
Petition: Say no to a new rodeo in Langley Township

Sign on to say no to inhumane rodeo events in Langley Township.

Tell decision-makers that you are opposed to inhumane rodeo events.

Sign onto the petition below to reflect your opposition to a recently introduced rodeo in Langley Township.

Your signature will be delivered to decision-makers including the Township of Langley Mayor & Council, asking that they not allow rodeo events that are at odds with best practices and the well-being of animals to become an annual occurrence.

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A step backward

This is the first time in well over a decade that a new annual rodeo is being introduced in the Lower Mainland. It also comes at a time when most communities have moved away from rodeos and toward more animal-friendly and family-friendly events. For example, the Luxton Rodeo near Victoria was cancelled in 2015 and the Abbotsford Rodeo was cancelled in 2016.

A ferris wheel at an animal-free country fair
A screenshot of an article from Global News reading "Cloverdale Rodeo accused of discrimination in human rights complaint"

Human rights case concerns

This rodeo has concerning connections to an ongoing human rights complaint. The event contact for the rodeo is listed as Rich Kitos, the former vice president of the Cloverdale Rodeo & Exhibition Association and one of the key board members named in a human rights complaint filed against the Association in July of last year and currently still being investigated by the B.C Human Rights Tribunal. The complaint alleges that board members including Kitos conspired to cover up discriminatory conduct, including racism, sexism, and physical abuse.

Changing public values

New public polling reflects that rodeo is not in the public interest, with 64% of B.C. residents and 61% of Canadians opposed to the use of animals in rodeo.

A pie chart showing 64% over a faded background of a horse's legs
A photo of steer wrestling at a rodeo event

Risk of injury

Many rodeo events put animals at unnecessary risk of injury, which may require euthanasia.  This can include broken bones, neck injury or internal damage. Injuries may also not be identified immediately after the event, as inflammation and muscle damage can take up to 48 hours after the injury to present.

Distress and discomfort

Research demonstrates how animals used in many rodeo events experience fear, stress, discomfort and pain when chased, roped, and wrestled. For example, there is evidence of elevated levels of stress hormones in calves after being roped. Another indicator of stress is when the animal’s eye rolls to show more of the eye-white.

A close up of a bull's face during a bull riding event

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Get action alerts: Help stop a new rodeo from coming to B.C.’s Lower Mainland


This action has now ended. Thank you to the 2,165 advocates who joined the call to stop a new rodeo in Langley Township. Please see the Current Campaigns page for more ways you can help rodeo animals, including an action calling for both municipal bylaws and an end to provincial funding for cruel rodeo events.

A new rodeo, with concerning ties to an ongoing human rights case, is being proposed in B.C.’s Lower Mainland.

Take action

Fill out the form below with your contact information so we can provide you with local advocacy actions you can take, based on your location, to help stop this new rodeo from happening.

This action has now ended.

2,165 people joined the call to stop a new rodeo in Langley Township. Thank you for taking action.

See more campaigns

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A step backward

This is the first time in well over a decade that a new rodeo would be introduced in the Lower Mainland. It also comes at a time when most communities have moved away from rodeos and toward more animal-friendly and family-friendly events. For example, the Luxton Rodeo near Victoria was cancelled in 2015 and the Abbotsford Rodeo was cancelled in 2016.

A ferris wheel at an animal-free country fair
A screenshot of an article from Global News reading "Cloverdale Rodeo accused of discrimination in human rights complaint"

Human rights case concerns

This proposed rodeo has concerning connections to an ongoing human rights complaint. The event contact for the rodeo is listed as Rich Kitos, the former vice president of the Cloverdale Rodeo & Exhibition Association and one of the key board members named in a human rights complaint filed against the Association in July of last year and currently still being investigated by the B.C Human Rights Tribunal. The complaint alleges that board members including Kitos conspired to cover up discriminatory conduct, including racism, sexism, and physical abuse.

Changing public values

New public polling reflects that rodeo is not in the public interest, with 64% of B.C. residents and 61% of Canadians opposed to the use of animals in rodeo.

A pie chart showing 64% over a faded background of a horse's legs
A photo of steer wrestling at a rodeo event

Risk of injury

Many rodeo events put animals at unnecessary risk of injury, which may require euthanasia.  This can include broken bones, neck injury or internal damage. Injuries may also not be identified immediately after the event, as inflammation and muscle damage can take up to 48 hours after the injury to present.

Distress and discomfort

Research demonstrates how animals used in many rodeo events experience fear, stress, discomfort and pain when chased, roped, and wrestled. For example, this is supported by evidence of elevated levels of stress hormones in calves after being roped. Another indicator of stress is when the animal’s eye rolls to show more of the eye-white.

A close up of a bull's face during a bull riding event

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“Dogs in Distress”, Iditarod, and summer weather: Sled dogs still suffering

“Dogs in Distress”

You may have seen the recent W5 investigation, “Dogs in Distress”, which exposed the commercial sled dog industry in Canada. The investigation found disturbing evidence of dogs chained outdoors for prolonged periods; repetitive pacing behaviour; and inhumane forms of euthanasia.

The welfare issues highlighted in the investigation reiterate the need for updating B.C.’s Sled Dog Standards of Care Regulation, which are overdue for review.

You can watch the full investigation below. Please note that the images and stories shared in this story may be very upsetting.

W5: Uncovering the shocking treatment of sled dogs in Canada

An iconic winter tourist draw is being scrutinized by experts and activists. Once essential to the survival of indigenous communities, dog sledding is embraced today for sport and tourism. W5 investigates what sometimes goes on behind the scenes when dogs aren’t pulling paid customers.

Recent decision by Iditarod

A recent concerning decision by Iditarod officials also highlights welfare issues in the long-distance sled dog race across Alaska. Despite claiming that participants would be disqualified for inhumane treatment of dogs, race officials penalized those who made the decision to shelter their dog teams safely indoors during a dangerous storm.

Officials noted that the participants who decided bring their dog teams indoors gained a competitive advantage even though they “did the right thing for their dogs”.

This concerning decision highlights a prevailing attitude that sled dogs can be exploited for human gain, even at the expense of their well-being.

Act now!

With warmer weather fast approaching, sled dogs will soon find themselves in the sled dog tourism industry’s off-season. Current regulations allow dogs to be chained for more than 23 hours a day, and many outdoor dog houses provide little protection from the summer heat. Use the quick email tool below to help protect sled dogs now.

Last year, animal advocates called for stronger regulations for sled dogs.

More than 4,700 individuals used VHS’s quick action tool to contact B.C.’s Minister of Agriculture, Lana Popham, who is responsible for the Sled Dog Standards of Care Regulation.

Thanks to all the support, VHS was able to meet with the Minister. She indicated that reviewing the sled dog regulations was delayed, but that they are on the Ministry’s to-do list.

Each email to the Ministry helps to get this issue recognized as a priority as VHS continues to follow up. Can you send a quick email to Minister Lana Popham now?