Urgent Care

Urgent veterinary care for Milo

Your gift toward Milo’s care will be DOUBLED

Your donation to help Milo the cat will be DOUBLED

Spending every day by Milo’s side, Christine was quick to notice his trouble urinating and loss of interest in playing with his favourite mouse toy.

Troubled, Christine rushed Milo to the vet where it was discovered that Milo is suffering from urinary crystals. He will urgently need to be treated with hospitalization, urinary cathererization, and IV fluids.

Christine has had to make many adjustments to her life since she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Through it all, her love of Milo has never wavered.

Despite painful days and uncertainty about her future, being able to care for Milo and keep him happy and healthy gives Christine a sense of peace.

Unable to work, Christine’s only income is received through the very limited Persons with Disabilities payments she receives. Having spent what little she had to spare on determining the cause of Milo’s suffering, Christine has run out of funds for his emergency treatment.

With Milo in need, Christine can’t sleep. “To me, he’s family,” she told the VHS.

An anonymous donor is currently generously matching all donations toward the VHS’s McVitie Fund, up to $25,000! This means your donation will have double the impact.

Could you please consider donating towards Milo’s life-saving care today? Your gift today is a gesture of love that will help return Milo home to Christine.