Financial support for veterinary costs

Looking for help with veterinary bills? Apply to one of VHS’s veterinary assistance programs.

Working toward a humane society for all animals

Farmed animals

Companion animals

Animals in captivity

Animals in entertainment


Trauma-informed training


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Take action for plant-based progress in Canada (federal e-petition)

Animal agriculture is responsible for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions as well as wide-scale animal suffering. In 2023, nearly 859 million land animals were killed for food in Canada. Moving toward a plant-based food system is a vital step for animal well-being and environmental protection. A new parliamentary e-petition calls on the Government of Canada to…

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Horse dies just weeks into Hastings race season UpdateOn May 28, 2024, B.C.’s Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch (GPEB) confirmed in an email to the Vancouver Humane Society that Lizzie’s Rayne sustained a complete fracture of the left hind leg on May 25. The injury was unrecoverable and Lizzie’s Rayne was euthanized. Her tragic death marks the first horse death at Hastings…

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