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Help promote the plant-based revolution in Canada

Petition urges federal government to lead the way with compassionate, sustainable food choices

It’s time for food services in Canada to provide more vegan options and a new Parliamentary petition is urging the Canadian Government to lead the way.

The petition, initiated by concerned citizen Fée Lehouiller and sponsored by Member of Parliament Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, calls on the federal government “to require public canteens under federal jurisdiction to provide a vegan option, and to raise this issue and work with provincial and territorial counterparts to require the same at all levels of government.”

We were pleased to see the petition cite a poll commissioned by VHS in 2015, which found that 33 per cent of Canadians are either already vegetarian or eating less meat. The petition also cites evidence from health and medical organizations, the United Nations, environmental organizations and academic researchers to make the case that overconsumption of meat is bad for our health and the planet, as well as for animals.

A major shift toward a plant-based diet is taking place and Canada should be in the forefront.  We urge you to support this petition!

2 replies on “Help promote the plant-based revolution in Canada”

Please give everyone the option of eating plant based foods. It’s better for the animals and better for the planet.

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