
New footage captures inhumane handling and stressed animals at B.C. rodeos 

  • Newly released footage from several B.C. rodeos reveals recurring animal welfare issues, including animals being hit, kicked, and having their tail and ears twisted and pulled.  
  • New polling shows growing public opposition to the use of animals in rodeo events. 65% of B.C. residents and 67% of Canadians are opposed to the practice. 
  • Use the VHS’s quick action tool to share this new footage with your city council and B.C.’s Minister of Tourism and to call for a rodeo bylaw and an end to using taxpayer dollars to fund inhumane rodeo events.  
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Take quick action

Use the VHS’s quick action tool below to share this new footage and call for: 

  1. A municipal bylaw prohibiting inhumane rodeo events in your community; 
  2. An end to BC government funding of rodeo events. 

Watch the footage

Footage from the Princeton, Chilliwack, Armstrong and Merritt rodeos reveals recurring animal welfare issues. In the videos, stressed animals are roughly handled, deliberately agitated into fleeing and bucking, and put at risk of serious injury. Clips show animals being roped around the neck; thrown and wrestled to the ground; and kicked with spurs. Animals are seen being hit and kicked; having their tail and ears twisted and pulled. Frightened animals run into fences, thrash in the chutes, and resist handlers.

What happened at B.C. rodeos in 2023?

Newly released footage from several B.C. rodeos reveals recurring animal welfare issues, including animals being hit, kicked, and having their tail and ears twisted and pulled.

How rodeo handlers agitate animals into running & bucking

How are animals agitated into fleeing & bucking at rodeos?

Rodeos rely on prey animals’ “fight or flight” fear responses to make them “perform”.

Signs of stress in rodeo animals

Signs of stress in rodeo animals

Animals experience fear, discomfort, and pain in rodeos. Watch for these signs of stress in rodeo footage, as seen in 2023 B.C.


TAKE ACTION: Support two new bills to ban Canada’s export of live horses for slaughter 

Speak up for horses: Support two new federal bills calling for a ban on the cruel live horse export industry!

Action: Send a message to federal decision-makers

Use the email template below to send a personalized message to your Member of Parliament, the federal Minister of Agriculture and the Prime Minister, asking them to act to end the export of live horses for slaughter.

Note: If you live outside of Canada and want to take action, you can email the Prime Minister at: and the Minister of Agriculture at:

Two new bills aim to protect horses

Two new bills aim to ban the controversial practice of exporting live horses from Canada for slaughter abroad. Senate Bill S-270, the Horse Protection Act, was introduced by Senator Pierre Dalphond and singer-songwriter Jann Arden, while private member’s bill C-355 was introduced in the House of Commons by Liberal MP Tim Louis. 

These bills come more than a year and a half after the Prime Minister directed the federal Minister of Agriculture to ban the practice. Yet since then, thousands of live draft horses have been loaded onto planes, packed tightly with 3-4 horses per crate, and flown abroad where they will be slaughtered for meat. 

These two new bills present a crucial opportunity for the federal government to follow through on their promise to ban live horse export for slaughter once and for all. Use the quick action tool below to urge decision-makers to prioritize a ban before the next federal election.  

Photo: Canadian Horse Defence Coalition


UPDATE: ‘Ag-gag’ bill reaches review stage. Take Action!


This action has now ended. Thank you to the 4,020 advocates who used the quick action to speak out against anti-transparency ag-gag bills. Please see the Current Campaigns page for more ways you can help protect farmed animals.

  • Bill C-275 has been sent to the House of Commons agriculture committee for further review this fall.
  • This federal ‘ag-gag’ bill would criminalize whistleblowers and undercover investigators who expose animal cruelty or welfare issues on farms.
  • Tell decision-makers to vote NO to C-275.

An ‘ag-gag’ bill that targets animal advocates and whistleblowers will soon go to a vote. Tell your Member of Parliament to say NO to Bill C-275.

