Urgent Care

Urgent care for Achat

Donate toward Achat’s care

Achat needs urgent treatment for a UTI

When Achat started having trouble urinating and stopped eating, her loving guardian Matthew rushed to the vet. Senior girl Achat has otherwise been active and healthy for most of her life.
The vet carried out bloodwork and a urinalysis and has determined that Achat has a urinary tract infection which needs urgent treatment.

Matthew inherited Achat after his mother sadly passed away last year. Matthew does his very best to care for Achat and his 3 children, but work has been sparse lately and he is struggling to cover the cost of Achat’s surgery while trying to support a family on minimal income. That’s why he reached out to the VHS’s McVitie Fund for help.  

Can you donate today to help sweet senior Achat receive the care she needs to live out her golden years happily back at home?