Jaxxon needed help and thanks to VHS supporters he’s doing fine


Jaxxon was seriously injured in a fight with another dog, and the wounds quickly became infected. His family did everything they could, but as the costs mounted, they were running out of money.  VHS stepped in to help this boy get well and ensured he could stay in his forever home. His family will always be grateful to the VHS donors who made this possible.

One of VHS’s most important projects is our emergency medical care for needy animals (the McVitie Fund). There is so much need, but few resources, and we simply cannot imagine not doing our part for these animals. Of course, we agree that people should not adopt pets if they can’t provide a lifetime of veterinary care. However, whatever the reason they find themselves in trouble, we think of the animals’ needs.

When you donate to the McVitie Fund, you cause a ripple of happiness – to VHS because you enable us to help, to the distraught guardian and finally to the animal who needs the help. That’s a lot of happiness! A big thank you to all the veterinarians who provide services for these needy animals at such a reduced rate.