Can you grant a wish for animals before the end of the year?
Learn how your gift makes a difference for animals
This year, allies like you called for compassionate changes for farmed animals, animals used in entertainment, animals in captivity, and wild animals.
As 2024 wraps up, your gift to animals in need today will create a more peaceful tomorrow.
Your gift today can help achieve our ultimate wish: a kinder future for all animals!

Your gift of $45 = 100 copies of PlantUniversity brochures
Brochures like the “Beginner’s Guide to Plant-Based Eating” are distributed to libraries, immigration centres, community and culture centres and more. Your gift allows the VHS to create helpful content on shifting towards a plant-based diet in multiple languages.
Your gift of $50 = Veterinary exam for one pet in need
The VHS’s McVitie program helps fund life-saving veterinary care for pets of low-income families. Helping a pet get the urgent care they need begins with a veterinary examination.
Your gift of $100.24 = 8,000 animal allies reached
You can amplify your advocacy by supporting wide-reaching online messaging, which connects more people with calls for meaningful actions to protect animals during critical policy-making periods.

Your gift of $741 = Bus ad for one month
Bus ads in the Metro Vancouver area can be viewed upwards of a million times! Thought-provoking messages direct viewers to learn more about the many benefits of shifting towards a plant-based diet over at
Your gift of $1,000 = Pet first aid training for 10 service workers
Pet first aid training for service workers helps address the urgent needs of pets in the Downtown Eastside and other communities where people face barriers to accessing care. After attending a pet first aid training, workers have tools to treat and monitor minor injuries in the communities they service.
Your gift of $1,600 = Say no to rodeo billboard for 12 weeks
Billboards have a huge impact on showcasing messages to many different people. A billboard that shares the realities of rodeo helps build on the momentum of the public’s increasing opposition to inhumane rodeo events.
Thank you so much for your generosity this season!