Our Mission
The Vancouver Humane Society is dedicated to exposing and ending animal suffering, cruelty, and exploitation, including supporting individuals, organizations, and governments in caring for the wellbeing of animals.

Our Vision
The Vancouver Humane Society envisions a future in which humanity recognizes and respects the inherent rights and needs of all animals. In this society, all inhumane treatment of animals is unacceptable, while animal care and protection is valued, upheld, and actively pursued by the public and policymakers.

Our Strategic Plan
The Board of Directors approved our strategic priorities between 2024-2028. Read our strategic plan.

Our Values
Collaboration: We strive to build connections and engage with a wide range of diverse communities, organizations, and individuals, to build a stronger, more inclusive, and better informed animal advocacy movement.
Commitment: We set and strive towards innovative goals with meaningful and effective impacts, while maintaining transparency and integrity. We are committed to continually learning and deepening our relationships with the community at large.
Compassion: We treat all beings with kindness, dignity, and empathy, regardless of species. We respect and strive to understand the unique needs, experiences, hardships and traumas of individuals and groups.
Inclusion: We endeavour that efforts to protect and care for animals are equitable, welcoming, and accessible to all, with a commitment to justice and the active pursuit of reconciliation.
Intersectionality: We recognize and address the overlapping and interconnected nature of various social identities and forms of oppression. We share resources, knowledge, and opportunities to support the agency of communities, particularly marginalized and racialized ones, to advocate for and protect animals.