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Quick action: Tell decision-makers to vote NO to C-275.

This action has now ended.

4,020 people used the quick action tool to oppose Bill C-275. Thank you for taking action.

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Why say no to Bill C-275?

While decision-makers claim Bill C-275 aims to protect on-farm biosecurity by deterring trespassers, trespassing laws already exist and the government’s own data indicates that previous disease outbreaks have been caused by poor on-farm practices from owners/operators. The standard industry practice of keeping large numbers of genetically similar animals in close confinement creates a prime environment for disease outbreak.

Similar ‘ag-gag’ bills have been implemented in other jurisdictions to further limit transparency of the animal agriculture industry and prevent undercover exposes that shed a negative light on this hidden industry.

Instead of targeting whistleblowers who expose the conditions and treatment of animals on farms, the government should be addressing the conditions and treatment directly. Following a disturbing recent undercover expose of a B.C.-based slaughterhouse, the VHS is reiterating the urgent need for more transparency and accountability within the animal agriculture sector, not less.

Join this call to action by urging federal decision-makers, including your Member of Parliament, the House of Commons Agriculture Committee, and the federal Minister of Agriculture, to say NO to Bill C-275.

Ask your MP to say NO to Bill C-275

New footage reveals animal suffering at Chilliwack Rodeo 

  • The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is again raising concerns of animal suffering at the annual Chilliwack Rodeo.
  • Footage from this year’s Chilliwack Rodeo shows animals being subjected to fear, discomfort and stress for sake of public entertainment.
  • This new footage, along with similar concerning footage from last year’s Chilliwack rodeo, reinforces that animal suffering is inherent to many rodeo events, including roping, bucking, wrestling and mutton busting (kids riding sheep).
  • The VHS is asking residents and tourists to call on Chilliwack City Council to pass a bylaw to prohibit inhumane rodeo events.
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Animals suffer at Chilliwack rodeo

Footage from the recent Chilliwack rodeo shows stressed and agitated animals being roughly handled, thrashing around in the chutes, and being put at risk of injury and death. Obvious signs of stress are seen throughout the footage, including excessive salivation, defecation and resisting handlers.

The VHS also documented similar animal welfare issues during last year’s Chilliwack rodeo, reinforcing the reality that many rodeo events rely on the use of fear, discomfort and stress through rough handling and the use of aversive tools (e.g. flank straps and spurs) to make animals flee and buck in response.

Watch the footage:

Animal welfare issues at the 2023 Chilliwack Rodeo

Footage from the recent Chilliwack rodeo shows stressed and agitated animals being roughly handled, thrashing around in the chutes, and being put at risk of injury and death. Obvious signs of stress are seen throughout the footage, including excessive salivation, defecation and resisting handlers.

Calling for removal of inhumane rodeo events

The VHS continues to urge Chilliwack Fair organizers and local decision-makers to remove inhumane rodeo events, including roping, wrestling, bucking and mutton busting from the fair’s program.

Take the steps below to support this call to action in Chilliwack and beyond.

1) Send a message to Chilliwack City Council

Send an email or follow-up email to Chilliwack City Council, calling for an end to inhumane rodeo events at the Chilliwack Fair. Respectfully share your concerns as a tourist or resident about the treatment of animals and the footage from this year’s rodeo.

Email Chilliwack City Council

In your own words, consider highlighting the following key points: 

  • There are ongoing issues with the treatment of animals at the Chilliwack Rodeo. Footage from this year’s rodeo again shows animals being roughly handled during events, agitated in the chutes beforehand, and ultimately being put at unnecessary risk of injury and death for the purpose of public entertainment.
  • Signs of fear and stress are evident, including excessive drooling, defecation and resisting handlers.
  • I am urging Chilliwack city council to take action to end inhumane rodeo events in Chilliwack. There are many other activities at the fair that can be enjoyed without putting animals at risk. Please work with fair organizers to remove inhumane rodeo events from the fair’s program and follow the lead of other municipalities by enacting a bylaw to prohibit such events in the community.

