Animals are the same – in ALL the ways that matter.
More than 830 million land animals were killed for food in Canada in 2019. The over-consumption of animal products has led to the rise of the industrial animal agriculture system, characterized by large numbers of animals confined in cramped, barren and unnatural conditions.
From painful on-farm practices to stressful conditions surrounding transport, auction, and slaughter, there are many ways these animals can suffer in their short lives.
You can help protect farmed animals by speaking out against the suffering of animals on farms through advocacy, and through transitioning to a plant-based diet to decrease the demand for animal agriculture.
Scroll down to learn about, check out advocacy opportunities, and read the latest farmed animal news.

Go plant-based for the animals

Advocate to protect farmed animals
Learn more about the benefits of shifting toward a plant-based diet and food system
Meat consumption is a major contributor to climate change. The United Nations estimates that animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transport combined. The industry has also been connected to nearly every other environmental ill our planet is facing, including air and water pollution, water scarcity, land and ocean degradation, and species and habitat loss.
Almost all of us say we’re opposed to animal cruelty. Yet over 800 million farmed animals are raised and killed for food every year in Canada due to our over-consumption of animal products. They are crammed and caged in cruel conditions that prevent even the most basic natural behaviours. Most will never feel the sun on their backs or grass under their feet and their transport and slaughter conditions are equally horrific.
A growing body of literature links meat consumption to an increased risk of health issues including heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, all of which are leading causes of death among Canadians. Meanwhile, a healthy plant-based diet can reduce the risk of these and other illnesses, while also being high in fibre, vitamins and antioxidants and low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Become an advocate for farmed animals
Find tips and tools to support you in your advocacy and outreach efforts for farmed animals, including communications strategies; online advocacy resources; and tips for engaging decision-makers.
The Vancouver Humane Society provides individuals with resources to help at any point in their plant-based journey, and works with institutions that purchase and serve food such as governments, catering companies, and long-term care homes to transition toward more plant-forward, animal-friendly menus and food policies. There is power behind what we put on plates.