Proffit the cat was rushed to the ER earlier this month when his owner Jacqui noticed he was having difficultly breathing. With a diagnosis of water in his lungs and congestive heart failure, he received emergency medical treatment and was kept in the clinic overnight for monitoring.
The bill was $2,100 and I had to borrow my friends credit card. I’ve been out of work because of a car accident and I’m on social assistance while I wait to apply for disability. I do have a part time job waiting for me, but it is closed due to Covid.
Jacqui, Proffit’s owner
Jacqui told us that Proffit has been in her life for the past 8 years and he is loved very much. She tries to do everything she can to ensure that he is well looked after. Proffit has since returned to the vet for further blood work and is now on medication for his heart failure.
He is doing better now and is happy at home, but he needs to visit the vet again for them to monitor how his meds are doing and to make sure his kidneys are okay with this medicine. It has also been recommended that he get a cardiac ultrasound to further assess his heart and ensure he’s on the correct long-term medication.

Our McVitie Fund helps keep animals like Proffit happy and healthy in the loving care of their owners. Unexpected veterinary bills can be financially and emotionally devastating for individuals struggling on little or no income.
Please help Proffit and Jacqui by making a donation today to support his recovery.