These are the stories of animals who need your help. Click “help this animal hero” to learn more and see what is still needed to cover the costs of their veterinary care!

Urgent care for Olga
Donate toward Olga’s care Donate to help Olga this Valentine’s DayWhen food-motivated kittly Olga lost interest in her food, Linda quickly took her to the animal hospital. There, vets determined that Olga is suffering from painful cysts on her teeth and will need dental surgery to remove them. Without the surgery, Olga is at risk…

Ghost needs surgery!
Donate toward Ghost’s surgery Adventurous Ghost the kitten was born with a partially developed hind leg. Though Ghost’s guardian, Destiny, delights in watching Ghost grow and discover all the wonders of life, it has become clear that Ghost’s back leg is making things challenging. Ghost is struggling to move without splitting open the end of her…

Opi needs life-saving surgery!
Donate toward Opi’s life-saving care Christine woke up to find her dog, Opi, lying on the floor, trembling and breathing unsteadily. His food and water bowls were untouched. When he did stand up, wobbling on his feet, he vomited. Christine rushed Opi to the vet.There, x-rays found that Opi has swallowed a small bouncy ball…

Handsome needs life-saving surgery!
Donate toward Handsome’s life-saving care Every night, Handsome the cat curls up in bed nose-to-nose with his guardian Marlena and purrs her to sleep. When Marlena wakes each morning, Handsome is snoring peacefully by her feet.Handsome has been Marlena’s steady support since she left home due to difficult circumstances at 18 years old. She took sweet…

Finn’s happy homecoming!
Your gift helps families like Finn and Ginny’s today Finn’s terrifying tale turned happy endingCurious puppy Finn, wound up in a life-threatening situation with some socks recently. Luckily, thanks to supporters like you, the McVitie Fund was there to help.When Finn’s guardian, Ginny, left her room to take clothes to the laundry, Finn took the…

Copper needs life-saving surgery!
Donate toward Copper’s life-saving care Should you have any trouble making a donation on this page, please click here. In the Message to VHS portion of the donation form, you can write McVitie to let us know this gift is for animals in need of urgent care.Sweet young Copper is full of life and loves…

Animals like Lily need urgent veterinary care
Your gift helps us say YES to pets in need of life-saving care today Should you have any trouble making a donation on this page, please click here. In the Message to VHS portion of the donation form, you can write McVitie to let us know this gift is for animals in need of urgent…
The McVitie Fund
The McVitie Fund is named in memory of a little ginger cat named McVitie, who was rescued in Portugal and brought back to Canada by a VHS supporter. McVitie lived a long and happy life, but when he became ill, his guardian did everything he could to save him. After McVitie passed, his guardian wanted to help other people who find themselves without the resources to help their beloved pets.
Most of the people we help are in a financial crisis, or living on disability income or old age pensions. Their animals already have loving homes – we just help keep them there!
Our McVitie Fund is always stressed to the limit. There are so many animals in need! Your gift will mean we can say YES! to one more pet guardian who finds him or herself down on their luck and lacking funds to pay for emergency veterinary care for their precious friend.
Your support makes such a difference. Donate now to help an animal in need! Thank you for all the joy your bring and for all the animals you help keep in their forever loving homes!