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Fighting rodeo cruelty in 2018

Calf-roping at the 2016 Chilliwack Fair rodeo


Your help and support will make a difference

VHS will continue fighting rodeo cruelty this year, with a significant public awareness campaign planned to address animal abuse at the Chilliwack Fair rodeo (Aug 10-12, 2018). We’ll need your help.

In 2017, the Fair’s board agreed to review two events, steer-wrestling and calf-roping, but sadly decided to retain both events, with some minor rule changes. The board ignored representations from VHS, the BC SPCA, the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies and Animal Justice, which called for the events to be dropped.

VHS will be working hard in 2018 to draw public attention to rodeo cruelty at the Fair and will be seeking the elimination of calf-roping, steer-wrestling and team-roping. As the photos on this page show, these events clearly cause animal suffering and distress. 

Steer wrestling, Chilliwack Fair rodeo 2016

We plan to engage with sponsors of the Fair and the wider Chilliwack business community, urging them to press the Fair for an end to rodeo cruelty.  We will be encouraging the public to engage with sponsors and express their concerns about the Fair’s continued support for rodeo.

We’ll also continue to draw attention to animal welfare other rodeos, especially the Calgary Stampede’s rodeo and chuckwagon races.

We hope animal lovers here and across Canada will support our work against the abuse of rodeo animals.  Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our campaigns and on actions you can take to help. You can also sign up for VHS alerts and updates.

Team-roping, Chilliwack Fair rodeo 2016

In the meantime, donations to our fight against rodeo cruelty will help make our campaigns more effective. 

Our past campaigns helped put an end to rodeos in Victoria and Abbotsford, eliminated several cruel events at Surrey’s Cloverdale Rodeo and convinced the City of Vancouver to ban rodeos. 

With your help, we’ll gain more victories against this cruel spectacle of animal abuse.

Thank you.





6 replies on “Fighting rodeo cruelty in 2018”

So sad.. Not too human. How would the phoney. cowboys like the rodeo animals to turn around the abuse directed to them.

Please end this cruel and barberic practice. We need to make changes to how we treat animals or our society will continue to teach our children that abusing animals for our entertainment is ok!

There’s nothing Manly or Courageous about cruelty to animals , redneck Cowards is the perfect label.

Cowards, leave the animals in peace , they’ve done nothing to deserve your cruelty and disrespect.

Stop this senseless “entertaining fun sport”! Can’t you see that the animals are scared? Can’t you see not just the fear but their pain when they get hurt? They are small babies taken away from their mums and are confused.
Stop the animal cruelty!

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