Working toward a humane society for all animals
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Email the Minister of Agriculture about slaughterhouse footage while the VHS’s letter is on her desk
A letter from the Vancouver Humane Society is on the desk of the B.C. Minister of Agriculture, calling for urgent changes for farmed animals in response to shocking footage reportedly taken at a B.C. slaughterhouse. Can you send a message urging the Minister to prioritize stronger protections for farmed animals? Take action In January, Chilliwack-based…

Port Moody City Council votes to prohibit mobile live animal programs in Port Moody
January 23, 2025. For immediate release. The BC SPCA and the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) are celebrating Port Moody City Council’s decision to prohibit mobile live animal programs, also known as mobile petting zoos, in Port Moody. In addition to farm animals, mobile live animal programs may include exotic animals like reptiles and amphibians. This…