Urgent Care

Urgent veterinary care for Bodie

DOUBLE your donation to Bodie’s urgent care

Bodie urgently needs bloodwork and x-rays!

Brittney and her son love to guess what their chatty cat, Bodie, is trying to say with his delightful chirps and playful meows.

When a much different noise, a loud and desperate crying, startled both Brittney and her son awake, they immediately knew something was wrong. Rushing to Bodie’s side, they found him straining in his litter box. Bodie looked up at his guardians with wide, terrified eyes.

At the veterinary clinic, Bodie was treated for a urinary obstruction that didn’t resolve itself. Vets have urgently recommended bloodwork and x-rays to determine whether Bodie needs surgery.

Brittney is a single mother who fiercely devotes herself to caring for both her son and Bodie. Brittney’s son is experiencing challenges that require full-time care and leave Brittney unable to work. Having already spent more than $1,000 on Bodie’s initial treatment, Brittney has no additional funds to spare. Can you donate today toward Bodie’s urgent medical care?

An anonymous donor is currently generously matching all donations toward the VHS’s McVitie Fund, up to $25,000! This means your donation to help Bodie will have double the impact.