2) Call for a bylaw prohibiting inhumane rodeo events in your community

Use the VHS’s quick action tool to call for a bylaw prohibiting inhumane rodeo events in your community.  


Call for an end to inhumane events at Chilliwack Rodeo 

This weekend’s Chilliwack Fair will feature controversial rodeo events including roping, wrestling, bucking and mutton busting (children riding sheep). 

Last year, the VHS documented numerous animal welfare issues during the Chilliwack Rodeo, including animals being roughly handled; stressed animals thrashing in the chutes in attempts to escape; and animals being put at risk of injury for the sake of public entertainment.  

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Two actions to help animals used in cruel rodeo events

1) Send a message to Chilliwack City Council

Email Chilliwack decision-makers calling for an end to inhumane rodeo events at the Chilliwack Fair. Respectfully share your concerns as a tourist or Chilliwack resident about the treatment of animals in rodeo events and that you’d like to see the Fair continue without the rodeo.

Email Chilliwack City Council

In your own words, consider highlighting the following key points: 

  • Public polling shows a majority of British Columbians oppose the use of animals in rodeo. 
  • The handling and treatment of animals during rodeo events puts them at unnecessary risk of injury and death.  
  • Signs of stress and fear are clearly visible in photos and videos of animals during rodeo events. 
  • There are no shortage of other events and activities that can bring the community together at the Chilliwack Fair without putting animals in harm’s way.
  • It’s time for the Chilliwack Fair to drop inhumane rodeo events including roping, wrestling, bucking and mutton busting. 

2) Call for a bylaw prohibiting inhumane rodeo events in your community

Use the VHS’s quick action tool to call for a bylaw prohibiting inhumane rodeo events in your community.  

What happened at last year’s Chilliwack Rodeo?

What happened at Chilliwack Rodeo 2022?

Last year, the Vancouver Humane Society documented numerous animal welfare issues during the Chilliwack Rodeo, including animals being roughly handled; stressed animals thrashing in the chutes in attempts to escape; and animals being put at risk of injury for the sake of public entertainment.

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Incident at this past weekend’s Princeton Rodeo illustrates animal welfare concerns

The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is raising concerns around an incident that occurred at a rodeo held in Princeton over the weekend. A video released by the VHS shows a horse jumping over the arena barrier and landing dangerously on their head. The incident took place during a bucking event. 

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Quick action: Call for a rodeo bylaw in your community

Some communities, including the City of Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver and most recently the City of Port Moody, have municipal bylaws in place to prohibit inhumane rodeo events and practices. Call on your city council to follow this lead by implementing a similar bylaw in your community! 

Princeton Rodeo video raises concerns

Rodeo events like bareback riding rely on the use of fear, discomfort and stress to make animals flee and buck. This puts them at unnecessary risk of injury and death for the sake of public entertainment.

Public polling shows that a majority of British Columbians are opposed to the use of animals in rodeos. The organization and concerned B.C. residents have been advocating for municipal bylaws that prohibit inhumane rodeo events and practices. The City of Vancouver and District of North Vancouver already have bylaws in place and just last month the City of Port Moody also followed suit, unanimously passing a similar bylaw.  

This recent incident at the Princeton Rodeo, along with concerning video footage taken at rodeo events in Chilliwack and Langley last year, reiterates the importance of bylaws that protect animals from inhumane treatment and suffering in rodeos.

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Say no to federal ‘ag-gag’ bill targeting animal advocates


This action has now ended. Thank you to the 4,020 advocates who used the quick action to speak out against anti-transparency ag-gag bills. Please see the Current Campaigns page for more ways you can help protect farmed animals.

An ‘ag-gag’ bill that targets animal advocates and whistleblowers will soon go to a vote. Tell your Member of Parliament to say NO to Bill C-275.

