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CBC used false information to defend Calgary Stampede

Calf-roping at the Calgary Stampede. Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur


The CBC has been using false information in its responses to concerns about animal welfare at the Calgary Stampede and the CBC’s coverage of the Stampede’s rodeo and chuckwagon races.

In emails to members of the public, the CBC falsely stated that the Alberta SPCA works with the Calgary Stampede and is on-site monitoring events.  The Alberta SPCA has denied that this is the case.

People who have emailed the CBC to complain about its Stampede rodeo broadcasts have been receiving an email response from CBC which states that:

“…Stampede organizers are committed to providing the highest standard of animal care and safeguarding animal welfare. To that end, the organization works with the Calgary Humane Society and the Alberta SPCA. Both groups are on-site monitoring events, and all competing animals are under constant veterinary care and attention throughout the Stampede.”

But when one complainant checked with the Alberta SPCA to see if this was true, she received a reply from the society’s communications manager stating:

“Thank you for contacting me about this email. I will be contacting the CBC to correct its public messages, because the Alberta SPCA doesn’t “work with” the Stampede, and we don’t send officers to monitor Stampede events…”

The complainant’s email from the CBC can be seen here and the email from the Alberta SPCA here.


Yesterday, the Alberta SPCA tweeted a statement confirming that it does not work with the Stampede or monitor rodeo events:

Capture albera spca

The CBC has tweeted an apology saying “it wasn’t our place to speak for the Alberta SPCA or Calgary Stampede.” But the tweet did not address why the CBC was distributing misinformation about the Alberta SPCA’s animal welfare role at the Stampede.

It is not known how many complainants received CBC emails containing the false information.

VHS has an online petition calling on the CBC to stop broadcasting rodeo cruelty at the Stampede.  Also see our related article in the Huffington Post.









Poll: Most Canadians oppose rodeo

So why does CBC keep broadcasting it?

The VHS has long criticized CBC Sports for broadcasting the Calgary Stampede rodeo.  The CBC has refused to end its coverage despite the clear evidence that animals suffer in rodeos.  They’ve stated that the Stampede is “a longstanding Canadian tradition and is popular with millions of Canadians across this country.”

Yet public polling over the years shows that a majority of Canadians are opposed to the use of animals in rodeos.

Public polling shows that a majority of Canadians are opposed to the use of animals in rodeo. Another poll that the VHS commissioned indicates that removal of the rodeo and chuckwagon events from the Calgary Stampede program would have virtually no impact on attendance rates and would bring in new crowds.

Calf roping event at The Calgary Stampede. Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media.

During the 2015 Calgary Stampede, the VHS launched a petition calling on CBC to end its broadcast of the Stampede rodeo.  This petition was supported by 24,119 animal allies.

The VHS continues to call for an end to inhumane rodeo events and the deadly chuckwagon races at the Calgary Stampede.

Let CBC Sports know that you are among millions of Canadians opposed to rodeo – and you are in the majority. Tell them to stop putting cruelty on our television screens and calling it a sport.

Please support the Vancouver Humane Society’s continuing campaign against rodeo cruelty. Thanks to supporters, the VHS has been able to successfully advocate for a ban on rodeo in the City of Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, and Port Moody. The VHS and other organizations and advocates has also won victories against the Cloverdale Rodeo in Surrey and the Luxton Rodeo on Vancouver Island. Your donation will help the VHS continue this crucial work.

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