Updated February 2025: The Vancouver Humane Society is seeking applications from those interested in joining the Board of Directors.
We are particularly interested in candidates who could bring knowledge and expertise to the Board in one or more of the following areas:
- human resources;
- leadership roles and interest in serving as Vice President or President of the Board;
- animal protection;
- finance/accounting;
- corporate giving; and
- social sciences.
Training provided: Directors will have the opportunity participate in an external training session on governance at least once annually.
Benefits: Board Directors have opportunities for networking, learning, sharing knowledge, and contributing to a stronger animal protection sector.
To apply: Please complete the form below to submit the application, your resume, and a cover letter outlining your interest and highlighting key areas of relevant skills and/or experiences. If you have any accessibility requirements, please get in touch with us by email or at 604-266-9744 ext. 7 and we are happy to organize an alternative submission method.
Organization overview
The Vancouver Humane Society is dedicated to exposing animal abuse and assisting individuals, businesses and governments to end animal suffering, cruelty and exploitation. We envision a future in which humanity recognizes and respects the inherent rights and needs of all animals – a society in which all animal cruelty is unacceptable and animal protection is valued and acted upon by the public and its policy makers. Read our strategic plan.
Commitment to JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)
Vancouver Humane Society is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive team and providing equitable opportunities in our recruitment processes. Individuals with life experience and knowledge of promising practices in JEDI are encouraged to apply. Vancouver Humane Society is particularly interested in considering applications from Indigenous, Black, Asian, Latinx, Indigequeer, Two-Spirited, and LGBTQ+ communities, people with disabilities, or people who hold otherwise traditionally marginalized identities to reflect the sector we serve and our collective communities.
Recruitment Process
The current call for Board Directors is to fulfill two upcoming board vacancies, as well as to create a list of interest for future vacancies. Those selected to fill positions will be supported by Board appointment March 25, 2025. After receiving applications, the Board Executive Committee and Executive Director will review and shortlist candidates for interviews. After interviews, the Board Executive Committee will recommend candidates to the board for appointment based on diversity, desired skills, and competencies.