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Quick action: Tell your MP to say NO to Bill C-275

This action has now ended.

4,020 people used the quick action tool to oppose Bill C-275. Thank you for taking action.

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What is Bill C-275?

Bill C-275 is a federal private member’s bill that, if passed, would target whistleblowers and undercover investigators who expose animal cruelty and welfare issues on farms. The bill calls for fines in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and jail time for offences by individuals and organizations. These types of concerning ‘ag-gag’ laws have been passed in some Canadian provinces including Alberta, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island and in the U.S. in recent years.

While decision-makers claim Bill C-275 will protect on-farm biosecurity by deterring trespassers, trespassing laws already exist and there are no documented cases of disease outbreaks having been caused by animal advocates. In fact, an Animal Justice report points to poor on-farm biosecurity practices as the cause of many disease outbreaks. The standard industry practice of keeping large numbers of animals in close confinement creates a prime environment for disease outbreak.

Instead of targeting animal advocates and whistleblowers who expose the conditions and treatment of animals on farms, the government should be addressing the conditions and treatment directly. Following a recent undercover expose of a B.C.-based slaughterhouse, the VHS is reiterating the urgent need for transparency and accountability within the animal agriculture sector.

Bill C-275 will soon be going to a vote in the House of Commons, making it crucial for Members of Parliament (MPs) to hear from constituents like you.

Ask your MP to say NO to Bill C-275

Port Moody passes motion to prohibit inhumane rodeo events

A big win for animals in Port Moody

A recent motion to prohibit inhumane rodeo events within city limits was unanimously passed by Port Moody City Council!

The sponsor of the motion, Councillor Kyla Knowles, cited evidence of animal suffering, risk of injury, and public calls for action. She noted that “the routine rough handling of animals in rodeo events completely contradicts industry requirements and best practices for the handling of farmed animals.”

Why a proactive ban?

While many rodeos have been cancelled in the past decade due to public controversy and animal welfare concerns, recent activity from rodeo organizers has emphasized the need for proactive protections for animals.

Last year, a new rodeo was established in Langley Township, which has no bylaws in place prohibiting inhumane rodeo practices. The event prompted advocacy for protective bylaws across B.C.—both in communities where rodeos occur and those where rodeo activities are not yet held.

This bylaw helps to ensure that new events being introduced do not expose animals to the unnecessary fear, stress, and risk associated with rodeos.

Port Moody joins two more B.C. municipalities with rodeo bylaws

The move to ban inhumane rodeo events including bucking, roping, wrestling, and mutton busting in Port Moody follows similar bylaws in place in the City of Vancouver and District of North Vancouver. It also aligns with public polling that indicates a majority of B.C. residents are opposed to the use of animals in rodeo events.

Could your municipality be the next community to prohibit inhumane rodeo practices? Call on your city council to protect animals used in rodeo events!

Take action


This action has now ended. Thank you to the 4,143 advocates who used the quick action to call for bylaws banning inhumane rodeo events. Please see the Current Campaigns page for more ways you can help rodeo animals, including an action calling for both municipal bylaws and an end to provincial funding for cruel rodeo events.

Quick action: Contact your city council

Public polling shows that a majority of British Columbians and Canadians are opposed to the use of animals in rodeo.

Some communities, including the City of Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver, and Port Moody, have municipal bylaws in place to prohibit inhumane rodeo events and practices. Call on your city council to follow this lead by implementing a bylaw in your community! 

This action has now ended.

4,143 people used this tool to call for municipal bylaws banning inhumane rodeo events. Thank you for taking action.

See more campaigns

Next step: Join the Animal Advocacy Committee for grassroots action

Are you a B.C. resident interested in taking further action to support the introduction of a rodeo bylaw in your community? Learn more and join the VHS’s new Animal Advocacy Committee!  

