Donate to help end inhumane rodeo & chuckwagon events

Photos: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media.

Could you help to end the cruelty by donating?

For many years, the Vancouver Humane Society has been advocating for an end to the inhumane use of animals for entertainment in the Calgary Stampede.

Each year, animals are subjected to fear, stress, and discomfort in risky, high-speed events like calf roping, bull riding, and the chuckwagon races. More than 100 animals have died at the Calgary Stampede since the VHS began tracking animal fatalities in 1986.

By making a donation today, you will help to end the unnecessary suffering of animals in rodeo and chuckwagon events.

Your donation today will:

  • Support an online campaign to raise public and decision-maker awareness about the harms caused by rodeo & chuckwagon events, and support kinder entertainment options.
  • Promote the #SayNoToRodeo pledge, which will be used when engaging organizers and decision-makers to reflect public support for rodeo- and chuckwagon-free events.
  • Support policy work calling for local bylaws prohibiting inhumane rodeo events, which recently led to a ban in Port Moody, B.C.
  • Support monitoring and cruelty reports around concerning rodeo incidents.

Can you support this important campaign and the VHS’s other animal advocacy efforts?

Take action

You can help by taking the #SayNoToRodeo Pledge today.