Help us put an end to rodeo cruelty

We’ll be campaigning against animal cruelty at the Chilliwack Fair rodeo (August 9-11) again this year and we need your support!  Last year, we exposed the use of electric prods in the bull-riding event at the rodeo, which attracted considerable media attention.  We need to keep the pressure on the Fair to end the inhumane treatment of animal that’s inherent in rodeo.  You can help by contacting the Fair, the mayor of Chilliwack and Tourism Chilliwack at the addresses below.  Tell them it’s time Chilliwack put an end to rodeo cruelty and that country fairs don’t need rodeos to be successful.

Chilliwack Agricultural Society (which runs the Chilliwack Fair)
7590 Lickman Road
Chilliwack, B.C.
V2R 4A7

Mayor Ken Popove
City of Chilliwack
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, BC
V2P 8A4

Tourism Chilliwack
44150 Luckakuck Way
Chilliwack, BC
V2R 4A72R 4A7

We’ll also be drawing attention to the treatment of rodeo animals at the Calgary Stampede (July 5-14).  You can help by telling the Stampede it needs to stop putting chuckwagon horses at undue risk of death and injury and drop cruel rodeo events.

Warren Connell
Chief Executive Officer
Calgary Stampede
Box 1060
Station M
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 2K8