Media Release

Why is the veterinary profession silent about cruelty to rodeo animals?

Why is the veterinary profession silent about cruelty to rodeo animals?

VANCOUVER, July 4, 2019 /CNW/ – The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is calling on the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) to speak out against cruel rodeo events at the Calgary Stampede and rodeos across Canada. More than 1400 people have emailed the CVMA about the issue, as part of a VHS campaign.

The society says the CVMA should act in accordance with its own position on the use of animals in entertainment by taking a public stand against inhumane rodeo events.

The CVMA’s position statement on animals being used in entertainment and recreation states that it “opposes activities, contests, or events that have a high probability of causing injury, distress, or illness.” It also states that: “Animals should not be forced to perform actions or tasks that result in physical or mental distress or discomfort.”

VHS says it is self-evident that animals in certain rodeo events are forced to perform actions that result in, at the very least, distress and discomfort. “So why is the CVMA silent on the abuse of these animals, which are subjected to fear, pain and stress for the sake of entertainment,” said VHS spokesperson Peter Fricker.

Fricker points out that the CVMA website says “Animal welfare advocacy is a priority of the CVMA and the Canadian Veterinary Oath requires CVMA members to “prevent and relieve animal suffering.”

“The CVMA needs to live up to its principles and take a public stand against rodeo cruelty,” said Fricker.
