DOUBLE your donation toward Gus’s care
Your donation to help Gus will be DOUBLED
Gus needs life-saving PU surgery to treat urinary crystals
Gus is a sweet 1-year old kitten who has unfortunately had a tough go at the beginning of his life. He has been battling recurring urinary crystals, and despite undergoing catheterization three times and eating a special diet, the issue persists. The vet has now recommended PU (perineal urethrostomy) surgery, a procedure that is critical to keeping Gus alive and will greatly improve Gus’s quality of life.
Gus’s guardian Douglas is on low income and loves his feline companion dearly. The surgery that Gus now urgently requires will cost $2,500, which is more than Douglas is able to afford on his limited income, having spent much of his savings on Gus’s previous vet visits and treatments. That is why he has reached out to the Vancouver Humane Society for help.
An anonymous donor is currently generously matching all donations toward the VHS’s McVitie Fund, up to $25,000! This means your donation will have double the impact. Can you donate today to help Gus?