
B.C. rodeo footage prompts cruelty complaint while government continues funding: Take action

  • With the 2024 rodeo season underway, the VHS is raising concerns about the treatment of animals at recent rodeos in Clinton and Keremeos, including two egregious incidents at the Clinton rodeo.
  • The incidents have since been reported to the BC SPCA.
  • The VHS is also speaking out about a new round of government funding awarded to rodeos, including the Clinton rodeo. 
  • Use the quick action tool to speak out.

Take quick action

Join the VHS in calling on the B.C. government to: 

  1. Stop providing public funding to events that include rodeos; 
  2. Do more to protect animals from inhumane treatment in rodeo events. 

Cruelty allegations at the Clinton rodeo 

  • Footage shows handlers inhumanely attempting to move a visibly stressed bull from one area to another. The bull is dragged and choked by a tightened rope around his neck and an electric prod appears to be used on the animal repeatedly, including on the animal’s anus.  
  • Another clip shows an agitated horse being repeatedly struck in the face while in the bucking chute. The horse attempts to back away from the handler, but the handler continues to follow and strike the horse. The handler proceeds to punch the horse in the neck and the horse responds by dangerously rearing up in the chute. 
  • Other clips capture stressed animals being roughly handled, deliberately agitated, and put at risk of serious injury. 

Cruelty allegations at the 2024 Clinton rodeo

New footage from the 2024 Clinton rodeo in British Columbia captures concerning treatment of animals, including rough handling, risk of injury, and stress and fear responses in animals. Take action to support an end to inhumane rodeo events at:

Stress & suffering at Keremeos rodeo 

  • Footage shows rough handling, including animals being hit, having their tail pulled and twisted, and being deliberately agitated so they burst out of the chute at high speed. 
  • Several clips show animals being put at risk of injury, including animals falling, being choked and dragged by the rope around their neck, and limbs getting stuck in the chutes. 
  • Other clips capture visibly stressed animals thrashing in the chutes and resisting handlers.  

Stress and suffering at the 2024 Keremeos rodeo

New footage from the 2024 Keremeos rodeo in British Columbia captures concerning treatment of animals, including rough handling, risk of injury, and stress and fear responses in animals. Take action to support an end to inhumane rodeo events at:

BC government continues to fund rodeos 

This spring, the B.C. Ministry of Tourism announced a new round of public funding for B.C. events, including rodeos. Through the Ministry’s Fairs, Festivals & Events fund, more than $680,000 was awarded to events that include rodeos, including $6,400 for the Clinton rodeo.  

Last year, the VHS documented animals being roughly handled, deliberately agitated, and exhibiting signs of stress and suffering at several rodeos that received B.C. government funding.  

The VHS continues to strongly oppose the use of taxpayer dollars to fund rodeo events, citing systemic animal welfare issues and strong public opposition to the use of animals in rodeos. The VHS has requested a meeting with the Ministry of Tourism to discuss the matter.