Donate to help end rodeo cruelty

Could you help to end the cruelty by donating?

For many years, the Vancouver Humane Society has been advocating for an end to the inhumane use of animals in rodeos in British Columbia and beyond.

Each year, animals are subjected to fear, stress, and discomfort in risky, high-speed events like calf roping, bull riding, and steer wrestling.

By making a donation today, you will help to end the unnecessary suffering of animals in rodeos.

Your donation today will:

  • Help the VHS monitor and document rodeos and share the footage with cruelty enforcement bodies, government decision-makers, and members of the community.
  • Reach more animal allies to speak up for changes in bylaws, policies, and practices that prohibit inhumane roping, wrestling, and bucking events.
  • Raise awareness about animal suffering in rodeos through wide-reaching messaging including billboards, online ads, news coverage, and the VHS’s podcast.

Can you support this important campaign and the VHS’s other animal advocacy efforts?

Take action to protect animals used in rodeo

You can help by taking the #SayNoToRodeo pledge and asking your local decision-makers for a bylaw to prohibit inhumane rodeo events in your community.

Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media.