
Email the Minister of Agriculture about slaughterhouse footage while the VHS’s letter is on her desk

A letter from the Vancouver Humane Society is on the desk of the B.C. Minister of Agriculture, calling for urgent changes for farmed animals in response to shocking footage reportedly taken at a B.C. slaughterhouse. Can you send a message urging the Minister to prioritize stronger protections for farmed animals?

In January, Chilliwack-based pig slaughterhouse Johnston’s Meats was ordered to take “corrective actions” after shocking footage released by Animal Justice showed horrific suffering.

Despite this, the Ministry of Agriculture said no illegal behaviour was found, and that the footage depicted “standard practices in a busy hog processing facility.”

Calling for action from the B.C. government

The investigation and the Ministry’s response raised serious concerns, leading the VHS to send a letter to Premier David Eby and Agriculture Minister Lana Popham.

The letter:

  • Detailed the shocking suffering of pigs seen in the footage released by Animal Justice and the history of near-annual investigations at B.C. farms and slaughterhouses over the past decade.
  • Highlighted “that slaughterhouse inspectors, who are required to be on-site daily, failed to identify and report the issues captured in the footage … This raises serious questions about the effectiveness of current oversight and enforcement activities.”
  • Urged the Premier and Agriculture Minister to prioritize next steps following the province’s recent review of its farmed animal welfare framework, including government-mandated and proactively enforced regulations based on the best available animal welfare science; proactive oversight including “consistent video surveillance”; and appropriate penalties to prevent cruelty and ensure accountability.

The Office of the Premier has responded to share that an Agriculture Ministry official will be following up directly on this matter.

Could you please take the action below and ensure that the Ministry hears from as many animal allies as possible while the letter is on their desk?

Photos: Animal Justice