.  

The VHS team is keeping in regular communication with both Kaylee and the vet to offer support throughout Fluffy’s recovery. Fluffy is young and has a lot of love still to give and a long life to live. Can you help Fluffy get better by donating?

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Achat

Donate toward Achat’s care

Achat needs urgent treatment for a UTI

When Achat started having trouble urinating and stopped eating, her loving guardian Matthew rushed to the vet. Senior girl Achat has otherwise been active and healthy for most of her life.
The vet carried out bloodwork and a urinalysis and has determined that Achat has a urinary tract infection which needs urgent treatment.

Matthew inherited Achat after his mother sadly passed away last year. Matthew does his very best to care for Achat and his 3 children, but work has been sparse lately and he is struggling to cover the cost of Achat’s surgery while trying to support a family on minimal income. That’s why he reached out to the VHS’s McVitie Fund for help.  

Can you donate today to help sweet senior Achat receive the care she needs to live out her golden years happily back at home?

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Zoey and Mabel

Donate toward Zoey and Mabel’s care

Can you donate to the McVitie Fund this holiday season to help Zoey and Mabel get the urgent care they need?

Zoey’s story 

Last week, Zoey’s guardian Michael reached out to the VHS for help. Zoey needed urgent surgery to treat a life-threatening pyometra infection. Thanks to kind donations toward the VHS’s McVitie fund, Zoey was able to get the care she needed; but sadly complications meant her journey was far from over. Now, Zoey needs blood transfusions and intensive treatment to make a full recovery.

Michael now needs help to pay for the additional care Zoey will need, which is expected to cost around $3,000.

Mabel’s story

After a complicated start to their journey, Mabel and her brother Remy were lovingly welcomed into their new home by their guardian, Tanya. Tanya has since discovered that both Mabel and Remy have severe dental issues and Mabel also has stomatitis.

Tanya is going through a period of serious financial hardship and is doing everything she can for this sweet pair. She was able to pull together the resources to get them treatment and help Remy recover, but sadly Mabel has had more complex issues and still needs further care.

Tanya has reached out to the VHS for help paying for Mabel’s dental treatment, which is expected to cost around $2,300.

Can you donate this holiday season to help Zoey and Mabel come home safely?

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Coco

Donate toward Coco’s care

Senior sweetie Coco needs help!

When Coco developed a lump on her left shoulder, her guardian Jennifer rushed her to the vet. To Jennifer’s dismay, the vet found that Coco has skin cancer which will need urgent treatment.

The vet also performed a check-up and found that Coco has a severe dental infection, as her small mouth makes tooth care very difficult.

Jennifer has been very ill for nearly a decade, and she and Coco have always been there for each other. “Coco has been my constant companion, even in the hospital next to me.” Coco brings such love and calmness to both Jennifer and her daughter.

Unfortunately, Jennifer has not been able to earn a reliable income while ill and she cannot afford Coco’s costly care on her own. “We don’t have any money set aside for emergency but at this point are so scared and desperate to get our dog better I am willing to sell my car.” She reached out for help covering Coco’s treatment.

Can you make a donation to help this sweet dog to live her golden years in health and peace with her loving family?

Your gift will make double the difference! An anonymous donor is currently matching all donations made toward the McVitie Fund, up to $25,000.

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Ginny

Cuddly Mr. Ginny needs urgent help to treat a mass in his mouth.

Ginny came to his guardian Kaylah as a young kitten after being found in a barn. Kaylah lovingly provided him all the care he needed, and he has since grown into a confident juvenile with a big personality. When he’s not snuggling up to Kaylah or his cat sister Apollo, he loves carrying around his huge toys, stealing French fries, running under people’s feet, and trying to tip over his water bowl!
Sadly, Ginny has recently developed a growth in his mouth that is impeding his ability to eat and drink. He needs urgent treatment to remove it and determine if it’s cancerous.
“I love my furbabies more than anything in the world. Both are HUGE emotional support systems for me. I do not want to have to surrender him, but I would if that’s what it takes to get him the help he needs.”

No pet guardian should be faced with the choice to give up their beloved companion because they can’t afford care. Can you help Ginny get the treatment he needs while staying with the family he loves?

Your gift will make double the difference! An anonymous donor is currently matching all donations made toward the McVitie Fund, up to $25,000.

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Ben E. Cat

Ben E.’s care has been funded!

Thanks to the generous help of donors, Mary-Jane was able to get treatment and testing for Ben E. Cat. He stayed for several days in the hospital with care including an IV drip to help him get stabilized. His test results revealed that he has diabetes, which can be managed long-term through diet and medication.

Mary-Jane has brought Ben E. home and has a care plan in place with the vet to keep his diabetes under control from now on.

Ben E. Cat’s legs have suddenly given out and he needs help!

Ben E.’s guardian, Mary-Jane, was shaken and confused when she saw he was suddenly having trouble walking and lying in his own urine. She immediately brought him to the vet for an exam, which is all she can afford as a senior on her very limited income.
The vet told her that the problem is likely related to neurological issues, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or physical problems with his legs. Ben E. will need to be hospitalized, monitored, and tested to stabilize him and determine the cause of his serious symptoms.
Mary-Jane does not have the funds to cover these unexpected veterinary bills. She took in Ben E. last year from another resident in her senior’s building who could no longer care for him. Since then, she has helped him make great strides with his weight, confidence, and communication. She says that Ben E. has also greatly improved her quality of life.
“I love him more than I can express and feel that we are two seniors that truly needed each other. Providing for him has been a challenge on my very limited income, but I do not begrudge it at all. I will go without, if possible, to take care of him.”
Mary-Jane reached out for help to get Ben E. Cat well again. Can you donate today toward his care?

Your gift will make double the difference! An anonymous donor is currently matching all donations made toward the McVitie Fund, up to $25,000.

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Monkey

Monkey needs urgent help

Monkey needs urgent surgery after a coyote attack!
Monkey is the star of Jill’s household. Even though Jill lives on a very limited income, she puts Monkey first and bends over backwards to make sure this sweet girl has everything she needs. She found support to get Monkey spayed and vaccinated and gives her constant love and care.
So when Monkey escaped from the house, Jill and her daughter were distraught. They searched for her all night but couldn’t find her. When Monkey finally returned in the morning, she was badly injured from what looks like a coyote attack.
Jill immediately brought Monkey to the vet, who explained that Monkey will need urgent surgery to close her wounds and prevent serious, potentially life-threatening infection. The vet has generously offered to provide the surgery at cost, but sadly Jill still does not have the funds (about $600 + tax) it will take to cover Monkey’s unexpected emergency.
Can you donate toward Monkey’s urgent surgery and help bring her home?

Your gift will make double the difference! An anonymous donor is currently matching all donations made toward the McVitie Fund, up to $25,000.

Urgent Care

Urgent care for Ryder

Ryder needs urgent help

When 6-year-old Ryder started showing symptoms correlating with bladder stones, her guardian Lori rushed her to the vet.

After a thorough examination, the vet found that Ryder had very large stones in her bladder than urgently needed to be removed.

Lori is on disability income and a widow’s pension and is struggling to cover the cost of Ryder’s surgery, which is totaling $2,400.

She told the VHS, “I love her so much and I just can’t stand the thought of losing her. I also have a whole list of things that are happening with me at the moment and I feel without her by my side my depression will take over.”

Can you donate today to cover the cost of Ryder’s life-saving surgery and keep this bonded pair together?

Your gift will make double the difference! An anonymous donor is currently matching all donations made toward the McVitie Fund, up to $25,000.

Ryder is being cared for at an animal hospital in Langley