Urgent Care

Urgent veterinary care for Iris

DOUBLE your donation toward Iris’s care

Your donation to help Iris will be DOUBLED
Meet Iris, a small dog with a big zest for life!  

Iris’s previous guardian unfortunately became very ill and was unable to continue taking care of her. Amina took her in after the two immediately connected and they have been each other’s loyal companions ever since.  

Recently, Amina noticed that Iris has had less of an appetite and been panting irregularly. Upon further investigation, she found a lump on her side. Amina took Iris to the vet where initial testing determined that the mass is likely cancerous and the cause of her other symptoms.  

As a senior on a low income, Amina always ensures she has emergency funds set aside for times like this. However, she was recently in an accident where she broke her ankle and has not been able to work since. She had to use most of her emergency fund during her recovery and spent the rest on Iris’s diagnostic appointment.

The $1,500 surgery Iris requires is beyond what Amina can afford. That is why she has reached out to the Vancouver Humane Society for support.  

An anonymous donor is currently generously matching all donations toward the VHS’s McVitie Fund, up to $25,000! This means your donation will have double the impact. Can you donate today to help Iris get the life-saving surgery she needs to continue living her adventurous life?