Join now

Call on your city council to prohibit inhumane rodeo events in your community


This action has now ended. Thank you to the 4,143 advocates who used the quick action to call for bylaws banning inhumane rodeo events. Please see the Current Campaigns page for more ways you can help rodeo animals, including an action calling for both municipal bylaws and an end to provincial funding for cruel rodeo events.

Roping, bucking, wrestling and mutton busting events at rodeos subject animals to fear, discomfort, stress and an unnecessary risk of injury, all for the sake of entertainment. Photos and videos taken at rodeos in British Columbia highlight these animal welfare issues and reiterate the need for stronger municipal bylaws.  

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Quick action: Contact your city council

Public polling shows that a majority of British Columbians and Canadians are opposed to the use of animals in rodeo.

Some communities, including the City of Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver, and most recently the City of Port Moody have municipal bylaws in place to prohibit inhumane rodeo events and practices. Call on your city council to follow this lead by implementing a bylaw in your community! 

This action has now ended.

4,143 people used this tool to call for municipal bylaws banning inhumane rodeo events. Thank you for taking action.

See more campaigns

Next step: Join the Animal Advocacy Committee for grassroots action

Are you a B.C. resident interested in taking further action to support the introduction of a rodeo bylaw in your community? Learn more and join the VHS’s new Animal Advocacy Committee!  

Join now

Inhumane rodeo events, practices & tools 

Recent footage from B.C. rodeos reveals numerous animal welfare issues, including stressed and frightened animals being roughly handled and deliberately agitated into fleeing and bucking. Watch the video below to see how inhumane practices and tools cause animal suffering in rodeo events.

Animal welfare issues spotted at B.C. rodeos

Video footage taken at rodeos in Chilliwack and Langley Township shows stressed and frightened animals being roughly handled and deliberately agitated into fleeing and bucking. Learn more and take action:


Join the VHS’s Animal Advocacy Committee

Work alongside the VHS team

to advocate for stronger animal protections and animal-friendly policies in your B.C. community!

Sign up

What is the committee?

The VHS’s Animal Advocacy Committee (AAC) aims to bring together advocates from across British Columbia who are interested in engaging their elected representatives at the local and provincial level in support of stronger animal protections and animal-friendly policies.  

You bring the passion for change; the Vancouver Humane Society will share special actions, help you connect with other animal allies, and work with you every step of the way to make a meaningful difference for animals.

Here are some ways you might advocate for animals as part of the AAC: 

  • Meeting with a city councillor to advocate for a bylaw to prohibit inhumane rodeo events in your community; 
  • Gathering petition signatures in support of a proposal that will benefit animals; 
  • Speaking with your B.C. member of the legislative assembly (MLA) to encourage plant-forward food purchasing policies that help reduce the high demand for animal products and factory farming;
  • Writing and submitting a ‘Letter to the Editor’ to your local newspaper, sharing your concerns about wild and exotic animals in captivity.  

Who should join the committee?

Any B.C. resident who wants to help animals and support the VHS’s local and provincial campaign work! The current scope of the AAC’s work is focused on rodeo; plant-forward policies; wild and exotic animals in captivity; and farmed animal welfare.  

You don’t need to be an expert on these issues or have previous experience writing, meeting or speaking with decision-makers. All you need is an interest in taking action for animals and the VHS team will support you with the rest! 

Why is this important?

Your local City Council and provincial MLA were elected to represent their community – that includes you! It’s crucial they hear from their constituents about issues of concern. As a constituent of theirs, you are uniquely positioned to help bring animal welfare issues to their attention and advocate for change. 

How does the committee work?

The VHS will host online calls to support AAC members in sharing ideas, planning actions and building new skills. Once you sign up to join the AAC, you’ll be invited to the next online call. The VHS is also available to support AAC members’ advocacy work between online calls, so don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Questions? Contact VHS Campaign Director, Emily Pickett, at

Sign up to join the Animal Advocacy Committee