Donate to help end farmed animal suffering

Could you support millions of sentient beings in need with a donation?

For many years, the Vancouver Humane Society has been advocating for a more humane and ethical food system. The rise of the industrial animal agriculture system, commonly referred to as “factory farming”, is characterized by large numbers of animals confined in cramped, barren and unnatural conditions that significantly compromise their welfare. 

More than 841 million land animals were killed for food in Canada in 2022. From painful on-farm practices to stressful conditions surrounding transport, auction, and slaughter, there are many ways these animals suffer in their short lives. 

Your donation today will:

  • Support an online campaign encouraging animal advocates to send a message to the B.C. Minister of Agriculture and Premier calling for meaningful changes to protect farmed animals.  
  • Help raise awareness about opportunities for input on stronger animal welfare guidelines in Canada’s farmed animal Codes of Practice.
  • Help fund the VHS’s work to make plant-based eating more accessible to individuals, encourage municipal governments to adopt plant-forward policies, and reduce the demand for industrial animal agriculture.

Can you support this important campaign and the VHS’s other animal advocacy efforts?

Take action

You can help by signing an e-petition calling for meaningful changes for farmed animals in B.C.