The Vancouver Humane Society is dedicated to exposing and ending animal suffering, cruelty, and exploitation. Whether advocating for stronger policies, providing resources to those caring for animals, or challenging harmful industries, the VHS works toward a future where all animals are respected and protected.
Explore the key areas of our work below.

Helping pets in need
Veterinary support for sick and injured companion animals
The pets we help are superheroes. They provide emotional support to their caregivers and get to experience the joy of a loving home. We help ensure their medical needs are met so they don’t hurt anymore.

Farmed animal cruelty
Advocating to end the suffering of sentient beings used for food
Farmed animals are seen by many as food. We see them as beings who suffer unnecessarily. Learn about how to make meaningful changes to stop farmed animals suffering.

Animal suffering for “entertainment”
Rodeo subjects animals to fear, pain, stress and the risk of injury or death for entertainment
From rodeos to sled dog tourism, people have exploited animals for a profit for many years. Learn about the big issues and how you can make a difference.

Animals in captivity
Wild animals in captivity are deprived of their freedom and natural environment
Wild animals are kept behind bars and in tanks across Canada with very little to do. They are bored and frustrated. Learn what you can do to speak up for them.

Advocating for wildlife
Canadian businesses and individuals contribute to the risk of creating the next pandemic
From the international wildlife trade to dangerous wildlife poisons, wild animals face a variety of risks from human activity.

Free training for animal services
Trauma-informed & culturally safe training
This free training for the animal services sector aims to help workers and organizations reduce burnout and to create safer, happier outcomes for animals, their guardians, and animal protection workers.