
Preservation of natural wildlife habitats is the best way to ensure viable wildlife populations.

Historically, human “management” of wildlife has involved culling (killing) animals that have been deemed to be in conflict with human activities (such as agriculture) or causing a threat to another wild population’s viability, such as with wolves and caribou. Culling is unnecessary. Alternative methods to avoid animal/human conflict and to prevent significant danger to humans and/or other animals include:

  • Humane deterrents (e.g. motion-sensitive sprinklers)
  • Non-contact hazing (e.g. shouting, making noise/scents to ensure an animal leaves an area)
  • Anti-feeding bylaws
  • Road signage
  • Contraception and translocation carried out by trained professionals with appropriate authority

Wildlife also face significant welfare consequences as a result of the wildlife trade. Live animals and the bodies of deceased animals are traded internationally. The risk of disease transfer between species, including from animals to humans, is high. Additionally, being kept in cages and transport for long hours leads to significant levels of animal distress.

What we are doing about it

Dangerous wildlife poisons

Rodenticides are highly toxic poisons that cause a slow and painful death for the rodents that consume them and can severely injure or kill any scavengers, predators or pets who encounter the poisoned rodents. Animal advocates are calling for a full ban on these inhumane and indiscriminate poisons.

Latest news

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