Below are our most recent media releases. For more information or requests for interviews with VHS staff contact Chantelle Archambault, Communications Director: 604 416 2903,

Port Moody City Council votes to prohibit mobile live animal programs in Port Moody
January 23, 2025. For immediate release. The BC SPCA and the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) are celebrating Port Moody City Council’s decision to prohibit mobile live animal programs, also known as mobile petting zoos, in Port Moody. In addition to farm animals, mobile live animal programs may include exotic animals like reptiles and amphibians. This move reflects growing…
Eight year old giraffe, Jenga, dies at Greater Vancouver Zoo
Sign the petition VANCOUVER, October 24, 2024 – The tragic life and death of Jenga the giraffe is the latest in a series of animal welfare issues at the Great Vancouver Zoo. Jenga, aged 8, died suddenly and unexpectedly at…
Hastings Racecourse season bookended by animal fatalities as another 2-year-old horse euthanized
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE VANCOUVER, October 22, 2024 – The Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) is calling on Vancouverites to choose animal-free entertainment after another horse died at Hastings Racecourse. During a race on October 12th, a 2-year-old horse named Anstruther…
B.C. rodeo season saw recurring issues, cruelty complaints, and growing public concern
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE VANCOUVER, September 12, 2024 – This year’s controversial rodeo season in B.C. has left the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) and thousands of advocates calling for urgent action from the provincial government. New footage released by the…