Let Jann Arden know that rodeo is cruel – see actions below.
Singer Jann Arden, long known as an animal lover, has been named as a joint-parade marshall for the Calgary Stampede parade, the event that kicks off the ten-day rodeo, fair and chuckwagon races.
The announcement is a surprise, given Arden’s previously stated opposition to the chuckwagon races, shown in this tweet from 2013:
Presumably, she is aware of the 65 horses that have died in the Stampede’s chuckwagon races since 1986? That includes 11 dead horses since the Stampede’s much-publicised new “safety measures” were implemented in 2011.
Arden’s decision is also surprising and disappointing given her support for animal causes, including opposition to the Alberta government’s cull of wild horses. Perhaps she isn’t aware that the Calgary Stampede also culls unwanted horses, as revealed by media in 2012. As CTV News reported at the time, “For the first time, the Calgary Stampede is admitting that horses that don’t make the cut to compete in the famous rodeo are sent to an Alberta slaughterhouse for meat.”
In 2014, Arden described her opposition to the Alberta horse cull and her feelings about horses, stating: “They just need to be treated with respect. I know there needs to be some sensibility, but why does the fucking solution have to always be killing something?” Yet killing is the Stampede’s solution to unwanted bucking horses. Isn’t there a double-standard here?
Perhaps Arden is not aware of Stampede’s horse culling policy but is she also unaware of what happens to other rodeo animals?
Does she know that steers died in the Stampede rodeo’s steer-wrestling event in 2014 and 2013?
Steer-wrestling involves riders jumping onto steers and twisting their necks until they fall to the ground. Both steers had to be euthanized because of neck injuries.
Steer-wrestling has nothing to do with real ranch work. It was invented for rodeo in the 1930s. It’s just entertainment.
Perhaps Arden is unaware of the suffering of other rodeo animals such as the three-month-old calves that are chased, roped, thrown to the ground and tied up. Or the steers that are roped by the horns and hind legs and stretched off their feet. Or the bulls and bucking horses that are tormented into bucking by the flank strap tightened around their hindquarters. And all these animals suffer for the mere amusement of a crowd.
Does Arden care that virtually all animal welfare agencies around the world are opposed to rodeos – organizations like the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies and the national SPCAs of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the UK.
And does she care that most of her fellow Canadians are opposed to rodeo, with a recent poll showing that only three-in-ten Canadians are in favour of using animals in rodeos?
Let Jann Arden know that rodeo is cruel
If you think Jann Arden needs to rethink her support of the Calgary Stampede, please let her know.
Below are some actions you can take to send her a message.
You can tweet one of the messages below by clicking on it. (You will need to be logged in to Twitter.):
Or simply compose your own tweet to her at @jannarden
You can politely comment on Jann Arden’s Facebook page.
Every time you take a stand for the animals it makes a difference.