Mercy makes life better

A very special cat gets a second chance at life

Mercy has not been the luckiest of cats.  For ten years she has coped with serious oral and neurological health issues.  Her mouth moves in an involuntary chewing motion.  Her teeth grind together. She has a flap of skin at the back of her mouth that she sometimes accidentally bites. She has stomach inflammation and is on medication. Despite extractions and dental work, her breath is bad and her teeth need brushing every day.

After Mercy was seized from an abusive home by the BC SPCA and put up for adoption, her chances of finding a new home were slim.  After all, who would choose a cat who needs such specialized care and attention.

Fortunately, her guardian Aeron, who lives with a disability, saw past Mercy’s health challenges and gave her the loving home she needed.  She called her new companion Mercy, not because she was offering help to an animal in need, but because of what she was gaining.

“I called her Mercy because she literally was an angel of mercy for me at that time, as I had lost my cat of 15 years a few months prior and was very sad,” says Aeron. “I needed a distraction and something else to focus on besides my grief so I decided it was time to adopt again.”

Since then, Aeron and Mercy have formed a profound bond. “Because she is a special needs cat, it forces me to get up and take care of her needs no matter how much pain I myself might be in or how fatigued I feel,” says Aeron. “Mercy gives me a purpose and companionship and gets me out of bed every day. She can be a great comfort and a great companion. I think we are both lucky that we found each other.”

Aeron has worked hard to deal with her cherished companion’s health challenges but recently she needed help when Mercy required yet more expensive dental work and extractions.  Aeron reached out to Vancouver Humane and, though our McVitie Fund for sick and injured animals, we were able to ensure she got the treatment she needed. Mercy is on the mend and Aeron is thrilled.

“It’s taken some time to heal but I see her acting more like her old self as days go by and she is eating much better than before,” she says. “I am very happy to have her home. It’s a huge relief to know that she is not in any pain and that she can focus on doing cat-like things!”

And Mercy seems grateful too. “Getting a hug from Mercy is the sweetest thing in the world,” says Aeron. “She puts a paw on each shoulder and her little cold nose against the base of my neck and she purrs.” 

So maybe Mercy is a lucky cat after all. Good things happen when someone is devoted to an animal in need and gets a little timely support when things are especially tough.  We’re glad Vancouver Humane can be there to do just that.

Thanks to a wonderful anonymous donor, every donation to the McVitie Fund we receive until May 2019 will be doubled up to a total of $25,000! Just note “McVitie” on your donation slip or cheque to have your donation doubled!