
Lucky Cowboy the horse euthanized after being injured in Vancouver race

Lucky Cowboy the horse euthanized after being injured in Vancouver race, group says

Animal advocates have renewed calls to boycott horse races after another animal was injured and euthanized at Hastings Racecourse last week.

“Animal advocates have renewed calls to boycott horse races after another animal was injured and euthanized at Hastings Racecourse last week.”

“The Vancouver Humane Society said the four-year-old horse – named Lucky Cowboy – suffered a compound fracture to his front leg during a race on Friday.”

“Another horse named Be Sparky was hurt earlier in the evening and removed from the course, according to the group.”

“‘This is not an isolated incident,’ said Emily Pickett, VHS campaign director, in a statement. ‘Horses like Lucky Cowboy and Be Sparky are paying the ultimate price for human entertainment, and we cannot stand by while horses continue to die.'”

Read the article in CTV News Vancouver and take the pledge not to attend horse races.